I'm with you on that one. I also always root for the B10 teams during bowl games, but when it comes to March Madness, I'm almost always cheering for the underdog. Not sure why, but just my natural inclination.

you said it for me ... I'll be pulling for UNI to beat MSU and Pearl/OSU, even though with different match-ups (vs UK, vs Duke, etc), I could see myself rooting for MSU/OSU/Tenn
As a UNI alum, I'll be screaming for the Panthers.

I've been a Hawk fan since birth, and usually root for all the Big Ten schools, but it's UNI all the way for me this time around.
Same here on all accounts. I always root for UNI when they aren't playing Iowa and cheer just as hard for them.
I am a Hawkeye fan & also an Iowan so I will definatly be rooting on the Panthers with all their Iowa players. I could see how a person who is not from Iowa could be rooting against them, but it is tough to root against your in state talent.
I will be rooting for UNI and I actually think they will win, especially now that it looks like Lucas will be out.
Same here on all accounts. I always root for UNI when they aren't playing Iowa and cheer just as hard for them.

I always root for UNI when they aren't playing Iowa, but I also don't cheer against them even when they play us. I just cheer harder for the Hawks. Like I didn't care for fans booing UNI when they came out of the locker room this past fall. I mean really, it's UNI. They got a good program, and Iowa State are the in-state rivals we can boo.

I can't believe we didn't try to get Ali. Alford and Lick both missed on him. The kid had to have been a good shooter coming out of high school to get on at UNI with his size. My dad made a joke the other day about why Alford wouldn't want him though: Stevie Wonder wouldn't have wanted to be insulted by the comparisons of Ali that would inevitably be drawn from Alford. I mean really, they're very similar players, just pure shooters.
It is hard for me to decide. UNI is my alma mater and the underdog so I sort of want to pull for them. I really just don't care though. I can't suddenly become a fan of a team that I never cared about before just because they made a little run. All of the people that did jump aboard and are talking about them when they didn't watch a single game during the regular season or follow them at all doesn't make me want to pull for them any more either.

You went to school there and never cared about them? School Pride!
UNI baby! They are gonna need to play their best game to win this one! its gonna be a tough game, MSU is a tough team and not too many people gave them a chance at the start of the tourny! I just hope UNI can come in and make it a game!
this makes absolutely no sense?? why would you not root for the school you attended over anyone else? just curious

Ya alumni rule if you graduated from there dude. Fortunately for the majority of Iowa fans they don't need to worry about the alumni rule...zazingyzowieekaboomkaboom
this makes absolutely no sense?? why would you not root for the school you attended over anyone else? just curious
I know kids that have been Hawk fans since they were little, are now attending ISU . . . and are still Hawk fans.

Black and Gold can't be schooled out ya' once you're a Hawk.
Spent a lot of time and money drinking on The Hill back in the day, especially at Steb's. I'm going to put conference pride aside for once and root with gusto for UNI.
I haven't decided yet. I originally thought it would be MSU, but the more I think about it I don't know. It will probably be one of those times where I will start watching the game and kinda decide when it starts. UNI would be alot easier for me to root for if it wasn't for their play-by-play guy. I know most non-Hawk fans don't like Dolph either, but listening to that guy makes me want to stick an ice pick in each of my ears.
I'm going for MSU, while I like the underdog. I just like Tom Izzo, I respect the man and hope his team goes all the way, although they did make me lose my bracket last year by laying an egg in the national championship game.
Iowa only had one scholly the year that Ali came out of HS and Iowa used it on Tyler Smith instead....Ali is good, but Smith was better.

I will be rooting for the Big Ten,MSU, but if they lose, I will not be real unhappy.
Only one Big Ten team can go to the FF out of that bracket anyway, so if MSU goes down, OSU can still make it...but if OSU and MSU square off in the regional final at least Big Ten is assured of one team in the FF.

If Tenn and UNI win...I root for UNI.
You went to school there and never cared about them? School Pride!

I've said this many times and I will say it again. I was not a division one athlete so athletics had no bearing on my choice of schools. I went to threefour home UNI basketball games. Two were against Iowa (and the results were horrible) and I think the others were SIU and Wis. GB. I think I went to 2 football games. They were boring.

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