We need to get to a 7 man rotation


Well-Known Member
Olaseni, Basabe, Marble, Gesell, Uthoff, White, and Woody need to be dominating the minutes played in the box score.

McCabe, Oglesby, Jok, and Clemmons should be in the game only to rest the players above or provide depth in the event of foul trouble. Use them strategically during dead balls just prior to a TV timeout of just prior to half-time They remain in the game too long and add very little value unless one of the following happens for each player:

Oglewinkel - no game pressure to speak of and he can nail 3s with the best....any game pressure and he shoots like a pedestrian.

McCabe - need some energy and bruiser on the floor to provide that little spark. Outside of that he brings very little. He's too short to play the C and not gifted offensively enough to leave Uthoff, White, or Basabe on the bench.

Clemmons - for defensive purposes only. Should never be allowed to actually run the point on offensive sets...just give the damn ball to Dev and get out of the way.

Jok - get him experience at the B10 level each game but sparingly. He's clearly has the most talent of these four but he's not ready for primetime just yet. Get him in, let him work up a sweat and then get him out.

We got beat last night by a 6 1/2 man rotation. We clearly aren't wearing anybody out with our depth. The best players need to be on the floor the majority of the time even if they are having off or slightly off nights (see Sam Dekker for example).
Completely agree, though I think you need the toughness and senior leadership of McCabe. Oglesby and Sapp provided virtually nothing last night. White needs more minutes and Uthoff should never play only 16, he's one of our best rebounders and scorers.
This would be a huge mistake. The guys you suggest sitting all have talent. We're not losing because of our rotation. Also, I'm in this for the long haul not for 2 or 3 games in particular. The depth and the advantages it brings begin to show as the season progresses and fatigue is more of a factor. Stay the course.
Completely agree, though I think you need the toughness and senior leadership of McCabe. Oglesby and Sapp provided virtually nothing last night. White needs more minutes and Uthoff should never play only 16, he's one of our best rebounders and scorers.

Uthoff only played 16 minutes??? There are 80 minutes between the strong and small forward positions and Uthoff, Basabe, and White should be getting most of them, 25 for two of them and 30 for another. White gets 30 minutes and basabe and uthoff 25 apiece.

Woody and Oleseni at center with maybe McCabe getting a couple minutes there depending on the other teams size at center and matchup situations.

McCabe can get a few minutes at the forward spots.
Uthoff only played 16 minutes??? There are 80 minutes between the strong and small forward positions and Uthoff, Basabe, and White should be getting most of them, 25 for two of them and 30 for another. White gets 30 minutes and basabe and uthoff 25 apiece.

Woody and Oleseni at center with maybe McCabe getting a couple minutes there depending on the other teams size at center and matchup situations.

McCabe can get a few minutes at the forward spots.

Do you know Fran's set rule? Get 2 fouls and you sit the rest of the 1st half. I'm pretty sure Uthoff had 2 in the 1st half and got his 3rd pretty early in the 2nd half. Can anyone verify?
Olaseni, Basabe, Marble, Gesell, Uthoff, White, and Woody need to be dominating the minutes played in the box score.

I say go with an 8-man rotation. Add McCabe to your 7-man list above. Zack provides some senior leadership, hits a high percentage of his FTs, and plays very, very hard. One of the better 3 point shooters (except lately).
Olaseni, Basabe, Marble, Gesell, Uthoff, White, and Woody need to be dominating the minutes played in the box score.

McCabe, Oglesby, Jok, and Clemmons should be in the game only to rest the players above or provide depth in the event of foul trouble. Use them strategically during dead balls just prior to a TV timeout of just prior to half-time They remain in the game too long and add very little value unless one of the following happens for each player:

Oglewinkel - no game pressure to speak of and he can nail 3s with the best....any game pressure and he shoots like a pedestrian.

McCabe - need some energy and bruiser on the floor to provide that little spark. Outside of that he brings very little. He's too short to play the C and not gifted offensively enough to leave Uthoff, White, or Basabe on the bench.

Clemmons - for defensive purposes only. Should never be allowed to actually run the point on offensive sets...just give the damn ball to Dev and get out of the way.

I don't know about a 7-man rotation, but Iowa's best players need to play more minutes. We're past the point of hurting feelings or soothing egos, games need to be won. If that means White plays 34+ minutes in a game, then that needs to happen. It's not all that plausible to play a 10-11 man rotation major minutes unless you have an out of this world roster. Which Iowa doesn't.

The 7-8 guys who play most of the minutes can vary from game to game based on matchups, foul trouble, effectiveness, but especially in the second half of games I'd like to see Iowa shorten the bench and go with the guys who are playing well.

