Tyler Cook Denver Pre-Draft Workout Interview

Rob, I struggled to understand the audio. What does his response to questions indicate to you as to will he or won't he be back to Hawks? The limited amount of audio I could understand causes me to believe he will be back to improve his shooting from 18 feet to 3 point line. Perhaps I did not hear everything correctly.
The audio isn’t the best. I didn’t really glean anything one way or the other in regards to him coming back or leaving. I thought he was insightful with his self assessment.
The audio isn’t the best. I didn’t really glean anything one way or the other in regards to him coming back or leaving. I thought he was insightful with his self assessment.
In listening to Cook's interview its very apparent that he is a good kid smart and articulate. I expect any decision he makes regarding his future will be well thought out
In listening to Cook's interview its very apparent that he is a good kid smart and articulate. I expect any decision he makes regarding his future will be well thought out

I agree and I think he is just a kid trying to chase his dream to play basketball professionally. I think most on here agree that he's not ready and has some work to do on the jump shot, defense and rebounding.

If Tyler is the smart articulate kid that he seems to be that really wants to chase his dream, I'm sure he's taking in all the feedback he's receiving through this process and will continue to become an even better basketball player.

I never thought Tyler was going to leave Iowa to go to another school. I just hope Fran can convince him that coming back to Iowa is the best avenue to get where he wants to go.
In listening to Cook's interview its very apparent that he is a good kid smart and articulate. I expect any decision he makes regarding his future will be well thought out

Yep. If he applies what he learns and works hard he has a shot. (no pun intended)
I don't believe he mentioned defense at all, and he mentioned his coaches (presumably Fran) telling him he'd need to improve his outside shooting and rebounding. So once again, Fran not putting any emphasis on defense...
He's got the athleticism. All he needs to do is put in the time with his perimeter shot.
He’s much farther off than that if we are talking about him sticking in the NBA. He needs to rebound at a much higher clip, which he’s mentions in the video. Defense is still in my estimation where he struggles the most. Rotations are at a premium in the NBA with a spread out court and shooters everywhere. He’s got a long way to go in terms of defensive positioning. He’s an elite athlete in college but he’s probably just slightly above average in the NBA.
I don't believe he mentioned defense at all, and he mentioned his coaches (presumably Fran) telling him he'd need to improve his outside shooting and rebounding. So once again, Fran not putting any emphasis on defense...
I thought the same thing when I listened. I agree he should be a much better rebounder than he is, but I do wish someone was telling him he needs to improve on defense. He just has a way of getting lost on that end.
His number one goal is to get drafted and play in the NBA. The area of improvement that is going to help him reach that goal is shooting. If he can show NBA scouts that he can hit the 3, his draft stock will rise. NBA coaches will teach him to play defense.
He’s much farther off than that if we are talking about him sticking in the NBA. He needs to rebound at a much higher clip, which he’s mentions in the video. Defense is still in my estimation where he struggles the most. Rotations are at a premium in the NBA with a spread out court and shooters everywhere. He’s got a long way to go in terms of defensive positioning. He’s an elite athlete in college but he’s probably just slightly above average in the NBA.
Cant disagree with any of this.
His number one goal is to get drafted and play in the NBA. The area of improvement that is going to help him reach that goal is shooting. If he can show NBA scouts that he can hit the 3, his draft stock will rise. NBA coaches will teach him to play defense.

I'm sure the same thing was said/could have been said coming out of high school.
Most draft publications don't even have him as one of the Top 150 players in the country. He didn't make a first, second or third team all B1G. There isn't a snowball's chance in heck he gets drafted 2nd round, nor that he probably gets a G-League invite.

As to the poster who talked about Fran's assessment of what Cook needed to work on, I agree whole-heartedly in my disappointment in the lack of talking about defense....he does this even when talking about incoming and returning players....all he talks about is whether they can put it in the basket or not. Does he not realize that's not the point? We were one of the top scoring teams in the conference....good enough to easily get 20 wins....but that the defense was so atrocious that we didn't even come close to 20. It's like listening to Leslie Nielsen say "Please disperse, there's nothing to see here" or Baghdad Bob claiming "There are no Americans in Baghdad".
I'm sure the same thing was said/could have been said coming out of high school.

I'm sure it was. I'm also sure that NBA coaches believe they're better than college coaches and college coaches believe they are better than high school coaches. Doesn't mean NBA coaches could make Cook a better defender, he needs to make that a focus himself.
I think the question he'll have to answer is what does he want to do with these being his options. 1. Europe (most $ he could get) 2. G league. (best competition with NBA style play/coaching not to mention here in US but way less $) 3 Stay at Iowa and all that'd go with that. The NBA isn't drafting him that's a given since he wasn't invited to their combine deal among other obvious reasons...
Tyler can wish in one hand. Wait until he's playing in Lithuania with the Ball boys! Also did you see Bruce Weber takes his team to the Elite 8 gets a mere 2 year contract extension. Fran McCaffrey and enormous extension with much fewer results.

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