UNI's Corrupt Home Court Advantage to End


Well-Known Member
It looks like it is the end of the line for UNI and their paid refs.

Barta announced that he is seriously thinking about ending the home-and-home series with the thugs at UNI. The best they will get now is some type of Big 4 tourney at Wells Fargo.

Good move, IMO. That game in Cedar Falls should be the last straw. Those refs obviously were not going to let Iowa win. Incredible to watch. The home team has an obligation to bring in impartial referees. UNI did just the opposite. Inexcusable.

Treat them like Indiana treats their little in-state brethren. If you want to play us, come to our house. Otherwise, get lost little brother.
This is not a good thing at it makes Iowa look scared to play them. UNI had nothing to do with the refs and one of them is a Big Ten ref. The refs just sucked plain and simple.
a lot better iowa teams have lost in CF. i am not sure why anyone is shocked that one of the worst iowa teams ever lost up there.
As bad as the officiating was I think it's over the top to suggest that the fix was in. The better team won a game in which the officiating was a farce.
Who really cares? A major conference team should not be traveling to a mid-majors court to play hoops. If they want to continue to play Iowa then let them come to Iowa City every year.

If you look at every other major conference teams schedule you will find that they only travel to play in tournaments or on a very rare occasion a home and away is scheduled but it usually lasts between 2 and 4 years. Outside of the tournaments and the rare home and away game, major college conference programs simply don't travel during the non-conference schedule.
Can anyone accept that UNI may have a better basketball team than Iowa? And that maybe our team isn't a world beater that will win every game?
As bad as the officiating was I think it's over the top to suggest that the fix was in. The better team won a game in which the officiating was a farce.

Some people are stupid. They're usually Cyclone fans, but unfortunately, some still root for the Hawks.
UNI has the better team this year, no doubt. The referees did EVERYTHING they could to make sure that UNI was going to win for sure. It was a great game for 30 minutes until the referees took over. I believe UNI would have won anyway and maybe by double figures, but we'll never know.
I think the reason some people are upset, me included, is because we were in the game with UNI getting a lot of calls and Iowa getting none. If the game was called evenly those 4 Ts wouldn't have happened and Iowa would have atleast been in the game in the end.

It is hard to swim upstream when people are beating you with paddles in their canoes.
"Little Brother" has had a better basketball program than Iowa going on about 10 years now. Just sayin'...
Who really cares? A major conference team should not be traveling to a mid-majors court to play hoops. If they want to continue to play Iowa then let them come to Iowa City every year.

If you look at every other major conference teams schedule you will find that they only travel to play in tournaments or on a very rare occasion a home and away is scheduled but it usually lasts between 2 and 4 years. Outside of the tournaments and the rare home and away game, major college conference programs simply don't travel during the non-conference schedule.


And that game was fixed. There is no way on God's green earth the UNI thugs shoot 33 free throws and we shoot 4. No way. It was a complete travesty.

Travesty, perhaps...fixed, come on, really? Show us some proof if you are going to make comments like this.
Travesty, perhaps...fixed, come on, really? Show us some proof if you are going to make comments like this.
Prove it wasn't. The facts speak for themselves.

You have to be an utter moron to think these officials can't be had. It is very well chronicled over the years.

The foul disparity was criminal - UNI has no more quickness than Iowa, and they play a very physical, slow down style of play. They were fouling too. Just watch the tape.
UNI has the better team this year, no doubt. The referees did EVERYTHING they could to make sure that UNI was going to win for sure. It was a great game for 30 minutes until the referees took over. I believe UNI would have won anyway and maybe by double figures, but we'll never know.

I beg to differ. IA was in complete control early (possibly on the way to a huge blowout when the refs stepped in and robbed IA of possession after possession, and got a great FT shooting team in position to make easy fts all game (even with ALL of that the game was still basically tied with less than 10 mins to play!)
This is not a good thing at it makes Iowa look scared to play them. UNI had nothing to do with the refs and one of them is a Big Ten ref. The refs just sucked plain and simple.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the NCAA assigns officials to games and the home team hires the officials. So UNI hired these 3 guys and had everything to do with the officials.
Prove it wasn't. The facts speak for themselves.

You have to be an utter moron to think these officials can't be had. It is very well chronicled over the years.

The foul disparity was criminal - UNI has no more quickness than Iowa, and they play a very physical, slow down style of play. They were fouling too. Just watch the tape.

This is stupid.

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