

Well-Known Member
I must be getting old, because I don't get it either. Every once and awhile somebody will bring them up and say what a cruddy coach KF is and how he is out of touch because of our uniforms. WHAT? I like our uniforms and I think many do. I think the fan base would go nuts if we had something else.
BUTTT.................... Because I dont like to complain without trying to have an answer, how about this. KF tells the kids the first team to win the Rose Bowl or any bowl above that gets the nod on what the NEW uniforms look like. Any team after that, that wants to change them gets the same deal. The players would really be putting their stamp on the program then.
Don't worry, we'll just keep throwing back



KF will never give Nike a volatility factor of anything other than 0, which means, do not change.

Just saying. It would really be something to be proud of as a player or former player to say, "yeah the team I played on voted that uniform in". It really would not hurt anything and is a way for the players to be vested. Better than a trophy, because you only get to see those if the current team wins it and you are back in IC. This way any time you turn on the game or go to the game on Sat, you get to see what you and your mates accomplished.
Iowa is a team that shouldn't mess with their uni's. The tigerhawk on the helmet is a great logo. I just threw up in my mouth typing that.
change the unis? are you crazy? NEVER NEVER EVER F*** WITH THE UNIS

I think if the fans hated them (if they were changed), but knew they got changed for a RB or better, they would take that deal everytime. I know I would and like I said, it hurts nothing.
You know, maybe bad teams change their uniforms so often because it deflects anger away from the players, coaches, and ADs, and onto something that really doesn't matter. It's a brilliant red herring!


Maybe the same could be done with big scoreboards, and debates on whether the stadium should be bowled-in...
Only 1 way I would agree to an Iowa uni change. As a sacrificial offering to the supreme being AIRBHG for a promise to leave our running backs alone.
There was one game under Lauterbur at home when we came out in ALL BLACK uniforms with black helmets. They were very cool.

Of course, we lost to Indiana that day. At home. Wow, were we bad that last year under FXL. 0 and 11
Just saying. It would really be something to be proud of as a player or former player to say, "yeah the team I played on voted that uniform in". It really would not hurt anything and is a way for the players to be vested. Better than a trophy, because you only get to see those if the current team wins it and you are back in IC. This way any time you turn on the game or go to the game on Sat, you get to see what you and your mates accomplished.

That is the dumbest crap ever spewed on here. Good work. You're worse than TehBoat, Tork, and OK4P combined.
How about the Angry Iowa Rose Bowl Hating God?

It's a trinity:

Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God
Angry Iowa Rose Bowl Hating God
Angry Iowa Roseanne Barr Hating God

I'm pretty sure Tom Arnold is the Antiairbhg, and that we're in some kind of apocalyptic, escatological tribulation. Or something.
That is the dumbest crap ever spewed on here. Good work. You're worse than TehBoat, Tork, and OK4P combined.

Who cares what you think? Who cares what I think? Point is if the kids do want different uniforms (even if we dont or the coachs dont), make them earn it. Make them feel vested.
Who cares what you think? Who cares what I think? Point is if the kids do want different uniforms (even if we dont or the coachs dont), make them earn it. Make them feel vested.
Yeah, i know. We really should give them a prize for winning the Rose Bowl. You know, so they feel vested, and like they accomplished something. Apparently making sure that all teams after them look nothing like them when they walk on the field is just the thing they need to be motivated to win the Grandaddy of them all.

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