Tucker to return and play this season

I don't like the decision, but then I'm just a customer.

If he has to come back I hope he comes off the bench and takes Bawinkel's minutes. There really isn't a lot of difference between the two of them as it has turned out.
I don't like the decision, but then I'm just a customer.

If he has to come back I hope he comes off the bench and takes Bawinkel's minutes. There really isn't a lot of difference between the two of them as it has turned out.

Yeah you're right, no difference at all other than;

Tucker is averaging 11.9 pts a game and DB is averaging 3.2
Tucker is averaging 3.5 reb a game and DB is averaging .9
Tucker is averaging 2.9 assists a game and DB is averaging .5

I'll take Tucker and his drinking over DB and his Rudy like athletic ability.

To be honest I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal out of AT and his two PIs along with his academic suspension. Do you guys have that short of memories to remember the players (and their issues) of the past?

The kid hasn't committed anything more than Serious Misdemeanor (1st offense is a simple, 2nd offense is a serious) and people are making it sound like the kid is complete pile of dog poo. PIs are handed out everyday in Iowa City like they are candy.
"To be honest I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal out of AT and his two PIs along with his academic suspension. Do you guys have that short of memories to remember the players (and their issues) of the past?"


The athletic department created a conduct policy for a reason. #3 will result in dismissal.....and could cost Lick his job.
How about screwing the team and his teammates 2 years in a row now??? Nothing of any consequence came of his indiscretions, eh? Iowa might have made a tournament last season but for his alcoholic binge and academic suspension. No big deal, eh?
I don't have a problem with it. There are hundreds of student athletes who have had multiple public intoxs that play for Iowa's football and basketball team. They just have managed not to get caught. :) Some of you need to get off your high horse and cut the kid some slack.

He had better learn how be responsible though...and how to play team defense. In that order.
"Redeem himself"? Who cares. How about the team, giving it all for the team, being there for your teammates ( and not be a distraction too ), and performing at a level that you are supposedly talented enough to do. Forget about yourself and the redemption will take care of itself.

* its funny that Lickliter came in talking all about team, submitting yourself to the greater cause of the team and all, yet here is an individual not coming close to fulfilling the coach's words/ideals, failing himself and his team three times and the team has suffered ( in one year's time he has ****** away two seasons ), yet we hear about giving this guy another chance to "redeem" himself. Seem pretty hypocritical *
Enough players have given up on the school that the school can't really afford to give up on its players.
First off I am as irritated as ever one else regarding Tucker's situation and they way he has let his teammates down a second time.

However, if I remember correctly, I believe Coach is following the protocol set down by the University, which he would be required to do, concerning this type of alcohol related situation. I think I read where Tucker will need to do 30 hours of community service and go through an alcohol interview process with a counselor before he is reinstated to the basketball program. Now once he returns, I am also betting there will be further reprecussions from the coaching staff before he will be allowed to return to the court.

I think I have heard in the past that Coach Ferentz has some pretty tough standards to meet if this happens on the football program and I am hoping Coach Lick will take the same path.

My biggest concern is where it goes after that. I hope Tucker gets his act together and turns into a great player the next two years and an even better person for the future.

The challenge will also be most of us will be holding our breath over the next two years hoping Tucker can keep his act together.
First off I am as irritated as ever one else regarding Tucker's situation and they way he has let his teammates down a second time.

However, if I remember correctly, I believe Coach is following the protocol set down by the University, which he would be required to do, concerning this type of alcohol related situation.


The decision has been made, hopefully the team can move forward. I know posters on this board won't, but I guess that is what this board is for! :D
Why don't we ask Dan Bohall if Tucker should be back? Seemed to be a different set of rules for him.
However, if I remember correctly, I believe Coach is following the protocol set down by the University, which he would be required to do, concerning this type of alcohol related situation.

Coach's own statements indicate that he is free to impose punishment in addition to whatever the U would require, and I'm confident that could include dismissal from the team. In other words, Coach had a choice he could have made, and he's apparently chosen not to dismiss Tucker.

It's Lick's job, and he'll have to deal with the consequences of that decision. Maybe Tucker will pull his head out of his posterior and contribute to the team as the premium edition of Bawinkel. Or maybe he'll goof up again next season and leave Lick in the lurch in what may turn out to be Lick's last.
If Tucker screwed up again and got a third alcohol related arrest, I don't think that would cost Lick his job. There is a reason there are guidelines set up by the university, so the decision doesn't and can't rest solely on the coach.

Tucker drank, Tucker unfortunately got caught this time in what was an unlucky situation. Tucker needed to be more careful because he had trouble before. I have no inside information, but I doubt Tucker is the only Hawk basketball player to drink during the season!

Additionally, it seems that the same people who are not happy with Lick don't want Tucker back and want to blame it on Lick for allowing Tucker back???
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If Tucker screwed up again and got a third alcohol related arrest, I don't think that would cost Lick his job. There is a reason there are guidelines set up by the university, so the decision doesn't and can't rest solely on the coach.

Tucker drank, Tucker unfortunately got caught this time in what was an unlucky situation. Tucker needed to be more careful because he had trouble before. I have no inside information, but I doubt Tucker is the only Hawk basketball player to drink during the season!

Additionally, it seems that the same people who are not happy with Lick don't want Tucker back and want to blame it on Lick for allowing Tucker back???

I'm not saying that Tucker screwing up again would cost Lick his job directly. However, we need players in this program next season. Many people, including people who have no axe to grind with Lickliter, believe he has to do something by next year to save his job. If Tucker occupies a scholarship through next season but ends up not being able to play, that's a ride that could have been used by someone who might contribute. For example, we desperately need a PG and at the moment don't have a scholarship to give for next season. That's the opportunity cost of taking Tucker back if he screws up again.

It's an independent issue (relative to whether Tucker should come back), but I also think we'd be better off on the court if we used his ride for a good juco PG. Perhaps another ride will become available, but there aren't many positive scenarios by which that could occur.

You want to draw a connection between "not wanting Tucker back" and not being "happy" with Lickliter. Do you know anyone who's really "happy" with Lickliter at this point? I don't. I know people who have varying degrees of concern, from "mild concern tinged with optimism" to the premature "let's get rid of him now" crowd. Most of us are somewhere in between. The Tucker issue has not made me feel any better about Lickliter, but the issues of whether AT comes back and whether Lickliter is the coach of the future at Iowa are independent, except perhaps in the event Tucker does screw up again and leaves us (again) with a short roster.

As for me, I came into this season the eternal optimist as I usually do, but have been stunned at how poorly Iowa has played for most of the season thus far. As a result I'm becoming very concerned about whether we have the right coach or not. The fact that we have no quickness whatsoever in our backcourt is a very serious shortcoming and it's cause for serious concern about Lick's recruiting judgment. I like the incoming class but would feel much better about the chances for turning this thing around next season if we added a guard with superior quickness.
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