Jok - get him experience at the B10 level each game but sparingly. He's clearly has the most talent of these four but he's not ready for primetime just yet. Get him in, let him work up a sweat and then get him out.

We got beat last night by a 6 1/2 man rotation. We clearly aren't wearing anybody out with our depth. The best players need to be on the floor the majority of the time even if they are having off or slightly off nights (see Sam Dekker for example).
IMO 10 is too much. I'd prefer Iowa State had one more guy that could go as I like to see an 8 man rotation. Gessel and marble should get at least 33-34 minutes at the guard spots.
I say go with an 8-man rotation. Add McCabe to your 7-man list above. Zack provides some senior leadership, hits a high percentage of his FTs, and plays very, very hard. One of the better 3 point shooters (except lately).

I like this thought on paper.... However, unless the plan is to play Mike and Dev both 40 minutes at the 1-2 spot or have Uthoff, White or McCabe play the 2 spot.... it's not feasible.
I like this thought on paper.... However, unless the plan is to play Mike and Dev both 40 minutes at the 1-2 spot or have Uthoff, White or McCabe play the 2 spot.... it's not feasible.

30 to 35 per night is reasonable (and attainable).

C position - Woody and Olaseni rotate every 2 to 6 minutes of game clock barring 2+ PFs in the 1st half. Should either player pick up 2 PFs then McCabe is the backup and picks up those minutes.

PF position - Basabe and White share this spot and run a 3 man rotation with McCabe, if necessary.

SF position - White and Uthoff share this spot and run a 2 man rotation with McCabe, if necessary.

This rotation of 6 players for 3 positions can easily be managed regardless of down and distance. Fouls are the biggest factor but very manageable.

How do you manage the guards?

Oglewinkel comes into the game following the under 12 media timeout but heads to scorers table around the 15 left minute mark and checks in during any deadball scenario for Gesell. Gesell checks out and Marble moves to the point. The goal is to get 2+ game minutes but 4 to 6 minutes of rest for Gesell (you should be smart enough to figure that one out on your own).

Following the under 12 media timeout, either Sapp or Gesell (see rest minute requirements) checks in for Marble. (Jok can be inserted for Oglewinkel at coaches discretion)

Marble returns to the game following any deadball.

It's really not that complicated.

A D1 player gets enough rest during actual game clock time or during media timeouts on the bench.

As stated earlier, fouls are the big deal with a short bench. Role players can get invaluable minutes in short bursts throughout the game and NEVER need to be in the game long enough to be noticed.

That is a pretty good 7 man rotation with emergency valve being McCabe (8th man).
30 to 35 per night is reasonable (and attainable).

C position - Woody and Olaseni rotate every 2 to 6 minutes of game clock barring 2+ PFs in the 1st half. Should either player pick up 2 PFs then McCabe is the backup and picks up those minutes.

PF position - Basabe and White share this spot and run a 3 man rotation with McCabe, if necessary.

SF position - White and Uthoff share this spot and run a 2 man rotation with McCabe, if necessary.

This rotation of 6 players for 3 positions can easily be managed regardless of down and distance. Fouls are the biggest factor but very manageable.

How do you manage the guards?

Oglewinkel comes into the game following the under 12 media timeout but heads to scorers table around the 15 left minute mark and checks in during any deadball scenario for Gesell. Gesell checks out and Marble moves to the point. The goal is to get 2+ game minutes but 4 to 6 minutes of rest for Gesell (you should be smart enough to figure that one out on your own).

Following the under 12 media timeout, either Sapp or Gesell (see rest minute requirements) checks in for Marble. (Jok can be inserted for Oglewinkel at coaches discretion)

Marble returns to the game following any deadball.

It's really not that complicated.

A D1 player gets enough rest during actual game clock time or during media timeouts on the bench.

As stated earlier, fouls are the big deal with a short bench. Role players can get invaluable minutes in short bursts throughout the game and NEVER need to be in the game long enough to be noticed.

That is a pretty good 7 man rotation with emergency valve being McCabe (8th man).

We can't play at the pace we want or press with this type of min distribution in my opinion.
I think the pace would be fine with an an 7/8 man rotation.

You can't only have two guards playing as the op suggests though. Id almost rather see Obelsby than Clemmons at this point, Anthony is to turnover prone anymore.

Gessel, Marble, Uthoff, White and Basabe deserve the most minutes.

