Tyler Sash: "Don't Taze me Bro"

With these kinds of skills, he's a lock to get picked up by the Raiders or some other dysfunctional team. I was kind of down reading this, then figured, if he's doing that much running, he's probably just getting himself in better shape. Everyone knows, training drunk gives you like 5 times the benefit straight training provides...plus you get to do it at 1:00am.

I also heard that after the first taxing, the cop dropped the taser gun, it ricocheted off Christian Ballard's butt and Sash grabbed it and just started running again. It's Halloween all over again Tyler.
this is ridiculous...scooter...running away....hiding behind a tree...


nothing good happens after midnight.
this is ridiculous...scooter...running away....hiding behind a tree...


nothing good happens after midnight.

Ok, you can't make blanket statements like that. I've had some pretty fine things happen after midnight if you know what I mean. I've done some of my finest and worst work after midnight, but I'm willing to take the good with the bad. Ok, I have no choice, but everyone has a swallow a little pride once in awhile. Guess what, "that's what she said too".

I get 70 miles per gallon on this hog
someone email this story to LSUFreek or the guys over at "tigerdroppings.com", I'd like to see what they come up with. I bet in the first page we'd have 10 photoshopped tyler on a scooter in a scene from "ghost rider" with police chasing after him. and if this story isn't enough to bring back the "like" button, what is?
Ok, you can't make blanket statements like that. I've had some pretty fine things happen after midnight if you know what I mean. I've done some of my finest and worst work after midnight, but I'm willing to take the good with the bad. Ok, I have no choice, but everyone has a swallow a little pride once in awhile. Guess what, "that's what she said too".

Ya, you're right. In fact I was in the middle of one of my greatest performances ever. Then the earth quake hit. Scared the hell out of me and damned near woke my wife.
Regardless of the scooter incident...anyone know the real reason Sash is completely out of the league? I know the Giants liked him...he played quite a bit on special teams and on D. Then he has the PED incident...then he's cut. The talk was that it was to free up room on the roster given what was likely to be a nagging injury for Sash. I was just surprised he was never re-signed or picked up by anyone else.
When you are the 50-53rd man on a roster and get busted for PEDs, that is pretty much it. Knott will learn the same fate.
Clayborn and Sash both hung out at Channelside during last years Outback Bowl. Clayborn seemed pretty cool but I was totally unimpressed by Sash. Can't say I am surprised by this.

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