Vote for Hoiberg


Hello guys and girls, I know a lot of you maybe already have, or possibly there is absolutely no chance that you ever would, but if you have a minute please go to the ESPN Infiniti Coaches Challenge, and vote for Coach Hoiberg in the final four of this fund raising opportunity. The winner will be given 100k to go to a charity of his choice, and obviously with Holberg it will be going towards heart disease. I saw posted on twitter last night that if won the money will also be staying within the state Iowa. No matter what your allegiance is this is a great opportunity for our local research facilities to receive funding they need to battle a disease that has probably affected all of us in one way or another, or will affect us in the future.

If this has been posted on here already I do apologize for adding clutter to the feed, but felt it is an important enough opportunity to not only fight a wide spread disease, but to also support our local institutions.

Thank you!
I voted. I'm a big Hoiberg fan.

Straight up guy who doesn't beat his wife or get caught holding a can of Natty Light at a Kansas fraternity party.
Thank you to those who are voting for Holberg, and the state of Iowa. Hopefully he can pull it out, and that 100k can come here to Iowa. To the others.. So I guess you really are sticking to that logic that you don't really care about beating Iowa State? Seems it might be all that you care about. Doesn't seem to have much to do with charity
Thank you to those who are voting for Holberg, and the state of Iowa. Hopefully he can pull it out, and that 100k can come here to Iowa. To the others.. So I guess you really are sticking to that logic that you don't really care about beating Iowa State? Seems it might be all that you care about. Doesn't seem to have much to do with charity

I, for one, didn't vote against Ferd. I voted for Matt Painter and his wonderful charity and a cause that needs more exposure and funds.
Thank you to those who are voting for Holberg, and the state of Iowa. Hopefully he can pull it out, and that 100k can come here to Iowa. To the others.. So I guess you really are sticking to that logic that you don't really care about beating Iowa State? Seems it might be all that you care about. Doesn't seem to have much to do with charity

So I voted for Hoiberg but after reading this ****** post im creating two alts and voting twice for Painter.
Thank you to those who are voting for Holberg, and the state of Iowa. Hopefully he can pull it out, and that 100k can come here to Iowa. To the others.. So I guess you really are sticking to that logic that you don't really care about beating Iowa State? Seems it might be all that you care about. Doesn't seem to have much to do with charity

Classic false dichotomy. One of the all-time top logical fallacies.
Thank you to those who are voting for Holberg, and the state of Iowa. Hopefully he can pull it out, and that 100k can come here to Iowa. To the others.. So I guess you really are sticking to that logic that you don't really care about beating Iowa State? Seems it might be all that you care about. Doesn't seem to have much to do with charity

You keep throwing this "the money stays in Iowa" thing around like you know it to be true. Do you have proof of this at all? The American Heart Association is based out of Dallas, Texas with affiliations all over the country, including Iowa. Where is your proof that 100% of the money goes to and stays in Iowa?

The only "proof" I've seen that the money stays in Iowa is that Fred Hoiberg's mom claimed this on Twitter in between all of her other desperate attempts to get her son to win this voting contest.

It seems to me you are just throwing around this "the money stays in Iowa" claim as a ploy to get us to vote for your person....which if true is rather sickening. Hopefully you can prove otherwise

PS - I voted for Painter because I've never heard of that disease and for rare diseases, $100k can go a lot further towards awareness, treatment and cures than $100k going towards heart disease.

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