Woody and Gabe have good moments but their inability to finish around the rim is ridiculous sometimes. Id rather see Basabe playing the 5 more, he played excellent last night, blocking and rebounding everything in his area and then they forgot about him after his third foul.
10-man rotation isn't the problem. The problem has been FT shooting and shot distribution.

1. Free Throw Shooting

Iowa's three guards are shooting FTs at a below average percentage. Iowa's big men all have higher FT% than the guards with one exception. Basabe is shooting 62.2 compared to Marble's 64.9%.

Gesell is shooting 61.5% and Clemmons 60.0%. There's going to be a comment made that they both can increase their percantage substantially since they haven't shot that many this season. But Both of them are roughly on the same clip for the number of FTs this season as last season. Last season Gesell shot 79.4% and Clemmons 73.1%.

For Gesell to match last season's FT% he will need to go 24-24 and Clemmons will need to go 17-20.

Marble shot 81.0% at the line last season in 189 attempts. He is at the same clip this season and has shot 64.9%. Dev needs to go 90 for 92 to reach last season's FT%.

Iowa's big men are shooting at roughly the same percentage as last year.
Woodbury has gone from 51.0% to 70.4%.
White's FT% is 82.4% up from 74.8% but the rate of FTs is about a quarter of last season's: he's not getting to the line as often.
Enter Uthoff who is taking up about the other quarter of White's FT attempts and leading the team at 83.0%.

Big Game FT%. . . . . . . . . . Marble. .Gesell. . .Clemmons. . Total
Xavier - W(OT) = 77-74 . . . .6/11 . . . 0/0 . . . . 3/5 . . . . . 9/16
Villanova - L = 83-88 . . . . .6/12 . . . 0/0 . . . . 1/1 . . . . . 7/13
ND Irish - W = 98-93 . . . . . .1/2 . . . .2/2 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 3/4
Iowa St - L = 82-85 . . . . . . 5/8 . . . .2/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 7/13
Nebraska - W = 67-57 . . . . . 7/11 . . .3/6 . . . . 2/4 . . . . . 12/21
Wisconsin - L = 71-75 . . . . . 3/4 . . . .3/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . .6/9
. . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . . . . . .28/48 . . 10/18 . . . 6/10 . . . . 44/76

2. Shot Distribution

vs. Xavier = W(OT)
White/Uthoff combined = 10 shots .... Gesell = 11 shots

vs. Villanova = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 7 shots

vs. Notre Dame = W
White/Uthoff combined = 15 shots .... Gesell = 6 shots

vs. Iowa State = L
White/Uthoff combined = 25 shots .... Gesell = 8 shots

vs. Wisconsin = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 12 shots

Here's one thing it would seem to be obvious: Gesell should never have more shots than White/Uthoff combined. Never. Not even close to those two combined. Okay, unless he's like 8/12 from the arc. The exception that proves the rule.
Here's another: White and Uthoff need to shoot the ball more and for Uthoff to shoot more he has to play more.

White is 69/105 (65.7)
Uthoff is 52/90 (57.8) 10/19 3FGM/A
Gesell is 34/90 (37.8) 12/35 3FGM/A
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10-man rotation isn't the problem. The problem has been FT shooting and shot distribution.

1. Free Throw Shooting

Iowa's three guards are shooting FTs at a below average percentage. Iowa's big men all have higher FT% than the guards with one exception. Basabe is shooting 62.2 compared to Marble's 64.9%.

Gesell is shooting 61.5% and Clemmons 60.0%. There's going to be a comment made that they both can increase their percantage substantially since they haven't shot that many this season. But Both of them are roughly on the same clip for the number of FTs this season as last season. Last season Gesell shot 79.4% and Clemmons 73.1%.

For Gesell to match last season's FT% he will need to go 24-24 and Clemmons will need to go 17-20.

Marble shot 81.0% at the line last season in 189 attempts. He is at the same clip this season and has shot 64.9%. Dev needs to go 90 for 92 to reach last season's FT%.

Iowa's big men are shooting at roughly the same percentage as last year.
Woodbury has gone from 51.0% to 70.4%.
White's FT% is 82.4% up from 74.8% but the rate of FTs is about a quarter of last season's: he's not getting to the line as often.
Enter Uthoff who is taking up about the other quarter of White's FT attempts and leading the team at 83.0%.

