We need to hire a nationally recognized D-coordinator

could the extension of time be because of a hiring process that the school has rather than the fact that they arent sure. you could interview the guy you want 1st but sometimes you legally have to interview more. could that be the case? i have no idea on that side of things but i know they have the rooney rule in the nfl. not sure if there are any stipulations by the school or something holding it up. just a thought, like i said i dont know anything about that side of the hiring process.
Does anyone know if Ferentz is with The Philbin's supporting them with the loss of their son?
I believe the visitation and funeral were yesterday and today. Could be he is focusing on a friend vs. DC position.
I would just like to say that I think it's ridiculous you have to have a "hiring period". If a school knows who they want as their coach, and the feeling is mutual, it's not like interviewing a few other coaches is going to make a difference. It wastes the time of the other candidates, and just prolongs the process unnecessarily. It's kind of like the NFL...if I want to hire Jon Gruden why do I have to interview Raheem Morris first? To make some liberal at a petting zoo donating money to Green Peace feel better?
I just want to see someone that is not a "yes sir" man. We need someone that will push the envelope and spends quality time with Steelers D coordinator to learn every technique possible to make us the most feared defense in the nation. I want someone who wakes up and eats nails for breakfast, then eats @$$ the rest of the day. I want someone who's only motto is "kill or be killed" and has it tattooed on his chest.
I just want to see someone that is not a "yes sir" man. We need someone that will push the envelope and spends quality time with Steelers D coordinator to learn every technique possible to make us the most feared defense in the nation. I want someone who wakes up and eats nails for breakfast, then eats @$$ the rest of the day. I want someone who's only motto is "kill or be killed" and has it tattooed on his chest.

I'm really not sure if I want someone coaching my Hawks who eats a$$...
I just want to see someone that is not a "yes sir" man. We need someone that will push the envelope and spends quality time with Steelers D coordinator to learn every technique possible to make us the most feared defense in the nation. I want someone who wakes up and eats nails for breakfast, then eats @$$ the rest of the day. I want someone who's only motto is "kill or be killed" and has it tattooed on his chest.

So herbie is you're only canidate that dude has that tatted on his chest AND has haiku tatted on his chin
The Iowa coaching staff struggles as is right now. Do you really think they are going to appoint a first time DC. Kf knows the program is in trouble right now not a good time to break in a rookie. IMO Iowa will be adding a DC with major college exp or some nfl experience.
KF doesn't know the program is in trouble. By all indications, he thinks everything is just fine. I mean it's football. These things are cyclical. For him the cycles are 3 years down, 3 years up. Right now he has his eyes on 2014. He knows he is safe until then. He has survived two other 3 year downturns, why shouldn't he be able to coast through this one.

I mean does extending a DC search until there is no chance that guy can help with recruiting look like a coach who knows his program is in trouble. Does his silence regarding his whole backfield transferring indicate a coach who knows his team is in trouble?

Nope, looks like a coach with an "Oh well, that's football," perspective.

The people who are freaked out are the fans. KF knows it just isn't that important. The fans have a hard time grasping that reality.
KF doesn't know the program is in trouble. By all indications, he thinks everything is just fine. I mean it's football. These things are cyclical. For him the cycles are 3 years down, 3 years up. Right now he has his eyes on 2014. He knows he is safe until then. He has survived two other 3 year downturns, why shouldn't he be able to coast through this one. I mean does extending a DC search until there is no chance that guy can help with recruiting look like a coach who knows his program is in trouble. Does his silence regarding his whole backfield transferring indicate a coach who knows his team is in trouble? Nope, looks like a coach with an "Oh well, that's football," perspective. The people who are freaked out are the fans. KF knows it just isn't that important. The fans have a hard time grasping that reality.

Replace Herman
with Caar
and 9 with 3
And you get
I would just like to say that I think it's ridiculous you have to have a "hiring period". If a school knows who they want as their coach, and the feeling is mutual, it's not like interviewing a few other coaches is going to make a difference. It wastes the time of the other candidates, and just prolongs the process unnecessarily. It's kind of like the NFL...if I want to hire Jon Gruden why do I have to interview Raheem Morris first? To make some liberal at a petting zoo donating money to Green Peace feel better?

Im guessing thats why it took oklahoma so long to finalize the announcing of his hiring, was the public posting of job for x days. They just weren't so mum on it, but had to wait the time out nonetheless. kinda a silly rule for any assistant being hired, but it's there for fairness.
I want a defensive coordinator who stops the other team from scoring points. Weather we've heard of the guy before or not means nothing.
Unfortunately I'm afraid it will be PP, nothing like waiting over a month for KF choice when he knew it all along. Very Disappointing.
Everytime I turn on the news it seems I hear the name of a D-Coordinator who has won NATIONAL Championships, name is Jerry San.....*is shot*
Unfortunately I'm afraid it will be PP, nothing like waiting over a month for KF choice when he knew it all along. Very Disappointing.

im starting to think parker will be asst head coach and we will get a position coach from the nfl to move to being dc.
Foval21 I think you could be right. Ferentz models his program after his good friend the hoodie and they do something similar to that. I would not be surprised to see that.
The whole extension is just so the fans have some hope that there will be changes. In the end it will be Parker and they will say they interviewed a lot of good people but he is the best candidate. I have nothing against PP but I don't think he is the best coach or recruiter that Iowa could get. In the end KF wants to reward his friends for loyalty before he does what's best for the program.