Tyler Sash: "Don't Taze me Bro"

Sash bro: Do it! Taze me bro! Do it!

Police administer tazer to said bro.

Sash bro: Wow that stings, please don't do that again. I give, I give.
In reference to:


someone email this story to LSUFreek or the guys over at "tigerdroppings.com", I'd like to see what they come up with. I bet in the first page we'd have 10 photoshopped tyler on a scooter in a scene from "ghost rider" with police chasing after him. and if this story isn't enough to bring back the "like" button, what is?

And Ed Hightower would be photo bombing in the background:)
Many of the past and present members of the Iowa football team suffer from the same painful addiction. Its sad to see this scenario play out again and again. The struggle is real people and its time we did something about it.

Are you referring to an addiction to scooters?:)
1) Pat Angerer rules
2) That photo tells you all you need to know about healthcare costs and mortality rates in the US
Honestly, I think we will eventually come to the point where we'll need to incentivize physical fitness - i.e. healthy people pay less than unhealthy people. Until you start hitting people in the pocket books, you are going to see the "This is 'merica - I eat how much I want, what I want, and whenever I want" prevail.

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