Updated ESPN report...not looking good...

Parent: Drug tests negative for 13 hospitalized Iowa football players - ESPN

Two things of note that really don't look good for the staff.

--One player told they lost 20%-30% of their kidney function...not sure if can be repaired.

--Player said S&C coach upset over last years skid...told players he will find out who wants to be here.

I posted in another thread that you can lose up to 40% of your kidney function without even knowing it.

The second comment doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm sure this exact phrase has been uttered in half the locker rooms in the nation.

I'm not trying to say it's no big deal but those 2 things don't really worry me. I'm sure people will use them to push their agenda however.
Point one, concerning...

Point two, So? The approach should be, 7-5 is good enough, lets play laser-tag for conditioning?

Nice job Rittenberg....

Parent: Drug tests negative for 13 hospitalized Iowa football players - ESPN

Two things of note that really don't look good for the staff.

--One player told they lost 20%-30% of their kidney function...not sure if can be repaired.

--Player said S&C coach upset over last years skid...told players he will find out who wants to be here.
I've heard that dozens of times from coaches.

I'm sure it has been said by hundreds of coaches at hundreds of different schools, colleges, and NFL training camps however when you have a fire going like the one going on over in IC a quote like that acts more like gasoline than water.
They have a lot of critics out there that want to try to pin this all on an over amped S&C coach. I know that there is still investigating going on but this will just give the critics a little more firepower.
Quote from the article:

One parent said some players had gained 30 to 50 pounds since entering the hospital because of the amount of fluids that have been forced into their bodies.

Parent: Drug tests negative for 13 hospitalized Iowa football players - ESPN

Two things of note that really don't look good for the staff.

--One player told they lost 20%-30% of their kidney function...not sure if can be repaired.

--Player said S&C coach upset over last years skid...told players he will find out who wants to be here.

The actual quote from the article is...

The parent said that one player was told he had sustained "20 to 30 percent loss of kidney function and that the damage may or may not be repaired."

Now, it's not good to lose kidney function, but you can face declines of 20-30% (assuming you were at 100% to begin with), and show no symptoms and live a normal life. Changes may be required to prevent deterioration, but it can be slowed, stopped or reversed with proper care. Hopefully that's the case here, and if nothing else, deterioration can be stopped.

The second portion is a disconcerting. Now, every S&C coach in the country probably tells their players that workouts are going to help the coaches find out who wants to be there. However, if that led them to knowingly overwork these guys, or if they did something like withhold fluids, that'll be extremely bad and would merit serious action.

At the same time, just by saying that, the coaches could have indirectly affected this, but planting the seed that these players should push themselves. Perhaps these 13 pushed themselves too far, simply because they didn't want to be seen as weak, or something like that.
If I hear "according to a parent" or "a source" one more time I'm going to freak out. 30-50 pounds because of fluids? How is that even possible?
The actual quote from the article is...

Now, it's not good to lose kidney function, but you can face declines of 20-30% (assuming you were at 100% to begin with), and show no symptoms and live a normal life. Changes may be required to prevent deterioration, but it can be slowed, stopped or reversed with proper care. Hopefully that's the case here, and if nothing else, deterioration can be stopped.

The second portion is a disconcerting. Now, every S&C coach in the country probably tells their players that workouts are going to help the coaches find out who wants to be there. However, if that led them to knowingly overwork these guys, or if they did something like withhold fluids, that'll be extremely bad and would merit serious action.

At the same time, just by saying that, the coaches could have indirectly affected this, but planting the seed that these players should push themselves. Perhaps these 13 pushed themselves too far, simply because they didn't want to be seen as weak, or something like that.

That might hold some weight if these guys were passing out on the gym floor during the workout and then rushed to the hospital.
That was my reaction. How does that happen?

I'm assuming if true this would be using their most dehydrated weight as the low baseline and then the extremely hydrated weight as the high baseline. I think back to when NASCAR drivers say they easily lose 10-15 lbs during races I could see where if a player lost 15 lbs being totally dehydrated and then gained the weight back plus retained more. However 50 lbs sounds a little high.

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