**** Umm...GAMEDAY THREAD ****

I guess I agree with regard to defense. Pitt does run an energetic quick-strike set on O, and our boyz have done pretty well with it. How long until they're gassed, though?
The D is stepping up! Now if only the O could put some points on the board so we can win this freaking game!
This offense reminds me of the ineptitude of the McLaughlin at QB era...right before Bob Commings took over.
I guess I agree with regard to defense. Pitt does run an energetic quick-strike set on O, and our boyz have done pretty well with it. How long until they're gassed, though?

If the offense can have a couple of decent drives they will be fine. 3 and outs and the defense will look bad.
There are some queers that you you could probably beat up near where you live. That's a better use of energy and a great public service...just saying.

why you boyz need to 'jack this thread? take it outside