Very good piece on Tucker/Situation from Rob Howe

How long are we going to keep hearing about the Pierre Pierce situation as part of the problem.. In Jan it will be 5 years? I'm sorry but I'm not buying that and quite frankly tired of people mentioning it.. That is one BIG excuse if you ask me...

Agreed wholeheartedly. Yeah, I'm sure there are still a few fans out there that were lost during the Pierre Pierce thing. But I have a heard time blaming Pierce for the lack of attendance. Remember, our current attendance is lower than it was when Alford left. Pierre Pierce didn't just suddenly scare off even more people.

It's 99% about the style of play and lack of wins. I really do believe it's that simple at this point.
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This is the scenario where it would become a REAL tough decision if I was AD. If everyone is back next year, I bring back Lickliter for one more year. Otherwise, I'd be losing lots of sleep trying to decide what to do. We're already losing Tucker, apparently, which basically has the effect of one transfer. If there are more, outside of Brommer, than next year is doomed as well, IMO.

I think it's too early to say that. It would depend on who it was that ended up leaving. If it was someone like Gatens, then yes.
How long are we going to keep hearing about the Pierre Pierce situation as part of the problem.. In Jan it will be 5 years? I'm sorry but I'm not buying that and quite frankly tired of people mentioning it.. That is one BIG excuse if you ask me...

I dont think there is any denying that Pierre Pierce was a huge issue for a lot of fans, a disconnect. And those fans figured out other things to do with their time than go to Iowa basketball games.

In business, adding new customers is more expensive than keeping current customers. I see the same for Iowa Basketball.

That, and a season ticket holder base that is aging...its going to take consistent winning with a brand of basketball that is more palatable before people return.
This is the scenario where it would become a REAL tough decision if I was AD. If everyone is back next year, I bring back Lickliter for one more year. Otherwise, I'd be losing lots of sleep trying to decide what to do. We're already losing Tucker, apparently, which basically has the effect of one transfer. If there are more, outside of Brommer, than next year is doomed as well, IMO.

Cut your losses, we've been down the road of "next years recruits are good so lets give it one more year". You do not continue to invest in a coach that has lost numerous players each year, failed to win in the big 10 in his first two years, and now has a 4-7 team in year 3...oh and with roughly 5,000 fans going to each home game. Remember when people were ticked about only 10-12,000 with Alford, well folks we wont see the low end of that once this year, unless Illini fans pack the place. Iowa basketball is in a very dark place right now, time to move on and get this program in a direction that does not mirror todays environment.
How long are we going to keep hearing about the Pierre Pierce situation as part of the problem.. In Jan it will be 5 years? I'm sorry but I'm not buying that and quite frankly tired of people mentioning it.. That is one BIG excuse if you ask me...

It isn't the reason why the team isn't very good, but is a huge reason why there aren't many butts in the seats at Carver. Like it or not it was and still is a big deal for some people.

Like Jon said Lick or whoever the coach is in the future needs to put a good team on the floor that wins B-ball games to get people back in CHA and caring what happens with the program.
It isn't the reason why the team isn't very good, but is a huge reason why there aren't many butts in the seats at Carver. Like it or not it was and still is a big deal for some people.

Like Jon said Lick or whoever the coach is in the future needs to put a good team on the floor that wins B-ball games to get people back in CHA and caring what happens with the program.

It is 100% about wins and losses at this point.
Cut your losses, we've been down the road of "next years recruits are good so lets give it one more year". You do not continue to invest in a coach that has lost numerous players each year, failed to win in the big 10 in his first two years, and now has a 4-7 team in year 3...oh and with roughly 5,000 fans going to each home game. Remember when people were ticked about only 10-12,000 with Alford, well folks we wont see the low end of that once this year, unless Illini fans pack the place. Iowa basketball is in a very dark place right now, time to move on and get this program in a direction that does not mirror todays environment.

Believe me, I wouldn't be heartbroken if we move in a new direction after this season. I was just playing AD for a few minutes.

My question: Do we have the funds to buy out Lickliter's contract at this point? Would the savings of $600k if we wait another year be a huge deal in the grand scheme of things? It's still a hefty buyout after next season. What about donors? BCS bowl money? I don't have the answers to these questions, so don't know if a buyout after this year is realistic or not.
It is 100% about wins and losses at this point.

Exactly. As others have pointed out, nothing is happening (wins) to bring anybody back. In fact, it's only gotten worse since Alford left. When you look at the attendance decline since Lickliter's hire, it's obvious that there were fans that were still going to Carver at the end of the Alford era, that are no longer doing so today. I can't lay that at the feet of Pierre Pierce and Steve Alford. Lickliter is now a part of the problem as well.
On a side note, I can tell you the 2012 high school recruiting class in the Iowa area is really good(with a few kids that live just across the border in Neb. and Ill.) It would be a shame to lose out on some of these kids as we go through more transitions. Im not saying he should go or stay but that class is loaded.
While I agree with most of what is written, I wonder where are his teammates? Was he alone by himself all night? Did he just make everyone else mad and left him? If that's the case, then his teammates own some of this also. And if it's that bad that no one could or would stand by him, then maybe in the long run it's best that he's gone. I just can't believe that if it's his first, second, or whatever offense that his teammates have abandoned him.
Bingo. Walking into CHA on Saturday night, a couple of guys were selling tickets. The only things I could think of were that anyone who needed tickets could just go inside and get one, and that it would be a lot more helpful to just go inside and support the team.

