wanna change your season predictions?


Well-Known Member
Well I had iowa going 9-3 with my forsure loss coming against Pitt and Maryland, and a split between Wisconsin and Nebraska.

Here is my new pick after three games. Starting with a 2-1 record.

Purdue-toss up but ill say W
Bye-they beat themselves in practice, so L
Nwestern- toss up, I can see iowa blowing this one
Minnesota-L (I can see this being just like ISU)
Illinois-W (can we stop wes lunt?)

Either 4-8 or 5-7,

Judging by the way we have been playing, this is honestly what I think now. Some of you may think this is sour grapes on my part, but does anyone actually think this team can win 6+ games?
I won't change it yet. I said 9-3, and I doubt we get there, but I think we can get 8 wins. The coaches have to figure out a way to give these guys a chance to win.

It is a long season fellas. I still think we have enough talent on this team to win a lot of games. It is going to come down to coaching, and I have totally lost faith in that area of the game, but I think our players can overcome some of that.
If they make some overhauls, the hawks could get to 8 wins max.

Before the first kickoff I imagined every game was one that Iowa could win.

I don't anticipate the hawks making significant changes. They'll just try to execute better. And this will be the source of vitriol for the rest of the year.

My new prediction is 2-10

I think Barta needs to invest now in a coaching change. Take the drop off that comes with a new coach and by the time KF's contract would be up, they might be back to being competitive again. If Iowa will be down, maybe up a little and have to go through the drop of a new coach 4 years (or what ever) from now.
I had said I would be disappointed in anything less than 8 wins and really expected 9, given the schedule and what we had returning, allowing for time for the LBs to develop.

I still believe we have the talent for 8+ wins. But because of offensive scheme and lack of identity....I think we Might get to 6-7 wins. If the offense from the first 3 games shows up in the B1G games...3-4 wins...maybe.

Never have I felt this utterly futile.

Prove me Wrong Hawks...I beg you! Until then, we are the bottom if a bad B1G.
I thought 8 wins looked very do-able - 9 or 10 if we got on a roll/got some lucky breaks.

Now, I think 6-6 (4-4) is probably best case.

@Pitt L
@Purdue L
Indiana W
@Maryland L
@Minny L
@Illinois W
Wisconsin W
Nebraska L
No. I didn't make any. The hype this team received in the off season was a joke. A contender? No way. Who did this team beat last year? Nobody.
I had Iowa at 8-4 to begin the season. I realized the schedule looked manageable but given what I've seen the past 2 years and Kirk being a very poor gameday coach, I knew it would cost us. Well I didn't expect the offense to be WORSE than 2012 and given how they've looked so putrid the 1st 3 games and haven't even played the best teams on the schedule yet, I think 5 wins is more realistic. Kirk won't be fired and doubt any change at OC will come. It is all on Gary Barta and Kirk.

Look Gary Barta has done a magnificent job at fundraising and keeping Iowa athletics academics on top but when it comes to competition on the court/field in women and men's athletics, Iowa has the least amount of Big Ten championships in the conference. Barta is more focused on academics and money. He won't make a change at coach because 1) he gave Kirk the contract and 2) it's a reflection of him. Plus, do we really want Barta to make the decision after what he's done with the basketball hires?
I had Iowa going 10-2 with a loss to Minnesota, Northwestern, or Maryland and a loss to Wisconsin or Nebraska. After seeing the offense stub its toe three weeks in a row, I have to relinquish some of my optimism. I still think this is a bowl team, but I think we're looking at 7-8 regular season wins.

With the points Iowa has put up in its games so far this season, you are asking the defense to give up 2 touchdowns or less for a win.

Pitt - 30ppg L
Purdue - 24ppg L
Indiana - 35ppg L
Maryland 34ppg L
Northwestern - 19ppg W
Minnesota - 28ppg L
Illinois 24ppg L
Wisconsin - 30ppg L
Nebraska 33ppg L

That's one more win on paper...
I see a 5-7 final record. They will beat northwestern and illinois to get 4 wins, then will as a fluke beat either Indiana, Purdue or Minnesota to be 5-7.
I thought 9-3. Losses vs Pitt, Maryland and split with Wisky or Neb..

Pitt- L
Purdue- W
Indiana- W
Maryland- L
Illinois- W
So I'm at 7-5. I have no analysis to go with this. Every game is a toss up with our style of play. I'm going to the Illinois game and I'm 4-0 the past 4 road trips I've made So that basically locks that win up. (2010 Indiana, 2011 Purdue, 2012 Michigan State, 2013 Minnesota)

I could see 9-3 hold and i could also see 2-10, So that's fun.
Pitt- L
Purdue- W
Indiana- W
Maryland- L
Illinois- L

7-5 (or 5-7 if Iowa has packed it in at the end of the year)

I had Iowa 8-4

After the bowl game, 7-6. He will do just enough to keep Barta happy........I don't like penciling in Wisky and Neb as wins, but Ferentz teams typically play their best ball at that time...unless they have packed it in (which could happen in that case change it to 5-7).
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Actually, I think 4-8 would get him fired....7-5/6-6 is where it gets a little dicey.
There's no dice to throw there. There's no way in hell that Iowa eats a $14 million buyout to fire a coach that just went to a bowl game, and our schedule is so freaking pathetic that I don't see how he can possibly miss one. It only gets mildly interesting at 5-7 or worse, and even then he is 100% guaranteed to come back for at least one more season.

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