Re: What will be mentioned more during the Sugar Bowl?

All of the drama will be on Tebow and Meyer. Oh by the way, there's a football game being played that day, too.

The way ESPN gave Tebow publicity when he was injured and now with Urban Meyer, if ESPN had their way the network would cancel the Sugar Bowl and replace it with a 3 1/2 hour special co-staring Tim Tebow and Uban Meyer with the Florida Gators.
Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

I guess Chris Mortenson wants to get in on college coaching moves...I have a feeling this is going to turn into a soap opera

ESPN's Chris Mortensen-Florida's Urban Meyer won't resign. He'll take a leave of absence. Gators O-Coord Steve Adazzio will coach UF in '10
Urban Meyer

Told ya yesterday hawk fans, this is huge scheme to get attention to Florida Football program. per ESPN, Meyer is rethinking the decision, Off Cordinator would interim coach either Sugar Bowl and 2010 season or just the Sugar Bowl. I am so tired of Florida Football.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

cincy was already doomed. even if they still had kelly not leaving, it was a tough matchup. now, they're players are ****** at kelly and not 100% focused on the game, plus with Meyer leaving..........pretty much spells doom for cincy. I'm betting they get rolled.
Re: What will be mentioned more during the Sugar Bowl?

If it's tHom Brennaman calling the game, you can be sure it'll be another Tebow sploogefest/loveathon like it was last year.
Re: What will be mentioned more during the Sugar Bowl?

This game has a ton of headlines:

Tebow's last game
Meyer's last game at least as gator coach
Unbeaten Cincy w/o Kelly

Most talked about will probably be Urban Meyer, simply because it happened most recently, and it's probably the best coaching position in all of college football.
Re: Urban Meyer

I had heard that Meyer's taking an indefinate leave of absence during halftime of the Baltimore-Pittsburgh game. It's going to be like when Coach K had his back surgery a few years ago.
Re: What will be mentioned more during the Sugar Bowl?

either way im muting my tv

I'll go you one better, and skip the sugar bowl completely. I couldn't care less about the game anyway, and I sure as heck won't subject myself to the disgusting sycophantic blatherings.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

cincy was already doomed. even if they still had kelly not leaving, it was a tough matchup. now, they're players are ****** at kelly and not 100% focused on the game, plus with Meyer leaving..........pretty much spells doom for cincy. I'm betting they get rolled.

I see Cincy as the sacrificial lamb being offered up to Florida..."You didn't get in the Title game....But we'll give you a BIG BCS win instead."
The interesting dynamic here is that this cannot be good for recruiting at Florida. I think most people are speculating that Urban Meyer jumped the gun and made the announcement a little prematurely and now he won't actually miss a game.

There is no way that this doesn't hurt their recruiting for at least a few years. What happens when some kid is down to Florida and Tennessee...is Lane Kiffin going to leave out Meyer's health problems because of the immense respect that these coaches have toward one another?
Based on the info ESPN was putting out Saturday, it sounds like he has anxiety/panic disorder. They went on and on about him having chest pain and shortness of breath but said his heart checked out fine. The timing of his ER visit after the SEC game fits with that a bit too. I can see where that would drive you into retirement in such a high stakes job.

All that said, something is still funny. Why would you make an announcement like this before a bowl game you intend to coach? Why would you also change your mind three times (retiring, indefinite leave, short break) in 48 hours?

Lastly, Herbstreit made the comment that Cincy will get crushed with the whole Tebow/Meyer thing. I hope those Cincy kids realize they got the shaft in many ways and then man up and kill Florida. It won't happen but I can dream.

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