Video from halftime football ceremony during Ohio State vs Iowa game...

Duke basketball capacity: 9,314
Duke football capacity: 33,941
So yes, since they have >3X capacity for football, they are a football school.
They averaged >20,000 in attendance for football.
I just saw that Duke sold out every basketball game last year. Granted its a small stadium and its easy to do when your winning, but still pretty impressive.

They also play 3X more home games for basketball. I don't know all the numbers but I bet Duke overall sells more basketball tickets than football.

20,000 x 6 football games = 120,000 fans
9,000 x 18 basketball games = 162,000 fans

No question that Duke is a basketball school.
You have got to be kidding me. I watch that video, get goosebumps from seeing stars from our football team....and all people want to do is argue about what is a football or basketball school???? Jesus, people.
You have got to be kidding me. I watch that video, get goosebumps from seeing stars from our football team....and all people want to do is argue about what is a football or basketball school???? Jesus, people.
Your right. Sorry.
Too bad more players weren't there. I wonder if Edds is back in Indiana or what.
You have got to be kidding me. I watch that video, get goosebumps from seeing stars from our football team....and all people want to do is argue about what is a football or basketball school???? Jesus, people.

Thank you for saying that and snapping us all out of our funk! By the look smaller today Iceberg...are you feeling alright???
What is Duke better known for, football or basketball?
Which Duke program do you think the casual sports fan is more familiar with, football or basketball?
Name a player or two from the Duke football and basketball teams.
When you think of Duke University, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Are you trying to say Duke is a Lacrosse school?
Thank you for saying that and snapping us all out of our funk! By the look smaller today Iceberg...are you feeling alright???

Thanks for asking...actually, I've got a middle ear thing going on in my right ear, so I'm taking sudefed to drain the fluid. It's working, I'm actually starting to hear again, but those meds hype me up all day, scalp itches, no appetite, etc. I could never be a meth head. :cool: