Well-Known Member
I just tried to Like that, Jack...They can't help themselves, they are only human, Shane.....
I just tried to Like that, Jack...They can't help themselves, they are only human, Shane.....
I'll just register my disbelief again at how sensitive the world has become. Holy crap, if we can't take a joke/a little trash talk over sports, no wonder we can't reach any common ground over anything serious!
I'll just register my disbelief again at how sensitive the world has become. Holy crap, if we can't take a joke/a little trash talk over sports, no wonder we can't reach any common ground over anything serious!
Right... I like the Hoiburger idea. That makes sense... but for a local business to take it a step further by taking a potshot at another local fan base is pretty dumb. Now I thought it was kinda funny, but it was also a pretty stupid move. They probably should have just left it at the Hoiburger part.
It's a stupid reason for people to boycott a business, but there are plenty of stupid people out there (just take one look at CyFan to confirm that). I guarantee you some folks won't go in there anymore because of something so petty. Which is what makes it a stupid move by whomever made this decision. You have to anticipate the way you're joke is going to come across. I bet the guy who pulled this stunt didn't make his manager very happy.
This, I thought it was funny too and the Hoiburger idea was good marketing! the pot shot from a business is what I called out....
no problem with the joke at all, just the source that it came from a business. If it was a neighbor, co-worker, friend, family I would have laughed and enjoyed it. Just not a place looking for my business. my opinion
Hy-vee didn't take a shot at a fan base. They took a shot at a bunch of college kids.
I'm pretty sure HyVee is doing just fine..even if a couple of people decide not to shop there over a joke about a hamburger..that company is making $$$$$. So this whole thing is really dumb and the manager who posted it should not be fired..probably just reminded to think next time
So, was in Jordan Creek and saw that they seriously had ads for ISU painted on the stairs.
Wow. I remember when we made fun of Iowa State fans for all their crazy boycotts. Apparently we have sunk to their level. If this got your panties in a bunch you need to have a drink and chill the **** out.
Tomorrow's HyVee special is Freddie Flapjacks, served flat and cold, leaving your appetite just a bit short.
I wouldn't make McCabe jokes if I were you. He will find you, and he doesn't have a sense of humor.I feel like there's a few McCabe jokes to be made here.