Typical Husker stuff


Well-Known Member
Just sweep it under the rug and handle it internally.

LINCOLN, Neb (AP) _ Nebraska's top receiver is suspected of committing his second alcohol-related offense in 14 months.

Lincoln police ticketed Niles Paul on suspicion of alcohol possession by a minor and urinating in public.

Police spokeswoman Katie Flood said an officer spotted the 20-year-old Paul urinating on a fence at 1:23 a.m. Friday. A preliminary breath test measured Paul's blood-alcohol at .104.

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini said Tuesday in a statement he met with Paul and that the matter ``has been addressed and handled internally.''

Paul was suspended for the balance of spring practice in April 2009 after his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving. Paul was not charged with DUI. He pleaded guilty to reckless driving and being a minor in possession of alcohol.
Ummm, this is not something I would throw stones about. We have had our own problems, no need to point out others. Alcohol related offenses should be handled internally if you ask me.
Last I checked Clayborn isn't suspended for the first game??? SHHHH, don't bring on crap that doesn't need to be brought up.
These are the kind of posts you see on Cyclone Fanatic(just substitute Nebraska with Iowa).
This is a good argument for the people that say "this stuff happens everywhere" when one of ours gets into a little trouble, I'm one of those people, I just say it in my head as you can tell I haven't had many posts. Whenever an Iowa player makes the news for something negative the mob of haters come out in full force wanting KF and company burnt at the stake. This just proves that college athletes get into trouble, the program takes care of it (in this case the kid ended up looking pretty innocent in the eyes of the law) and they move on getting ready for the fall.
My point is living close to Huskerville, that they have constantly talked about what a low life program Iowa is and we are a bunch of thugs and our coach never does anything. They have swept so much stuff under the rug you wouldn't believe it. Even Osborne did that stuff.
How dare a college kid drink then pee in public. We've all done it, we just don't play football.
I agree. This type of thing should be brushed off as nothing, because it is nothing. We tend to think of 20 year old football players as some sort of endentured servant which should behave perfectly. He probably only had 3-4 beers. Heck I pee in public when I'm sober. Its just easier to go behind a tree than it is to find a bathroom.
He is a WR at Nebraska, will it really matter if he can't play a few games? It's not like they are going to throw to him or anything........I guess he might prevent a CB from cheating up on run support....:cool:

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