A few weeks back someone offered to buy my extra tickets for $5 each as I walked into CHA just before tip of our 2nd game. Never did understand what he was going to do with them, but I sold them. No way he turned a profit on those (and I don't think the coupon on the back was for more than $5)
It isn't the reason why the team isn't very good, but is a huge reason why there aren't many butts in the seats at Carver. Like it or not it was and still is a big deal for some people.

Like Jon said Lick or whoever the coach is in the future needs to put a good team on the floor that wins B-ball games to get people back in CHA and caring what happens with the program.

Not buying it. That is a cop out. Sorry but 8 Years removed from the PP situation is not a huge reason why carver is almost empty. No Way!!! The incident that we are claiming is having this impact happened in Sept 2002 because of the way it was handled...

In Jan 2005 was the second incident and was sent to prison as a result...

Tell me after you read below if you still think PP is the reason we are stuggling for Butts.. I will say it NO WAY..

The University of Iowa's men's basketball program averaged 12,006 fans at 17 home games during the 2005-06 season, ranking the Hawkeye program among the top 25 in the nation for the 27th consecutive season.
Iowa's average of 12,006 last season ranked 25th in the nation among all Division I programs. Iowa and Indiana are the only two Big Ten Conference schools which have ranked among the top 25 in attendance each year since 1980 (The NCAA kept only a top 10 prior to 1978).

2004- 12,977
2005- 11,901
2006- 12,006
2007- 12,196

So tell me did that PP situation 8 years ago just all of a sudden have this huge impact? Please get over it and move on.
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"Now, if there are transfers at the end of this year, all bets are off."

We have one. How many do you need?

Or doesn't getting kicked off the team count?

Shouldn't the statement really be, "Now, if the team loses any players this year, all bets are off." what has essentially happened is that Iowa has AGAIN lost an experienced guard, exactly what Lickliter continues to say he needs to make his system work efficiently. Iowa just lost ONE of those experienced players, thus the system is again losing efficiency.

So Iowa will be young again NEXT year...or that will be the excuse....
Howe, pardon the pun, is this on Lickliter at all? The kid made a screw up. Did Lickliter drive him to the bar? Pour shots down his throat? Hide his cell phone and blame the cab driver?

When will people realize this isn't about Todd Lickliter but PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Anthony Tucker needs to grow up. And he can do it somewhere else as far as I'm concerned. But this isn't on Lickliter. Jesus people!
Mark Few is smart enough to stay at Gonzaga after seeing Monson fail miserably at Minnesota. If you analyze what happened to/with Monson at Minnesota and compare it to Lickliter at Iowa, the similarities are striking. Lickliter may currently be in a much worse position than Monson was ever in at any time during his tenure at Minnesota. In my estimation, it is only a matter of time before Lick resigns or is fired. He has dug himself too big a hole to ever crawl out of. Tucker leaving tho may have presented him with a chance to hang on, if he signs a good pg (using Tucker's scholly) in the spring to go along with Cully Payne next season.
Fans love him? Really?
How so?

Living in the Des Moines area, I know quite a few Drake season ticket holders who have told me how much they loved Keno...mostly from events outside of games. I like the thought of Keno also, just don't know if there is any chance he comes after what his dad went through.
The program was in a free fall when Lickliter arrived. I think he deserves another year to turn it around.

Granted, the Anthony Tucker event will probably be another set back to this program. But before people start calling for Lickliter's immediate dismissal they need to look at the complete story; what he inherited and what he's up against in addition to his accomplishments and shortcomings and size it all up.

It might look like the world is coming to an end, but it's not. I think Lickliter needs more time. Running off coaches is not a smart way of doing business, IMO. Running off coaches might make things worse in the long run.
The program was in a free fall when Lickliter arrived. I think he deserves another year to turn it around.

Granted, the Anthony Tucker event will probably be another set back to this program. But before people start calling for Lickliter's immediate dismissal they need to look at the complete story; what he inherited and what he's up against in addition to his accomplishments and shortcomings and size it all up.

It might look like the world is coming to an end, but it's not. I think Lickliter needs more time. Running off coaches is not a smart way of doing business, IMO. Running off coaches might make things worse in the long run.

Yeah those 25 wins in 2006 and being in the top 25 for national attendence were real killers when Lickliter came in.

Iowa basketball was light years ahead of this under Alford. Never thought I would say that! Lickliter has not improved the iowa basketball program in any single way. Not one.

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