UNI/Wisconsin, B1G argument

I used to pull for all of the B1G teams, but there are just way too many programs that I hate nowadays.

I always, ALWAYS, want Wisconsin, MSU, jNW to lose, I don't care who they're playing or what the situation is. I guess you can add PSU to the list now, too.

The rest of the teams I will typically pull for, but won't get bent out of shape either way. Would love to see UMich take out Bama, but watching the last part of the Goofs game last night I was really hoping that UNLV would beat them.

As someone else noted, recruiting is the most important thing here, and I would much rather that our regional rivals and schools on the same "tier" as us lose badly and lose often. The national perception of the B1G as a whole has been the same for about a decade now, and isn't going to change anytime soon.
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I used to pull for all of the B1G teams, but there are just way too many programs that I hate nowadays.

I always, ALWAYS, want Wisconsin, MSU, jNW to lose, I don't care who they're playing or what the situation is. I guess you can add PSU to the list now, too.

The rest of the teams I will typically pull for, but won't get bent out of shape either way. Would love to see UMich take bout Bama, but watching the last part of the Goofs game last night I was really hoping that UNLV would beat them.

I get tired of hearing how bad the BIG is ,so as much as I don't like some of the teams, I want them to do well out of conference.
I get tired of hearing how bad the BIG is ,so as much as I don't like some of the teams, I want them to do well out of conference.
The correct answer is to hope that all of the win to make the conference look stronger, which is tough for me since I have been rooting against the B1G for my entire life.

I think that Bama is gonna roll Meatchicken, by a good 3 TDs or better.
But people have been saying that for years, and it ain't gonna change anytime soon.

In order to change the perception of Big 10 football, the conference needs to start performing a little better in these non-conference and bowl games.
To me, it seems like the BoneG is only measured against the SEC et al in marquee matchups. Unfortunately, I think Alabama is just too much, and Michigan is maybe a a couple of years away from being a truly great team. However, I do feel like Michigan will get there. Maybe not this year.
The correct answer is to hope that all of the win to make the conference look stronger, which is tough for me since I have been rooting against the B1G for my entire life.

I think that Bama is gonna roll Meatchicken, by a good 3 TDs or better.
B1G pre-2010 = softest conference ever.
B1G 2011 and after = toughest conference ever.
I am tired of the media's SEC bias. It would be nice for our conference to get some more respect.

Sorry, UNI--I usually pull for you, but this time I'm hoping the Badgers win.
In order to change the perception of Big 10 football, the conference needs to start performing a little better in these non-conference and bowl games.

Yeah, for about a decade straight or so.

You can go ahead and pull for our conference rivals and the teams that we compete directly against in recruiting to have strong and successful programs.

I, on the other hand, will not.

As someone said earlier, if you want the media to give the B1G more respect, you have to root for UMich and OSU to be national powerhouses again, as that is all that the talking heads care about. When they are consistent NC teams again, and at the same time, the conference as a whole looks much better to the outsiders. Plus, these are teams that we are always going to lose to in recruiting anyway, so them being strong doesn't do any direct damage to our program, unlike success at Wisc and MSU does by stealing away players that would otherwise come here.
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Yeah, for about a decade straight or so.

You can go ahead and pull for our conference rivals and the teams that we compete directly against in recruiting to have strong and successful programs.

I, on the other hand, will not.

You can go ahead and continue to be a bitter old man.

I, on the other hand, will not.
You can go ahead and continue to be a bitter old man.

I, on the other hand, will not.

I am far from old, but yes, I am quite bitter that Wisc and MSU are kicking the Hawks' collective a$$es on the football field.

Obviously that's not a big deal to you, but it should be.
I would have a hearty laugh if Wisco or any other B1G team got beat this week; other than Michigan. I know that's contradictory, but I would rather see Alabama go down.
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Two things need to be true for UNI to beat Wisky. UNI needs to have one of their stellar teams and Wisky needs to be mediocre at best. Neither is the case this season. Wisky by 50 points.

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