Big Game FT%. . . . . . . . . . Marble. .Gesell. . .Clemmons. . Total
Xavier - W(OT) = 77-74 . . . .6/11 . . . 0/0 . . . . 3/5 . . . . . 9/16
Villanova - L = 83-88 . . . . .6/12 . . . 0/0 . . . . 1/1 . . . . . 7/13
ND Irish - W = 98-93 . . . . . .1/2 . . . .2/2 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 3/4
Iowa St - L = 82-85 . . . . . . 5/8 . . . .2/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 7/13
Nebraska - W = 67-57 . . . . . 7/11 . . .3/6 . . . . 2/4 . . . . . 12/21
Wisconsin - L = 71-75 . . . . . 3/4 . . . .3/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . .6/9
. . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . . . . . .28/48 . . 10/18 . . . 6/10 . . . . 44/76

2. Shot Distribution

vs. Xavier = W(OT)
White/Uthoff combined = 10 shots .... Gesell = 11 shots

vs. Villanova = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 7 shots

vs. Notre Dame = W
White/Uthoff combined = 15 shots .... Gesell = 6 shots

vs. Iowa State = L
White/Uthoff combined = 25 shots .... Gesell = 8 shots

vs. Wisconsin = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 12 shots

Here's one thing it would seem to be obvious: Gesell should never have more shots than White/Uthoff combined. Never. Not even close to those two combined. Okay, unless he's like 8/12 from the arc. The exception that proves the rule.
Here's another: White and Uthoff need to shoot the ball more and for Uthoff to shoot more he has to play more.

White is 69/105 (65.7)
Uthoff is 52/90 (57.8) 10/19 3FGM/A
Gesell is 34/90 (37.8) 12/35 3FGM/A

Excellent post and I agree 100% with your analogy but it doesn't necessarily refute the 7/8 man rotation.
10-man rotation isn't the problem. The problem has been FT shooting and shot distribution.

1. Free Throw Shooting

Iowa's three guards are shooting FTs at a below average percentage. Iowa's big men all have higher FT% than the guards with one exception. Basabe is shooting 62.2 compared to Marble's 64.9%.

Gesell is shooting 61.5% and Clemmons 60.0%. There's going to be a comment made that they both can increase their percantage substantially since they haven't shot that many this season. But Both of them are roughly on the same clip for the number of FTs this season as last season. Last season Gesell shot 79.4% and Clemmons 73.1%.

For Gesell to match last season's FT% he will need to go 24-24 and Clemmons will need to go 17-20.

Marble shot 81.0% at the line last season in 189 attempts. He is at the same clip this season and has shot 64.9%. Dev needs to go 90 for 92 to reach last season's FT%.

Iowa's big men are shooting at roughly the same percentage as last year.
Woodbury has gone from 51.0% to 70.4%.
White's FT% is 82.4% up from 74.8% but the rate of FTs is about a quarter of last season's: he's not getting to the line as often.
Enter Uthoff who is taking up about the other quarter of White's FT attempts and leading the team at 83.0%.

Big Game FT%. . . . . . . . . . Marble. .Gesell. . .Clemmons. . Total
Xavier - W(OT) = 77-74 . . . .6/11 . . . 0/0 . . . . 3/5 . . . . . 9/16
Villanova - L = 83-88 . . . . .6/12 . . . 0/0 . . . . 1/1 . . . . . 7/13
ND Irish - W = 98-93 . . . . . .1/2 . . . .2/2 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 3/4
Iowa St - L = 82-85 . . . . . . 5/8 . . . .2/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . 7/13
Nebraska - W = 67-57 . . . . . 7/11 . . .3/6 . . . . 2/4 . . . . . 12/21
Wisconsin - L = 71-75 . . . . . 3/4 . . . .3/5 . . . . 0/0 . . . . . .6/9
. . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . . . . . .28/48 . . 10/18 . . . 6/10 . . . . 44/76

2. Shot Distribution

vs. Xavier = W(OT)
White/Uthoff combined = 10 shots .... Gesell = 11 shots

vs. Villanova = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 7 shots

vs. Notre Dame = W
White/Uthoff combined = 15 shots .... Gesell = 6 shots

vs. Iowa State = L
White/Uthoff combined = 25 shots .... Gesell = 8 shots

vs. Wisconsin = L
White/Uthoff combined = 9 shots .... Gesell = 12 shots

Here's one thing it would seem to be obvious: Gesell should never have more shots than White/Uthoff combined. Never. Not even close to those two combined. Okay, unless he's like 8/12 from the arc. The exception that proves the rule.
Here's another: White and Uthoff need to shoot the ball more and for Uthoff to shoot more he has to play more.

White is 69/105 (65.7)
Uthoff is 52/90 (57.8) 10/19 3FGM/A
Gesell is 34/90 (37.8) 12/35 3FGM/A

Great post. It makes me feel much more optimistic about the free throw shooting. It's not like Mike and Dev aren't capable of turning it around. It's just a mental slump.

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