Want to say Hello.....

Pump the brakes, there, NEIC ... whether a "breath of fresh air" or "broken wind" is yet to be determined.:cool: As for the criticism ... FRESH MEAT!;)

After just migrating over from many years on the rivals boards, I must say I really like how these boards are managed. Not only by the Mods but the posters themselves. It looks as though people can speak their minds but yet stay semi respectful of others opinions. It also appears the Mods are not "Ban" happy here.

I'm looking forward to many great discussions and even some outright disagreements from time to time. To me, regardless of your view points we are all Hawk fans and that is why we are here..... Hello HN!

You are off to a bad start this post is clearly in the wrong forum. Should be in the catch all forum not football.

Also know that when people on this board say “the golden yearsâ€￾ of Hawkeye basketball they are referring to the Licklighter years. He is considered a god on here NEVER use him as the butt of your jokes!
You are off to a bad start this post is clearly in the wrong forum. Should be in the catch all forum not football.

Also know that when people on this board say “the golden years” of Hawkeye basketball they are referring to the Licklighter years. He is considered a god on here NEVER use him as the butt of your jokes!

I suppose this means it's time to take down my Custom Ronnie Lester FatHead? The golden years were well before Lick and hopefully long after. I guess I will have to take my lumps from the Pro Lick crowd as his time here was nothing short of a dumpster fire. Now that I got that outta the way, that attacks on me for not being a "true" fan can begin.