Video: Prime Cuts: Iowa Hoops Run 9-15-12

Granted this was just a scrimmage and these are just the highlights, I really like what Woody brought in the low post. That up and under move was pretty sweet. He might just be more ready to contribute right away than some think. If Fran and Co. can develop his inside game and get him to stop bringing the ball down and dribbling once before going up strong, he is going to have a bright future.
I saw a little bit of the scrimmage. Clemmons is going to get some minutes. They say he is going to be a backup, so it is good KF is not his coach, as this guy needs to see the floor. His defense is going to be huge for us this year. He disrupted almost every time down the floor. Had a steal, that May finished with a nice assist. A with times down the court later, May had another assist that ended in a one handed dunk by Woody. Very nice.

Wish I could have stayed to watch more. We should have a team that goes dancing this year. Good work Fran.
Thanks, Jon, Woody and Gabe look impressive. I realize it is a scrimmage but none the less. I love Josh's jump shot. Looked like Gatens on one shot from the right wing, and I like him taking it to the basket, opening up his game. I think he is an opportunist who is deceptively quick like Aaron, who will be HUGE this year. Agree with the SalesDude, we probably go dancing......
I wrote in March, after the loss in the NIT, that I would be content fast forwarding the calendar to November so we could start it all over again. Now that football is here and it's mid September, I am OK playing things out but cannot wait for hoops to get going in earnest.
I wrote in March, after the loss in the NIT, that I would be content fast forwarding the calendar to November so we could start it all over again. Now that football is here and it's mid September, I am OK playing things out but cannot wait for hoops to get going in earnest.

Very nice job with the highlights. Keep it coming.
Great job on the highlights. Surprised to see Gabe moving and finishing with some authority. Seems to be losing that tentativeness that he displayed last year. Not hard to see the athleticism. He seemed to be getting after it a lot. Hope that carries over into the season.
Ok, I'm going to be that guy, and I know it was a scrimmage, but to me the intensity was extremely low, nearly non-existent. Some of those buckets were unattested and parts looked like a NBA game. The clemmons block on MG was pretty sweet though
Like the play of Gabe Olesani and Woodbury. A little nervous about Oglesby. On his first highlight, he pump faked from 3 and dribbled. Really hope he is able to pull up and shoot this season.
I really like the aggressive defense that Clemmons appears to bring to the perimeter. Iowa has so badly needed that sort of disruptive presence on the other end of the floor. Agree with dmShortSaledude that he needs to get minutes.

A question for those who were there or who have seen Woodbury in action; he's tall and has a shot, granted. But in these clips he looks slow getting the ball up above his head for the shot or going to the hole. Better athletes in the conference will get their share of blocks on him or get him in foul trouble, it looks like to me. Where am I wrong in that assessment?
I really like the aggressive defense that Clemmons appears to bring to the perimeter. Iowa has so badly needed that sort of disruptive presence on the other end of the floor. Agree with dmShortSaledude that he needs to get minutes.

A question for those who were there or who have seen Woodbury in action; he's tall and has a shot, granted. But in these clips he looks slow getting the ball up above his head for the shot or going to the hole. Better athletes in the conference will get their share of blocks on him or get him in foul trouble, it looks like to me. Where am I wrong in that assessment?

Wasn't at scrimmage, so I cannot legally comment but I know everyone cares what I think so here it is::p You are probably right. That is very typical for freshman post players. Will most likely be in foul trouble regularly and foul out a few games as well.
A few thoughts I have on these clips.

Woody will continue to work on and improve his hands. He needs to not stand straight up when he catches the ball in the low post. The up-and-under is a quality move that requires patience. It's nice to see him execute that even in this setting. The jump hook coming from that height will be almost unstoppable if he can work on using his body to get good position. Also, the fact that he's a lefty will be huge for him as it's just a different thing for people to defend (it sounds strange, but there's something to that).

May's highlight was something that would be great if he could repeat it consistently - pulling the trigger on a mid-range jumper with confidence.

McCabe - I like him even though he doesn't seem like he's great at anything. I think he'll be our glue guy. Poor man's Brian Cardinal.

Gabe - The thing I loved was at about the 2 min. mark. He jumped twice before anyone else even got in the air once. Quick jumping is an amazing thing on the basketball court.

Clemmons has Spiderman hands. That will start transition baskets/dunks.

I'm more excited for Mike G. to don the black and gold than for any other Hawk bb player ever. He just exudes winner/coach on the floor, etc...

Marble has developed a much softer shot. I'd love to know how much time he spends in the gym. I'd like to see more highlights of Marble's defense. That's what Roy Sr. needs to talk to him about. If he can take the next step defensively (pun kind of intended), that's where we will see the Hawks make strides in the win department.

Can't wait for Hawkeye hoops! Thanks, Fran.
Go Hawks!
Like the play of Gabe Olesani and Woodbury. A little nervous about Oglesby. On his first highlight, he pump faked from 3 and dribbled. Really hope he is able to pull up and shoot this season.

I recently spoke with a former player. I was talking with him about Olaseni, and saying Fran likes to pump guys, like saying Olaseni was the best rebounder in practice last October. The player said that it's no joke, and that Olaseni has gotten worlds better this year..and that if he can perform when the lights come on people are going to see what they all saw in practice.

There's no guarantee something like that happens of course, but could be fun.
I recently spoke with a former player. I was talking with him about Olaseni, and saying Fran likes to pump guys, like saying Olaseni was the best rebounder in practice last October. The player said that it's no joke, and that Olaseni has gotten worlds better this year..and that if he can perform when the lights come on people are going to see what they all saw in practice.

There's no guarantee something like that happens of course, but could be fun.

Did this player feel strongly enough about it to put his name to it? Because I am having a hard time buying the Gabe hype.
I think Fran can play 10-11 guys this year. If anything would love to see Eric May have a great year. Kid deserves it.
Woodbury looks more decisive than he did in PTL, which is encouraging. Clemmons certainly appears to be the relentless defender McCaffrey talked about. For those in attendance, what type of game does Ingram have? Haven't seen or read much about him.

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