Video Tonight of Joe Paterno being interviewed

it is clear to me that JoePa is senile and likely has no clue of what is going on. he may have be suffering from this as far back as 10 years ago when this all went down. it would make a lot more sense as to why he allowed Sandusky to stick around.
So by "We are Penn State" do these fans mean the fully support enabling the rape of children? That's what Paterno and at least 5 other employees of the college did by keeping things in house and letting the predator have access to Penn State facilities. More kids were raped because the "We are Penn State" mentality kept this in-house.

I haven't been following the story and tonight I finally read what happened. This is just SICK. ANYONE who knew about this and didn't report it to the authorities should be fired immediately and charged with obstruction of justice. Prison is just not enough for Sandusky. This evil he has done is worse than murder. This is an absolute OUTRAGE!. Fire all these weak pieces of crap.
Wow, my wife is in P.R., and she about lost her s--t when she saw that. Who is in charge of P.R. at PSU Athletic Dept.???

I'm pretty sure this little meeting wasn't set up by a PR person from PSU. I think they've been trying to keep him away from the cameras for obvious reasons.

And I don't buy the dementia theory. I think JoePa is just an arrogant SOB. He's had total control over everything in that town for so long that he probably just figures he can take control over this situation as well.
If the GA reported it to Paterno, Paterno did the same thing with his superior (both were incorrect choices), each chain of command had ample opportunities to alert the authorities- and each thought the other took care of it, or follow up was done by Paterno and we have no knowledge. Let the courts go through with it,

The problem here is that he was in the know a LONG time ago. At some point he has to say, "hey, why wasn't anything done here? Why were no authorities notified?" But it doesnt seem as if he did. That is what I have the problem with. You just don't say, "oh yeah, well I did my part. I told my boss. If he doesn't get in trouble, then they must have figured it out".

It was child molestation. Not a dude with a drug problem.
I'm pretty sure this little meeting wasn't set up by a PR person from PSU. I think they've been trying to keep him away from the cameras for obvious reasons.

And I don't buy the dementia theory. I think JoePa is just an arrogant SOB. He's had total control over everything in that town for so long that he probably just figures he can take control over this situation as well.

Exactly. He's acting just like the dictator he is. If he was such a great, unselfish guy who only cared about "his kids," he would have given one of them the opportunity to be head coach decades ago.

He'll have to be removed, kicking and screaming, in the next couple days. And they may need a restraining order against him when he still tries showing up at work the next day.

He is suppose to be old school, but the sense of entitlement is so much greater than anything you'd ever see in a 20 year old kid these days.
Didn't think I could have less respect for Paterno.....then I watched that video. #?@$ you Paterno. If he can't understand how insensitive leading a cheer is on the same day a young man had to admit to the world being a victim of this horrible crime then he is an absolutely worthless human being. Hope you rot in hell. I will have my own little cheer on the day Paterno has to explain his actions to god.

Ban me if you want.....
On KCRG news, not shown in the video, Paterno ends with "Let's beat Nebraska!" Makes me think of his old commercial, "Come to Penn St!"
The more I think about it, the more I can't buy the "He is old, senile, and probably has dementia" angle. My grandma's are 92 and 85, and both are as sharp as a tack, in fact I know when I talk to the older one this weekend she is going to ask me about the whole Joe Pa situation and talk about how sickening it is, and then she will remember the exact date that he took over as coach and tell me what she had for dinner that night.

I really think before this is all over we are going to find out about all sorts of other things that happened in Happy Valley over his tenure that were swept under the rug all these years, as it appears that he just doesn't understand that things have actually gotten outside their control this time and everyone knows what is going on.
The more I think about it, the more I can't buy the "He is old, senile, and probably has dementia" angle. My grandma's are 92 and 85, and both are as sharp as a tack, in fact I know when I talk to the older one this weekend she is going to ask me about the whole Joe Pa situation and talk about how sickening it is, and then she will remember the exact date that he took over as coach and tell me what she had for dinner that night.

I really think before this is all over we are going to find out about all sorts of other things that happened in Happy Valley over his tenure that were swept under the rug all these years, as it appears that he just doesn't understand that things have actually gotten outside their control this time and everyone knows what is going on.

As far as the dementia angle goes, it was never his age that directly made me consider it. Obviously, his age is a factor in drawing that conclusion. But the way he's handled press conferences/postgame/etc. over the last few years have given the appearance of a man who perhaps is no longer sharp as a tack.

Not all people of his age suffer from dementia (thank God for that). But he definitely hasn't seemed like a guy who's had it all upstairs.

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