We need a Coaching Assessment A.S.A.P

This is even a simpler issue;

How about putting out a great o-line again? This line would average 6' 4" and 300 lbs and we would simply try to run the football around 60% of the time.

I bet this formula would net 8-9 wins most seasons with an occasional 10+ season when the defense is stout and the special teams are good.

It's not schemes.... it's personnel related.

Again,,, ask yourself which team in the Big Ten started the two smallest lineman in the conference? ..... Which team then had problems sustaining drives after MSU ????

I'll take a fabulous o-line over with marginal skilled players any day and beat your team of great skilled players with crappy blocking.

Run the football and stop the run wins many big ten contests.

So many people are into 'glitz and glamour' over 'substance'.
I don't get it. Mack Brown isn't above looking at his coaching staff, but Kirk Ferentz is. Why is that no AD or NFL team hasn't tried to pry O'keefe out of Iowa City? And why in the hell does Iowa still insist on having LB's cover wideouts on obvious passing downs? How many times will Iowa fall victim to no adjustments being made game in, game out, year in, year out?

Mack Brown is getting drug through the coals by the Texas media. Every week columnists are tearing him apart, there is a ton of pressure on him to make changes. The Iowa media never does that Ferentz, they just toss him softball questions all the time or if they do ask him a hard question, he just sidesteps it and that's that. no follow up questions. We need some reporters who aren't afraid of Ferentz and will actually get him to answer some tough questions.

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