Trump supporters, how do you square this?

If I were you guys I would want to watch those videos just to figure out how someone can be dumb enough to think the things I think. At least that part will make sense.
6 months ago I'd have said we have 50-60 years left minimum. I'm definitely questioning that now with what Trump is doing with Ukraine (arguing like a 3rd grader in the White House, as the "leader of the free world" humiliating a vulnerable country beg for help and asking them to kiss his ring). Trump actually had a golden opportunity to strengthen the allied front in Europe, strengthen the position of the US in the region, and send Putin packing while adding a mutual benefit of mineral resources in a deal that would've been good for the goose and the gander but he totally blew it like the uneducated codger he is.

I don't care what anyone says, the US for the past 150 years has been the country that the vulnerable people of the world have always known they could turn to for help but that's over. It took all of 15 minutes to totally destroy everything the US (Democratic or Republic) has built up to this point. That's not hyperbole. If we secede from NATO we are going to be on an island that we can't survive on. Isolationists are going to get their wish and they have no idea the ramifications of something like this. Short-sighted, myopic loonies.

I'm dead serious when I say this...I could easily see in the next couple of years Europe finally joining forces and this being what pushes them to the brink of becoming the superpower that the US used to be. If they can get China to side with them it's over, because the one thing China wants more than anything in the world is for the US to shrivel away and that's finally happening. What Europe/China have needed all along was something to unite them and finally get on board with each other to finally get out from underneath US influence, and Trump has handed that "something" to them on a silver platter. I don't know if this is something that a new administration can undo 5 years from now, but I highly doubt it.

Turn off the lights, folks. Party's over. I ain't mad about it, I've got about 30 years left above ground and it is what it is. I'd love to have grandkids some day but I really don't think it'd be a bad thing now if I don't. I don't think the world is going to be all that rosy for them.
This, times 1000. Sadly, I agree with you and this crazy "America first means America alone" isolationism won't go well for us.

This was a very weak move by our President. Very weak, indeed.

What happened to the party of Reagan? We are not the "good guys" or the "shining city on a hill" anymore. Europe will figure out how to defend itself and trade with others, I'm afraid. They cannot trust us.

I'm also afraid they will not give us intelligence information anymore, since the goofball in chief cannot be trusted, as he is fundamentally dishonest, not to mention a petulant child.

Another video talking about the events in 2014. All of this stuff if true (I do get that it's possible these are all AI fake videos to trick people) lays out how the US helped do a coop against the elected Ukrainian government. If we did, of course that was going to be the response of Russia. And again, this doesn't justify what Russia has done. It just puts context to it. The left's narrative right now is that Russia is trying to expand hos country again and bring back the old soviet union. If that's true, it makes some sense we are getting involved. But if all of the stuff in these videos are true (the first one almost certainly is) then this isn't about expansion. If it's not about expansion, then what the hell are we doing?

USA always has and always will wield its influence in what it thinks are its best interests. What it did in Ukraine is an example of this. But wielding your influence (economic, geopolitical, etc.) is very different from violently deposing a sitting government to try to establish a "better" one. That is essentially what we did in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, all disasters. That is also what Putin is trying to do in Ukraine. The pretenses we used in Vietnam (fighting communism) and Iraq/Afghanistan (fighting terrorism, stabilizing the Middle East) look weak, in hindsight. But they are much stronger than what Putin is working with (protecting Russians in Ukraine/fighting Nazis).

And yes, I know the Azov brigade has Neo-Nazi ties...but we have Neo-Nazi paramilitary groups in our country, as well, that doesn't make us a Nazi country. And the incredible civilian death toll from Russia's offensive argues pretty convincingly against any concern for protecting citizens of the Donbas.

There are two options. This is either all true or it's all a lie. I choose to believe it's true because I have the benifit of hindsight from all of the past wars. If it's all a lie, then this war is an outlier from the other ones. If it's true, it's just the next step with the military industrial complex.

Your worldview is way too simplistic, why would those be the only 2 options? Maybe part of it is true, and part is a lie? Or part is an error? Or part is an oversimplification? There are many who disagree with Sach's accounting of the situation as overly simplified and and neatly packaged for those looking for a tidy conspiracy theory to explain what is happening. You don't have to look hard to find counterpoints. I have provided one below, and the heavily sourced article I included earlier also takes on this theory.

USA always has and always will wield its influence in what it thinks are its best interests. What it did in Ukraine is an example of this. But wielding your influence (economic, geopolitical, etc.) is very different from violently deposing a sitting government to try to establish a "better" one. That is essentially what we did in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, all disasters. That is also what Putin is trying to do in Ukraine. The pretenses we used in Vietnam (fighting communism) and Iraq/Afghanistan (fighting terrorism, stabilizing the Middle East) look weak, in hindsight. But they are much stronger than what Putin is working with (protecting Russians in Ukraine/fighting Nazis).

