VIDEO - New Hawkeye Football Facility

That is impressive but in my mind it really highlights the disconnect between the lack of success in recruiting and on the field with the amount of money that is spent on this program.

I think this is a fair reaction. Love the new facility but you still need someone that can leverage this kind of commitment into success. WE ARE IOWA! Dangit
I think this is a fair reaction. Love the new facility but you still need someone that can leverage this kind of commitment into success. WE ARE IOWA! Dangit

Thank you. I feel bad for all those people that are satisfied with mediocrity, or less, so long as we look like the big boys even if we can't play like them. Wisconsin must be suffering horribly as a result of their antiquated facilities.
True. I get a bit... I dunno, maybe bothered I guess, when I see how much money we and others are spending on football. Apparantly it's even worse down south. I can see how a faculty member disconnected from athletics could get upset. I am aware that BTN and tickets/donations pay for this stuff but still...

Look at any higher Ed employment website and you will see faculty have lost the war. Faculty are being replaced by unqualified adjuncts or open source online programs that are graded by computer.

Universities are putting their money into revenue producing projects like student rental units, cafeterias, and sports programs. Basically, they are building communities to exploit the disposable income of post-teen young adults.
Thank you. I feel bad for all those people that are satisfied with mediocrity, or less, so long as we look like the big boys even if we can't play like them. Wisconsin must be suffering horribly as a result of their antiquated facilities.

Only on HN can a thread about a new practice facilty turn into this........
Thank you. I feel bad for all those people that are satisfied with mediocrity, or less, so long as we look like the big boys even if we can't play like them. Wisconsin must be suffering horribly as a result of their antiquated facilities.

When, as a society, did we decide things could only be black or white? When did we decide that there's never any middle area?

So, as a fan of the Hawks, we can't be happy that we are continuing to invest in the one sport that funds every other sport in the department? We can't be happy that the athletic administration is making a statement that Iowa is a place that loves football and will continue to give it's student athletes the best possible opportunity to succeed? We can't be happy with that because the football team has sucked the past couple years?

Give me a break! There's no reason to NOT be excited at our level of commitment and investment in football and still be upset that we haven't acheived the level of success the last couple of years that we should expect.

Or are you all so brain-dead that you can't have two thoughts/emotions at the same time?
Look at any higher Ed employment website and you will see faculty have lost the war. Faculty are being replaced by unqualified adjuncts or open source online programs that are graded by computer.

Universities are putting their money into revenue producing projects like student rental units, cafeterias, and sports programs. Basically, they are building communities to exploit the disposable income of post-teen young adults.

This is correct
Thanks for sharing this video...was aware of the facility but really enjoyed the fly through.
Positive steps!

Go Hawks!
I had a similar thought - how often do you see 4-8 teams with such a commitment to football?

What a joke. You two don't follow college football much do you. Programs do have down years...and they double down.

-Tennessee: Two straight 5 win seasons. New 45 million dollar facility.
-Auburn: 3 wins last year. New 16.5 million dollar facility.
-Arkansas: 4 wins last year. New 35 million dollar facility.
-Missouri: 5 wins last year. 16 million dollar expansion.

I'm tired of typing after the disconnect.
This looks really cool. These players are so spoiled. Does this make the Hawkeye Hall of Fame by the field hockey fields obsolete?
This looks really cool. These players are so spoiled. Does this make the Hawkeye Hall of Fame by the field hockey fields obsolete?

It should have never been built in the first place. They should have had the football HOF at Kinnick or the new offices and had every other sports' HOF at Carver with the new renovation. The location of the current HOF makes no sense at all.

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