We need a Coaching Assessment A.S.A.P


Well-Known Member
We need to do what Mack Brown is doing at Texas. After going into the season with major expectations and failing to meet up with those he is re evaluating his whole coaching staff and players. I believe this would be a good thing for Iowa to look into after our mediocre season and bowl game. Many of you feel that Ken O 'Keefe needs to be fired. Gary Barta and Kirk Ferentz will make a decision that they believe will benefit the program more and I trust them in their decision making. My wishlist for Iowa this Christmas is.........
1.) Hire a new Special Teams coach. -Kicking team mostly although Meyer is improving every week. Kickoff teams was horrible in the beginning of the season but steadily improved.
2.) HIRE A QB COACH NOW!-As of now KOK is the QB coach =/. I think that JVB can flourish to be a great QB if he has the proper training and with 26 QB's on Iowa's roster this season it sure wouldn't of hurt.
3.) Spread the ball around more on offense- It was nice seeing Chaney getting like 90 reverse plays this season and I think it would be nice to get our Athletes the ball more often. A wildcat play with an athlete like DJK would have been sweet to see once or twice a game, and look how its working out for Nebraska who WAS a traditional pro style offense like Iowa.
4.) Let both the Coaches and Players know if you can't handle your job someone else will. I want people like AROB or KOK that if they aren't doing their job at a high proficiency someone else will carry the load or call the plays.
5.) Change your defensive gameplan for once NORM!- If a team doesn't expect you to blitz, BLITZ! Look at 'Zona for instance, they blitzed the hell outta Iowa and made us one dimensional. Don't expect all our LB's to be a AJ Edds who could cover WR's but send in a blitz once in a while don't let us get picked apart by short slants and crossing patterns.
6.) Fire Ken O' Keefe after this season. This is my personal belief and I think the team will be better off with him gone. We need a guy who isn't afraid to run a flea flicker once in awhile, or a reverse pass. If Iowa does go undefeated with 2 others also undefeated lord knows we won't get in because we don't have "STYLE". This was my wishlist. tell me what change you'd like to see if any.
If KOK steps down, it really won't matter. KF tells the OC and DC what schemes to run. This is KF vision. So even if we hired some offensive genius, Iowa would continue to struggle.

What would really help is a QB coach. Iowa's QB's seem to regress every year, and throughout the season. I think Stanzi was suffering from some poor mechanics, as he couldn't hit anything.

And having a dedicated special teams coach would help too.

But i really doubt anything is going to change. KF will come out and say they will need to review things, make corrections, and just execute better
My question for everyone who wants a QB coach hired...

What position coach do you eliminate to make room for a QB coach? The NCAA strictly limits the number of assistance coaches, so to add one you have to get rid of another. Not just the individual, but the spot on your coaching org chart.
Go find the best guy possible that can do both. I think Jake Christiansen's Dad was diplomatic when he talked about KOK's abilities to coach the QB and he would know now wouldn't he.
We need to do what Mack Brown is doing at Texas. After going into the season with major expectations and failing to meet up with those he is re evaluating his whole coaching staff and players. I believe this would be a good thing for Iowa to look into after our mediocre season and bowl game. Many of you feel that Ken O 'Keefe needs to be fired. Gary Barta and Kirk Ferentz will make a decision that they believe will benefit the program more and I trust them in their decision making. My wishlist for Iowa this Christmas is.........
1.) Hire a new Special Teams coach. -Kicking team mostly although Meyer is improving every week. Kickoff teams was horrible in the beginning of the season but steadily improved.
2.) HIRE A QB COACH NOW!-As of now KOK is the QB coach =/. I think that JVB can flourish to be a great QB if he has the proper training and with 26 QB's on Iowa's roster this season it sure wouldn't of hurt.
3.) Spread the ball around more on offense- It was nice seeing Chaney getting like 90 reverse plays this season and I think it would be nice to get our Athletes the ball more often. A wildcat play with an athlete like DJK would have been sweet to see once or twice a game, and look how its working out for Nebraska who WAS a traditional pro style offense like Iowa.
4.) Let both the Coaches and Players know if you can't handle your job someone else will. I want people like AROB or KOK that if they aren't doing their job at a high proficiency someone else will carry the load or call the plays.
5.) Change your defensive gameplan for once NORM!- If a team doesn't expect you to blitz, BLITZ! Look at 'Zona for instance, they blitzed the hell outta Iowa and made us one dimensional. Don't expect all our LB's to be a AJ Edds who could cover WR's but send in a blitz once in a while don't let us get picked apart by short slants and crossing patterns.
6.) Fire Ken O' Keefe after this season. This is my personal belief and I think the team will be better off with him gone. We need a guy who isn't afraid to run a flea flicker once in awhile, or a reverse pass. If Iowa does go undefeated with 2 others also undefeated lord knows we won't get in because we don't have "STYLE". This was my wishlist. tell me what change you'd like to see if any.

