Tuckers Return


Well-Known Member
I know that the hawks need some depth... however, I am not sure that I want Tucker back. He has a tendency to just heave 3's and not protect the ball very well. He also has a tendency to be extremely lazy on the defensive end. I hope that he can come back and give the same effort the rest of the guys have shown these past two weeks... but I am worried that his return will hurt the team. Any thoughts?
The better the team plays without him... the harder he will have to work and the better he will have to play to earn his minutes.
I think it will be tricky for coach Lickliter to determine when to get Tucker back in the game. You don't want to mess with the chemistry of the team, but it would be nice for the depth during the game so players do not get too tired. This is one of those decisions that will be second and third guessed no matter what happens.
Little Lick just scares me...I can't believe teams don't slap a double team on him every time he has the ball. Nothing against the kid, but he just does not have a B10 handle.
I agree that AT's return could seriously disrupt the team's current chemistry and rythm, for the reasons you listed. I think it'll be apparent immediately if this turns out to be the case. We can only hope TLick recognizes it and does what he has to do to keep the squad moving forward.
I know that the hawks need some depth... however, I am not sure that I want Tucker back. He has a tendency to just heave 3's and not protect the ball very well. He also has a tendency to be extremely lazy on the defensive end. I hope that he can come back and give the same effort the rest of the guys have shown these past two weeks... but I am worried that his return will hurt the team. Any thoughts?

Thoughts? I don't know what AT's coming back will do, however, I do know that the AD, the coaches, and the players are allowing and/or welcoming him back.

I submit we let it play out and be careful not to blame everything bad on his return. I can see some posters blaming a loss on him, even if he doesn't play in the game.

Best of luck to AT and the team's continued improvement and some more wins.
Little Lick just scares me...I can't believe teams don't slap a double team on him every time he has the ball. Nothing against the kid, but he just does not have a B10 handle.
This thread is about Tucker, there is a thread for John Lickliter haters, post your negative thoughts on John over there.
My concern about Tucker's return hasn't been about what he would do to the team on the court. it's been about what it will do to the team if he screws up again down the road when they're counting on him.

However, the team has clearly played it's best basketball without him, and having him come back could disrupt chemistry. A lot of the improvement has been related to getting the ball inside rather than chucking up bricks from 3, and I'd hate to see that trend be reversed, too.

I think what someone said above is probably right--that if and when Tucker plays it will be with John L's minutes.
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Some of you people are flat out off your frickin rocker. What team doesn't want more talent on the roster? He's not a cancer. He doesn't appear to be hated by his teammates or his coaches. He is a better player than Lil Lick and those are the primary minutes that he will be taking. He will also give more depth to the roster and allow Gatens, May and others the opportunity to actually get a breather during the game without giving up any talent (arguable to some of you I'm sure). We are gaining experience for next year.

Give it a rest.
i got an idea. How bout anytime they are thinking of putting DB in that instead of that we put tucker in. THat way we have someone who can knock down the 3 but also dribble and play a little D.
Guys few couple thoughts.

1) We need a consistent 3 point shooter. May is not it. Matt can be however he is not excellent at moving around the court without the ball to get his open shot.

2) Improved team chemistry would have happened with or without Anthony.

3) We need another ball handler to spell Cully

4) Team has improved mostly because of a healthy Aaron Fuller. Look how much space has freed up for Cole now that we have another inside presence. I don't think Anthony will take away the improvements this team is showing.
At this point if more Tucker mean less John Lickliter, I am fine with it. Indiana made all of its run with John in the game. He's a hard worker, great BB IQ, gutty, but right now isn't ready for the Big Ten.

I think people see Iowa winning without him and they think it's directly related to him when actually it has to do with the freshman getting used to the system, guys getting healthy, etc... getting a player like Tucker back isn't going to hurt the team.
Good Post +1

Guys few couple thoughts.

1) We need a consistent 3 point shooter. May is not it. Matt can be however he is not excellent at moving around the court without the ball to get his open shot.

2) Improved team chemistry would have happened with or without Anthony.

3) We need another ball handler to spell Cully

4) Team has improved mostly because of a healthy Aaron Fuller. Look how much space has freed up for Cole now that we have another inside presence. I don't think Anthony will take away the improvements this team is showing.
Guys few couple thoughts.

1) We need a consistent 3 point shooter. May is not it. Matt can be however he is not excellent at moving around the court without the ball to get his open shot.

2) Improved team chemistry would have happened with or without Anthony.

3) We need another ball handler to spell Cully

4) Team has improved mostly because of a healthy Aaron Fuller. Look how much space has freed up for Cole now that we have another inside presence. I don't think Anthony will take away the improvements this team is showing.

The problem with #2 is that Iowa's team chemistry improved without Tucker last year, and granted we had some key departures, we took steps backward with him in there this year. (This could all be coincidence, I am not putting this all on AT). And then after he goes out, the team took a few steps back and is now making strides forward. This is a difficult situation to be in. Glad I am not the coach! Regardless I will welcome AT back and hope he does not make any more mistakes to hurt the team, or the fans perception of him.
The team seems to have started to turn a corner. We may not win every game but the team definitely is playing better. I think the Hawks should just keep playing with the players they have.
The team seems to have started to turn a corner. We may not win every game but the team definitely is playing better. I think the Hawks should just keep playing with the players they have.

After thinking about this some more.. I think I second this. At least for the rest of the season. I don't think the program can handle another Tucker let down. I would rather continue to make strides with players who are all doing the right thing, than go let Tucker in for a while, make more strides, than have to take a few steps back if he screws up again. I don't know that I agree with the three strikes rule in this situation. I bet Pierre Pierce is cheering for another mess up so that he is not the golden boy of screwups anymore.

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