Very good Vandenberg article

Yeah, well....., I liked chemistry -:).

Graduating in 3 1/2 years is impressive enough without playing FB.
Good for James.

Is anyone else really excited to have an IOWAN back at the helm? There just seems to be something special about having an Iowan (and lifetime Hawkeye fan) as the starting QB and one of the team's leaders.
Do you think KF will suppress him from the press? Ha

Iowa needs exactly someone like this to be the face. Stoic, clean, crisp & smart.

How valuable will it be graduating early & having his whole senior season to concentrate on f-ball?

He could have a very solid year & potentially be a position for a Heisman run his senior season secondary to graduating early & being able to focus on only f-ball his senior season. It appears that he is a very well rounded individual. Remember he likes outdoor activities as well.
How about the woman that walked up a said I am a chemistry teacher and walked away. I can't believe there r people like that in the world
This is the type of stuff that makes me confident that the transition from Stanzi will be a smooth one. The kid seems like a natural leader.
How about the woman that walked up a said I am a chemistry teacher and walked away. I can't believe there r people like that in the world

I'm guessing the chemistry teacher thing might have been taken a tad out of context for entertainment purposes. That said, it could very well be true. There are some people out there that have no sense of humor. I feel sorry for them. Can you imagine having to exist in life like that?
The team is in very good hands with JVB, which is one reason I am optimistic about this year, and 2012.
How about the woman that walked up a said I am a chemistry teacher and walked away. I can't believe there r people like that in the world

I'll make nothing of it without knowing her tone of voice or intentions and even then I'll probably still make nothing of it. Right now it's a harmless comment that adds to the writer telling a story.
Ha! I can sympathize with James. I took general and organic at Iowa (way) back in the 70's. At the time it was less than fun. But, in hind sight the knowledge gained really helps in understanding the chemicals we use in every day life.
Do you think KF will suppress him from the press? Ha

Iowa needs exactly someone like this to be the face. Stoic, clean, crisp & smart.

How valuable will it be graduating early & having his whole senior season to concentrate on f-ball?

He could have a very solid year & potentially be a position for a Heisman run his senior season secondary to graduating early & being able to focus on only f-ball his senior season. It appears that he is a very well rounded individual. Remember he likes outdoor activities as well.

You do realize you just put Vandy and Heisman in the same sentence. I think I'll wait for him to get through half a Big Ten season before I even consider putting him and All-conference together. Hope your right but very bold statement for someone with 3 starts in his career.
Yeah, well....., I liked chemistry -:).

Graduating in 3 1/2 years is impressive enough without playing FB.

Graduating in 3 1/2 years is impressive. That will be a nice achievement for him.

Hopefully his football achievements can match his academic ones and benefit the Hawks each Saturday. It appears he has all the physical tools he needs as well as a head that is screwed on straight regarding priorities for student athletes. It bodes well for the Hawks.

Doesn't exactly sound like a Terelle Pryor type of kid - Thank God :).
Seriously, I do think tennis is great for footwork at QB and in bb as Ryan Bowen(also a very good tennis player in HS),have shown. Vandy has the best footwork at QB at Iowa as far back as Chuck Hartleib,imo. Helps with his escapability also.

I am sky-high on Vandy's prospects. Golden arm,sharp brain,good footwork...great combo.
I like the picture at the bottom. Looks like JV is yelling at RS and Ricky is holding his hands up like hey do you know who your talking to.
Seriously, I do think tennis is great for footwork at QB and in bb as Ryan Bowen(also a very good tennis player in HS),have shown. Vandy has the best footwork at QB at Iowa as far back as Chuck Hartleib,imo. Helps with his escapability also.

I am sky-high on Vandy's prospects. Golden arm,sharp brain,good footwork...great combo.

Even moreso, watch a tennis serve and you see perfect motion for throwing a football (just maybe a little more elevated). It translates better than throwing a baseball does if you ask me. But yes, the footwork is very important as well.
How about the woman that walked up a said I am a chemistry teacher and walked away. I can't believe there r people like that in the world

You'll find a few of them hovering around Madison these days, Jon. :D

Vandy sounds like a great kid...a leader, if not by word, certainly by example.
How about the woman that walked up a said I am a chemistry teacher and walked away. I can't believe there r people like that in the world

You know what? She overreacted, it would have been classier for her to handle it with humor, but put yourself in her shoes. You're a chemistry teacher, and just heard this:

The first semester my senior year, somehow my chemistry teacher gave me a B-plus. I still hold a grudge to this day.”

“I still hate chemistry to this day. It was one of the least-fun classes I’ve taken at the University of Iowa. I wouldn’t suggest it to anybody.

You'd be understandably annoyed.

If it were me, I'd have walked up to him, said "I'm a chemistry teacher, young man", let him squirm a little, then smile and slap him on the shoulder and say "but I forgive you, good luck to you!".
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JV will also take some hits for this comment: "My dad’s a doctor, so he doesn’t really want me going with the chiropractic crowd." Especially with a leading chiropractic school based in Davenport.

I understand exactly what he's saying. But Iowa QB is a lightning rod where every public comment is scrutinized, and JV will quickly learn to pull his punches a bit especially when talking outside the realm of football.