Not necessary "unhappy", but disappointed and frustrated, very frustrated. The losses to NW and PU, and the offense(both execution and gameplan/playcalling) in those 2 games and the Wisky game(and also the MSU game), really put me on tilt more so than any time I can recall. While the huge wins against OSU and nebby helped, the Jekyll and Hyde act was brutal.
I'd happy trade the win against OSU for wins in 3 games we Should have won in MSU, NW, and PU.
Even without a West title, 9-3 would have felt pretty good. I'd add a better showing vs. Wisky, even in a competitive loss, would have given me a better feel like we are within shouting distance of them. As of now, it's Wisky...and everyone else in the West.
So yeah. Pretty Meh, maybe a little worse than "Meh. Frustrating.
7 wins is never a good year, but 7 wins this year, in retrospect, feels somehow less.
I was on the 7-8 win group prior to the year, after PSU I was feeling 8, after MSU 6-7, after OSU maybe 9, after Wisky 8, after Purdue 6.
Very odd year. Not in a overall good way.
I will say this is overall the most frustrating year i can recall, for multiple reasons. It's also the most down I've ever been on KF and the staff overall.