Tubby Smith might be canned

Can't argue with the middle sentence of your post. It's consistent with what I've been saying. Scary when the word "smug" comes up in regards to an Iowa coach. Smug is the very definition of what we had about a decade and a half ago.

Yes, that guy was smug. I'd call what Fran does when he says that stuff as defensive not smug.
Yes, that guy was smug. I'd call what Fran does when he says that stuff as defensive not smug.
I think Fran has a little Joe Maddon in him. He has to constantly remind you that he is the smartest person in the room. Some can find that smug. The way Alford defended Pierce and tried to intimidate that victim and then try to invoke religion into it was smug to the fifth power. Fran is more in the line of someone like Cliff Klavin.

BTW Kam Williams just went down and that didn't look good. Guess he won't be trash talking any coaches as he runs by anytime soon.