UNI can thank the officials for this gift wrapped win

Whatever, the officials took away what was an entertaining game. Whether Iowa wins or loses that game makes no difference but let the players determine the outcome not the boys wearing stripes.

This is my biggest problem. The officials decided the game at about the 10 minute mark in the 2nd half. I have no problem with Fran taking the initial T, something had to be said for the few series leading up to that point, take the T and hopefully you get some make up calls. But then for the official to call a T on the assistant on top of that is BS, total BS.
McCabe taking the next T was the right call, but he had just racked up two fouls (1 rightfully and 1 very questionable) in about 8 seconds of game time, then gets a T and has 5 fouls.
It was too bad the officials stole the show, because it was a heck of a good game up to that point. The last 10 minutes of the game were nearly unwatchable with stoppages for ticky tack fouls, tons of FTs for UNI, and Fran's ejection. It took a full hour in real time to play the last 10 minutes of the game.
You are right, when one of your players gets shoved across the court in front of an official our coaches need to walk away, sit down, and shut up.
This and several other non-call were absolutely mind-boggling. And then it would come back around and Iowa would get pegged for a ticky tack foul. Very very odd officiating.

People say Fran overreacted. Ok. What was he supposed to do? 95% of college coaches probably get T'd up last night due to what was going on. It was that bad.
I watched the UNI Iowa State game and UNI got away with a lot of contact in that game as well. It wasn't to the level of the Iowa game probably cause it was at ISU, but there were lots of times where ISU guys would get bumped or there would be contact going up for a shot and no foul called. Also there were at least two times UNI traveled and didn't get called.
love when people don't know the rules and blame the refs. Iowa got beat by the better team.

Care to elaborate on your stupid pointless response? The rules are fouls are fouls, call them both ways and there isn't a problem. Iowa got called for what 8 or 9 offensive fouls and UNI 1? Apparently Pehl (Whatever his name is) gets Shaq treatment in the NCAA also.
Without the bush league/homer refs, UNI loses this game. pathetic to bring in a set of officials like this for a game, just so you can make sure you win. Jacobsen and UNI are scumbags.
This was not UNI or Jacobson fault by any means. I give a lot of credit to the fans who had a huge impact on the game. I was jealous to see the support of the student body and the excitement they created. One of the refs decided to let his emotions get the best of him and so he took center stage and impacted the outcome of the game. It is to bad as that was going to be an exciting game all the way to the end.

Excellent post. Very well said.