Urban Meyer

He or his team hasn't been in the spotlight all season. He got a little bored so he is "retiring" again. ;)
That dude is 1 of 2 things....He is either VERY unstable or thrives for attention and since his team sucked this year he has to do something to be relevant this season.

He and Favre need to go away.
One season going south in Florida is all it took to get Urb to quit. I wonder if he's the replacement in Denver. Tebow-Meyer together again!
I had read an article a few weeks back that he was stepping down which is why they were 'gifted' the Outback Bowl even though they didn't deserve it.
Is it possible he's legitimately burnt out? He spent about a dozen years as an assistant before taking over at BGSU in 2001 (?), then has had a meteoric rise to the top of the coaching mountain, winning 3 BCS games, 2 of which were national championship games, with 2 different schools. The expectations that he himself created for himself would be almost impossible to live up to...

Just a thought.

**Edited sidenote - Assuming this is labeled a "retirement" the Outback Bowl will have a retiring head coach. But it's the 46 year old retiring, not the 84 year old...:)
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Dudes and dudettes -

I don't think many of us recognize the 24/7/365 lifestyle of coaching.

Yes they are paid insane amounts of money to do it.

But you really really have to enjoy the work. And if you only kind of enjoy it, and you are already rich, than go retire and play golf.

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