Trump supporters, how do you square this?

January sixth was entirely criminal, and congress was fortunate that nobody was injured, killed or hung by
the neck till dead

Nowhere in America can someone attack a police officer and not serve time

To pardon the rioters was also criminal, and gives the hard core maga folk permission to continue
their unlawful behavior

Often wonder about the memories of the cowardly gop sycophants in Congress

Seems like the forgot squirming in terror, hiding from trumps out of control rioters
January sixth was entirely criminal, and congress was fortunate that nobody was injured, killed or hung by
the neck till dead

Nowhere in America can someone attack a police officer and not serve time

To pardon the rioters was also criminal, and gives the hard core maga folk permission to continue
their unlawful behavior

Often wonder about the memories of the cowardly gop sycophants in Congress

Seems like the forgot squirming in terror, hiding from trumps out of control rioters
They are still squirming in terror.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing is more important to these politicians than getting re-elected. Honesty, integrity, honor, morality, truth all abandoned in pursuit of the prime directive: to stay in office forever.
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January sixth was entirely criminal, and congress was fortunate that nobody was injured, killed or hung by
the neck till dead

Nowhere in America can someone attack a police officer and not serve time

To pardon the rioters was also criminal, and gives the hard core maga folk permission to continue
their unlawful behavior

Often wonder about the memories of the cowardly gop sycophants in Congress

Seems like the forgot squirming in terror, hiding from trumps out of control rioters
Only if you you serve the Maga king can you bludgeon cops in America and get awarded for it. Like many of Trump's mirages you don't have to go far to see he's a conman. His speech was full of it:

We back the blue but Jan 6 beatings and pardons. And the entire GOP Congress is complicit here.

We love the military yet I'm cutting VA dramatically. Yet they're suckers and losers, and yes, I berate and fire Generals.

I support cancer research yet I'm gutting research funding.

I support a healthy America yet I put in charge an antivax nut who switched from dem to republican for power and we have more measles cases in one state than transgenders (the biggest issue ever) in all of USA athletics

I support the economy yet I'm imposing tariffs so Americans will pay more for everyday goods drive up inflation and I'm tanking the stock market to boot

This man is a grift and has never offered anything in his entire life that has any value, from his fake University, Trump vodka, failed casinos, 6x bankruptcy, 5x draft dodger to his thieving from charity, replacing Obamacare, infrastructure week, I can go on and on. The apprentice saved that fool because Americans are stupid and he continues to be saved by gullible stupid Americans that fall for grift after grift. Hail Putin!

Trudeau telling Americans facts
How do people see another leader say he's putting tarrifs on us as retaliation and not realize it debunks the idea that tarrifs only hurt your own citizens? Those two concepts counterdict each other. Sooo many people are saying Trump is only hurting his own citizens with tarrifs. Once they see other leaders impose revenge tarrifs they should instantly realize they were wrong.
It's been proven over and over and over again that the US isn't paying SS to anyone over the age of 115 years old. In fact they audit that regularly. They have very few people over 100 still getting SS. Is their fraud in SS? Yes, but it's NOT because we've been paying 200 and 300 year old people for years unchecked. He's trying to cast doubt in SS. Repeating a lie over and over. So he can do what's next.
It's been proven over and over and over again that the US isn't paying SS to anyone over the age of 115 years old. In fact they audit that regularly. They have very few people over 100 still getting SS. Is their fraud in SS? Yes, but it's NOT because we've been paying 200 and 300 year old people for years unchecked. He's trying to cast doubt in SS. Repeating a lie over and over. So he can do what's next.
Is it "proven"? Or is it just said?
If social security has been paying out to dead people, it would be best case scenario for social security. It's dying. There's been more going out than going in for a long time. Finding out that a lot of money that's going out is fraud would be ideal.
January sixth was entirely criminal, and congress was fortunate that nobody was injured, killed or hung by
the neck till dead

Nowhere in America can someone attack a police officer and not serve time

To pardon the rioters was also criminal, and gives the hard core maga folk permission to continue
their unlawful behavior

Often wonder about the memories of the cowardly gop sycophants in Congress

Seems like the forgot squirming in terror, hiding from trumps out of control rioters
The people who assaulted cops got years in jail. Maybe that's enough and maybe it's not, but it's probably pretty close either way. I personally think more time, but that's just me. I also know that there are other factors at play here. One is that cops got caught on camera shooting rubber bullets into a peaceful protest. One side of the story is that's what turned the crowd violent. Ask yourself what you would do if you and your wife were at a peaceful protest and a cop shot her in the face with a rubber bullet? There is video proof of this happening. The video doesn't prove that that was the only reason the crowd turned violent. But it shows it was at least some of the reason.