Warning: Not A Football Topic Thread!

I try to be in the gym 5 days and run 6 days/week. I drink the smoothie to get all the veggies and minerals in one easy shot. In that respect it's more of weight regulation I guess because it's only a couple hundred calories but I feel full until noon. I don't really do if for that but it would work. Every day at lunch I eat a cup of brown rice mixed with 5 oz. of chopped chicken breast, a tablespoon of honey, shot of soy sauce, and a little Old Bay seasoning. Every single day unless I'm out of town or doing something away from work or home. That and the smoothie is pretty low cal, so I take a little more leeway with my evening meal.

As far as feeling good, I noticed the first week that I had more energy in the morning and just generally felt "good." One word of caution that HawkeyeWalker can attest to, if you drink a smoothie with a ridiculous amount of fiber, when your body tells you it's time, it's time. Be prepared.

A couple other points...

-You can't do this without a really, really good blender. If you try it with grandma's Osterizer you'll be eating it, not drinking it.

-The smoothie I make tastes like absolute dog shit. Don't buy an expensive blender until you decide you can handle green smoothies. The closest thing I can describe it in terms of smell and (I'm assuming) taste is what's left under the deck of your mower at the end of the summer. HwakeyeWalker's recipe probably tastes good.

I'll stick with fries, pizza and beer, I guess!
Great nutrition ... bad math. 16 Oz in a pound. 8 oz in a half pound.

Haha, I was going to reply with the same 'go back to school' on your division of 1 oz in a pound but I thought I would go through the rest of the replies and you did it first. I was scratching my head when I read his/her original message.
To you and Fryiowa. When you say it helps, does it help with weight control or regulation? Peppiness? What's it help with or how does make you feel?

All of the above. weight, regularity, well being, etc. just wish I could be more disciplined with it. Simply put, for me it's an easy way to get more veggies, less calories, more protein, less sugar. and offsets some of the poor eating I do other times.
I try to be in the gym 5 days and run 6 days/week. I drink the smoothie to get all the veggies and minerals in one easy shot. In that respect it's more of weight regulation I guess because it's only a couple hundred calories but I feel full until noon. I don't really do if for that but it would work. Every day at lunch I eat a cup of brown rice mixed with 5 oz. of chopped chicken breast, a tablespoon of honey, shot of soy sauce, and a little Old Bay seasoning. Every single day unless I'm out of town or doing something away from work or home. That and the smoothie is pretty low cal, so I take a little more leeway with my evening meal.

As far as feeling good, I noticed the first week that I had more energy in the morning and just generally felt "good." One word of caution that HawkeyeWalker can attest to, if you drink a smoothie with a ridiculous amount of fiber, when your body tells you it's time, it's time. Be prepared.

A couple other points...

-You can't do this without a really, really good blender. If you try it with grandma's Osterizer you'll be eating it, not drinking it.

-The smoothie I make tastes like absolute dog shit. Don't buy an expensive blender until you decide you can handle green smoothies. The closest thing I can describe it in terms of smell and (I'm assuming) taste is what's left under the deck of your mower at the end of the summer. HwakeyeWalker's recipe probably tastes good.

You're doing way more than me. Good on ya.
You guys should put a banana in your smoothies to sweeten them up. What are ya? (Bill Burr reference)
We've probably all done this at least once to some degree:

I bought a small carton of chocolate milk at a convenience store to wash down a doughnut. I took two big gulps before I realized it was partially curdled...GAG.

Another time was when I was about twelve years old or so. My mom used to pour grease from frying pans into coffee containers and leave it in the fridge until it was full to throw away. One time she must have not had a coffee container and chose to put it in a pudding dish instead. When I came home from school, that butterscotch pudding sure looked good to me and I grabbed a big spoon...DOUBLE GAG.
Ok. A little downtime until the bowl game so posting this to pass the time. There's no off-topic so.........

Anyway, what's the grossest, weirdest, oddest or hottest thing you have eaten or witnessed someone else eating. Weird animals, scorching hot peppers, bugs. Anything. Just curious what people have tried, sober or drunk.

I've tried the raw egg on a couple occasions. Not really bad at all as it slides down. One time years ago we were having a Michigan Iowa football game party and we did silent bets on who would eat a scorpion out of a Tequila bottle. Sure crap, one of the guys ate it. It was a good 3" long to. There, I made it football related.

I ate stuff in Madagascar that would normally elicit, "Not fit for human consumption..." tag, which begged the question: Were we, at any time, consuming humans?

On the other hand, I actually had great pizza there, and out in semi-boonies I had the very best greens (they weren't collards, someone said Swiss-chard related) I have ever tasted.

Oh, and they have a "national drink" that is "rice water." It's when the rice has been cooked in a huge pot with lots of burnt-to-the-pot residue. Water is added back to the top, said water is "simmered" for a while. One missionary host remarked, "It's an acquired taste". Note that I failed to acquire said taste.