Um, KF is actually correct about not returning punts. It's not worth it.

Punt return stats via Yahoo since 2009:

2012: 119 yards, 16 returns, 9.9 yards/game
2011: 111 yards, 14 returns, 8.5 yards/game
2010: 138 yards, 21 returns, 10.6 yards/game
2009: 173 yards, 29 returns, 13.3 yards/game

Total: 541 yards, 80 returns, 10.6 yards/game

If I offered that you are guaranteed to get possession on every punt situation in exchange for 10 total yards of field position per game, you would be crazy not to take it. Ten yards each game. That's all we're getting for setting up these returns.

Not worth it.

I agree, when your offense is as high powered as ours and a 400 yard game is the norm the field position and 10 yards a game that you get out of successful punt team play is meaningless.
I have an idea: recruit a kid that can return punts. Then teach the punt return team to block and watch for the fake. I know this is some Einstein like thinking. But I think its possible.

It looks like we teach our punt return team to play punts like kick off returns. Turn around,run back 20 yards and set up a return.

EDIT: Of course Im not the head coach for the University of Iowa, so Im probably wrong with that silly idea.
Stop the defeatist attitude. Brodell's return against ISU won the game. Ochoa's return against Michigan won the game in 2003. If you have a guy like Brodell, Ochoa, Sandeman, etc. back there, you give those guys a wall and outcomes of games will change.

To dovetail off of this; what is the % of fair catches to punts received? It seems as though we're on a semi-manditory fair catch rule at Iowa. You know, you can actually rush the punter (not try to block) and set up a return. It's perfectly legal and very many teams do it.
The "Um" in the title of this thread is hilarious. My teenage daughter did this to me in a text. This some new trend or something?

Actually, using advanced metrics, you are better off in the long run going for it on 4th and 2 or under every single time. It will ultimately yield better results over a season. Same thing with 4th and anything within the 30.

I really hope we see coaches start to listen to stats and metrics instead of going with their gut or doing things because they always did. Some program will embrace this stuff one day and it will be a game changer.

However, we have had advanced metrics in baseball for 40 years now and there are still idiots like Dusty Baker (id be shocked if somebody doesnt offer him a job)putting a replacement level player batting 2nd and guys like Mattingly who bunt, (you should never bunt in any circumstance ever, never ever ever it always a bad move). So I wont hold my breath on football embracing this in my lifetime.
Just my opinion, but although I don't like the quote or the fact we can't seem to prevent the fake, as often as we actually return punts vs. the number of times they're fair caught I don't see it as a big issue. I don't like the way it was addressed or brought up beofre the media, because I feel a decision like that isn't something that needs to be explained or brought up to the press, but I simply don't see it as a big deal.
Actually, using advanced metrics, you are better off in the long run going for it on 4th and 2 or under every single time. It will ultimately yield better results over a season. Same thing with 4th and anything within the 30.

I really hope we see coaches start to listen to stats and metrics instead of going with their gut or doing things because they always did. Some program will embrace this stuff one day and it will be a game changer.

However, we have had advanced metrics in baseball for 40 years now and there are still idiots like Dusty Baker (id be shocked if somebody doesnt offer him a job)putting a replacement level player batting 2nd and guys like Mattingly who bunt, (you should never bunt in any circumstance ever, never ever ever it always a bad move). So I wont hold my breath on football embracing this in my lifetime.

I like metrics in baseball a lot better than I like them in football.
Two scenarios - both with the same average - which scenario likely got a TD (or 2) out of the punt return?

Punt 1 75 7
Punt 2 2 7
Punt 3 23 9
Punt 4 6 5
Punt 5 2 8
Punt 6 - 7
Punt 7 12 8
Punt 8 - -
Average 6 6
Median 4 7
Standard Deviation 25 3
OP, all your argument proves is that it's not worth it for an Kirk Ferentz led team. Since that is the hand we are currently dealt I whole heartily agree. Of those last 6 successful punt fakes and 2 on side kicks we win at least 5 of those games if they never occurred.

The best solution however is to find a coaching staff who can probably teach special teams. What has transpired is completely unacceptable if not down right embarrassing for a coaching staff at this level of play. I don't even think there is a high school team in America that has let this happen to them? Six straight successful punt fakes has that even happened in football history at any level?? Seriously!
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the answer isn't to stop returning punts - it's to have the insight, intelligence and strategy to prepare for situations where they might fake.

It's called game film, practice ect ect.

Ferentz coached teams have a history of bad special teams.
Kf could just take off his headset and let the crowd tell him when to watch for the fake... I imagine this must be like brain surgery or something but 75% of the crowd can feel a fake coming yet the thought never crosses his mind.

Also how would they ever expect a punter not to take off and run when iowa's PR team turns their back practically before the ball is snapped... heck iowa was 15 yards down the field before the ball even reached the punter, this is all very silly.
It's really not that difficult. The defensive line engages the offensive line for 2-3 seconds before turning and running to block for the punt returner. This is what every other team does. This holds the line and gives the defense time to make sure the punter actually punts. It really doesn't take all this over analysis. And any statistician will tell you that AVG is the worst and most misleading metric available.
Punt return stats via Yahoo since 2009:

2012: 119 yards, 16 returns, 9.9 yards/game
2011: 111 yards, 14 returns, 8.5 yards/game
2010: 138 yards, 21 returns, 10.6 yards/game
2009: 173 yards, 29 returns, 13.3 yards/game

Total: 541 yards, 80 returns, 10.6 yards/game

If I offered that you are guaranteed to get possession on every punt situation in exchange for 10 total yards of field position per game, you would be crazy not to take it. Ten yards each game. That's all we're getting for setting up these returns.

Not worth it.
Have you subtracted all the negative roll yardages of punts because KF wants everyone to get away from the punt? I'd say Iowa's net punt return yardage (from the time the punt first hits the ground, or is caught) is probably in negative figures per game under Iowa's already existent punt return system...

So no, (with tongue in cheek), under KF, returning punts isn't worth it, and returning punts, generally, hasn't been a policy under KF.

Most opposing punters must salivate when they play Iowa 'cause their stats will get padded.
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cecilb=FBletterman;1187245]OP, all your argument proves is that it's not worth it for an Kirk Ferentz led team. Since that is the hand we are currently dealt I whole heartily agree. Of those last 6 successful punt fakes and 2 on side kicks we win at least 5 of those games if they never occurred.

The best solution however is to find a coaching staff who can probably teach special teams. What has transpired is completely unacceptable if not down right embarrassing for a coaching staff at this level of play. I don't even think there is a high school team in America that has let this happen to them? Six straight successful punt fakes has that even happened in football history at any level?? Seriously![/QUOTE]

Fbmgrletterman. You are stating the obvious. My question, did you acquire such sage wisdom on all things football when you were filling water cups, shagging balls,folding clothes, or loading the truck?

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