AMEN!!!! to everything you said!
Valid points. I do agree that an assessment must be made as it should be every year. The only caveat to hiring a new position coach (as before mentioned) is the "rob Peter to pay Paul" part. Although a couple of the losses can be attributed to the special teams, it's tough to put too much blame on a walk-on true freshman kicker. Yes, he should be expected to make most of his FGs and XPs but the question is, how do you coach it? Now punt coverage/protection is a different story. Same with kick off returns/coverage. Still, how many games has Iowa won latly when they returned a KO for a TD?

The problem with blitzing, you need the right personnel for DBs. See the NU game. Norm Parker is one of the best defensive minds in the country, the problem is with his health issues, he may be out the door soon.
Valid points. I do agree that an assessment must be made as it should be every year. The only caveat to hiring a new position coach (as before mentioned) is the "rob Peter to pay Paul" part. Although a couple of the losses can be attributed to the special teams, it's tough to put too much blame on a walk-on true freshman kicker. Yes, he should be expected to make most of his FGs and XPs but the question is, how do you coach it? Now punt coverage/protection is a different story. Same with kick off returns/coverage. Still, how many games has Iowa won latly when they returned a KO for a TD?

The problem with blitzing, you need the right personnel for DBs. See the NU game. Norm Parker is one of the best defensive minds in the country, the problem is with his health issues, he may be out the door soon.

I definitely agree. Norm is a mastermind and its going to be sad if he can't be there coaching the team someday but Iowa has the motto the next man in and thats what we will need to do the day he leaves whether it be tomorrow or 20 years from now.
My question for everyone who wants a QB coach hired...

What position coach do you eliminate to make room for a QB coach? The NCAA strictly limits the number of assistance coaches, so to add one you have to get rid of another. Not just the individual, but the spot on your coaching org chart.

We just don't hire a special teams coach. We don't have one of those now do we? Wait, oh god, we do. That's a shocker. I thought the University was saving money.
Same staff we had last year that won the Orange Bowl. Special teams coach needs to go for sure, but the real problem was losing Eads, Angerer, and Spivey. D-Line looked very average without them. Once we lost AZ and Wisconsin we didn't have leaders to keep the team going
Nope very true. Norm has this unbelieveable urge to get punished by slot receivers on LBs.
I agree...major changes need to be made with this "coaching" staff. But it won't happen. After all, we are just lowly 'ol Iowa and should get down on our knees and give thanks that we have one of best coaches in the country in Kirk Ferentz. Just going to a bowl game most years should be good enough.

Ferentz has gotten stale as Iowa's head coach. He won't get rid of KOK. And he is too stubborn to change.
I don't get it. Mack Brown isn't above looking at his coaching staff, but Kirk Ferentz is. Why is that no AD or NFL team hasn't tried to pry O'keefe out of Iowa City? And why in the hell does Iowa still insist on having LB's cover wideouts on obvious passing downs? How many times will Iowa fall victim to no adjustments being made game in, game out, year in, year out?
Yeah you are right...Jon just said it on SoundOff here's what Kirk would say I'm not passing because 2 of 3 things that can happen are bad. That's a Woody Hayes mentality and while Woody was very successful he got too old to do this job too and that's why he was dismissed.
If we are going to continue to run a pro style offense, we need to start finding pro level QBs. Now.... for a long winter of Hawkeye Bball. sigh.
LOL! I'll wager you a bet right now that Iowa's current QB will be at the pro level next year.

There is a good chance he'll get a chance in camp somewhere yes. If you notice though, our track record of pro QBs isn't real good. I can see him being in camp with someone, either by late late draft choice or FA signing. I'd be shocked if he ever gets a snap in a regular season NFL game though. He does not have the arm strength or accuracy to make it in the next level IMO.
There is a good chance he'll get a chance in camp somewhere yes. If you notice though, our track record of pro QBs isn't real good. I can see him being in camp with someone, either by late late draft choice or FA signing. I'd be shocked if he ever gets a snap in a regular season NFL game though. He does not have the arm strength or accuracy to make it in the next level IMO.

I'm sorry, but Mel Kiper was just on the Mike and Mike show this week and he said that the name that is coming up among NFL GM's more and more was Ricky Stanzi. He said that Stanzi will go late 2nd to mid 3rd round. Again you may not like Mel Kiper, or you may, but he has his pulse on these type of dealings as well as anyone.
You're probably right. Things tend to work well when you have Brad Banks, Dallas Clark, etc. If you don't you need coaching to help you win games you may not be able to out gun the other team through "execution"

The two minute offense has been a joke for years, masked by the Capital One Bowl miracle for awhile.

The same mistakes have become overly obvious and a coaching "philosophy" is probably in order. Probably won't happen, but it probably should.

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