Was roughing the passer the right call?

By the rule book yeah what he did was against that... He landed directly on him and didn't really make an effort to slide off he drove him into the ground when he didn't have to.

I'm of the old school world where that never used to be a thing and that was just football. You're asking guys who are working and moving their asses off to have the ability to in a split second regardless of how the QB moves and what all is going on around them to not do that. It's just too much it's either tackle football or it's not. Landing on guys is just part of it
From this angle, you can even see that Schulte unwraps him on the way to the ground, as opposed to lifting and driving him into the turf. Not really sure what else he can do in this instance:

After watching the illegal crackback, I am more inclined to think that was the right call. Dunker lowered his shoulder and leaned in just enough to go over the line.
I remember Yandas crackback on that ISU dude and he about killed him. It was as textbook of a crackback block as you could have between a big Olineman and a little DB. They damn near shoulda changed the rule because of that one. It was the right call on Dunker 100%. That's gotta be tough to coach out of guys cause it's just instinctual. You see a guy and you want to block him.
I remember Yandas crackback on that ISU dude and he about killed him. It was as textbook of a crackback block as you could have between a big Olineman and a little DB. They damn near shoulda changed the rule because of that one. It was the right call on Dunker 100%. That's gotta be tough to coach out of guys cause it's just instinctual. You see a guy and you want to block him.

You can tell Dunker held up, he could have Yanda'd that guy. But he didn't hold up enough, so it was the right call. Basically, if it would be a foul as a screen in basketball, then it is too much on the football field when the guy doesn't see you coming. It did draw 5 flags on the play, so there was certainly consensus among the officials.
You can tell Dunker held up, he could have Yanda'd that guy. But he didn't hold up enough, so it was the right call. Basically, if it would be a foul as a screen in basketball, then it is too much on the football field when the guy doesn't see you coming. It did draw 5 flags on the play, so there was certainly consensus among the officials.
True yeah Dunker didn't go all out on it. Which was good for the other guy. It is a really dangerous play when guys as big as Dunker can blast small guys. I'm good with that rule