And yes, I know the Azov brigade has Neo-Nazi ties...but we have Neo-Nazi paramilitary groups in our country, as well, that doesn't make us a Nazi country. And the incredible civilian death toll from Russia's offensive argues pretty convincingly against any concern for protecting citizens of the Donbas.
So it sounds like we mostly agree. I just take it one step further and say more than likely the end game of the US was to provoke a war. My two main points for thinking that is our history with wars in other countries and the fact that we picked a country as corrupt as Ukraine to get involved with. The second point is even more dumb to me after I type it. We have a history of using wars to push the military industrial complex to transfer billions in wealth. Then we pick a corrupt country to get into bed with knowing full well Russia won't just stand by and let it happen.
Your worldview is way too simplistic, why would those be the only 2 options? Maybe part of it is true, and part is a lie? Or part is an error? Or part is an oversimplification? There are many who disagree with Sach's accounting of the situation as overly simplified and and neatly packaged for those looking for a tidy conspiracy theory to explain what is happening. You don't have to look hard to find counterpoints. I have provided one below, and the heavily sourced article I included earlier also takes on this theory.

When I said all true or all a lie I meant who knows even if the videos were AI generated or pieced together to form a specific naritive. Both of those things are possible with most things you see now days. I think if the videos are real it only points to one thing. Perhaps that is oversimplification too tho.
The only info to process would be to eliminate the people who didn't respond. He straight up said "I'm not looking for good answers. I just want you to write words so I know you're a human". I think maybe you're under the impression that he is looking to fire people based on their responses maybe. That wasn't the point. He just wants a response so he knows if there is a person connected to the check being written.
No my issue is he has absolutely no insight into anything about these employees other than whether they did or didn't respond to an email in which he (a third party not affiliated with the agency) mandates they respond or face termination. What the end goal is I understand, but the approach in my opinion is still absolutely ridiculous and I'd de offended as an employee regardless of his reasoning based on his approach. Sure it might not be seen as offensive if you support DOGE's involvement, but if opposed to it I'd be absolutely furious.
I'm no economist, but tariffs have an interesting effect on purchasing power that is a little different from "regular" inflation.

With typical inflation, the cost of goods increases, and wages also tend to increase.
With tariffs, the cost of goods increases, but wages do not increase.

This means less buying power for consumers.
Since our economy is largely driven by consumer confidence and consumption, I wonder what this will mean in the coming year.

Some economists predict a contraction in our economy, which is believable. What are your thoughts?
Get ready for the "whaddabouts" and twitter links about to come your way, lol.
Does DJT or his followers care about the First Amendment?

Universities have a tough role in safely managing academic freedom, and freedom of speech.

Seems like Big Brother is cracking down on everything that they don't like.
No my issue is he has absolutely no insight into anything about these employees other than whether they did or didn't respond to an email in which he (a third party not affiliated with the agency) mandates they respond or face termination. What the end goal is I understand, but the approach in my opinion is still absolutely ridiculous and I'd de offended as an employee regardless of his reasoning based on his approach. Sure it might not be seen as offensive if you support DOGE's involvement, but if opposed to it I'd be absolutely furious.
Thats why he needs help from the heads of all departments to make it work. Then it's your boss telling you what to do for one. For two you have to have communication to make it work. Also every single American should support this other than the politicians who are stealing money.

So, free speech is or isn't something that MAGA supports???
I can answer this one. No, they don't support it and they are actively trying to control speech at campuses, schools, in our daily news. Goofy ass Republicans here in Iowa are trying to get chaplains into schools now. The anti -Jesus crowd (Maga) thinks behaving like King Herod but hiring school chaplains somehow will make the world a better place?

Just learned today there is a plaque made that honors the officers that were attacked by Maga horde on Jan 6 that Biden signed off to be hung in the Capitol - Trump lead GOP refuses to hang it. Can you say evil? I can see it and I can say it. Spade is a spade.

So, free speech is or isn't something that MAGA supports???
It's very obvious at this point that people's opinion on free speech depends solely on what they're saying. I'm a very firm believer in free speech all the time.
Your worldview is way too simplistic, why would those be the only 2 options? Maybe part of it is true, and part is a lie? Or part is an error? Or part is an oversimplification? There are many who disagree with Sach's accounting of the situation as overly simplified and and neatly packaged for those looking for a tidy conspiracy theory to explain what is happening. You don't have to look hard to find counterpoints. I have provided one below, and the heavily sourced article I included earlier also takes on this theory.

So listening to the guy in your video, the first thing that comes to mind is man anyone can say whatever they want. Everyone should probably do a better job of just assuming things aren't fact. Another thing is the guy in my video said it openly to a big crowd. It's a lot harder to get away with lies about history in that setting than it is doing a video alone from your home. That said, it doesn't mean it's impossible that Sach wasn't lying.

A couple points in the video. He bases I mostly around it being false we made promises not o move west. Instead of trying to decide which side of a he said/she said to believe, I asked myself if it even matters if we did or didn't make promises. The answer I came up with is it matters a little, but not a lot. I keep going back to the argument that if Russia tried to install communism in Mexico we would attack Mexico that same day. I still think that's true. It's hard to condemn Russia for something the US would (and maybe should) do in the same situation. So even if we didn't make that promise years ago, Russia clearly doesn't want their neighbors turning into more of a West leaning government. But on the flip side, Ukraine should get to do whatever they want. So there is a difference between a neighboring country freely deciding to install a new government, and a foreign country pushing them to install one.

So then I gotta ask myself, what would the US do if Mexico freely decided to turn to communism without the help of Russia? I'm guessing they would stage a coop to make sure it didn't happen. So I guess in my opinion, no matter the circumstances for how Ukraine changed governments and the US involvement, we are condemning Russia for something we would do if we were in their shoes.

One other thing in the video I found interesting is when he listed the areas Russia invaded recently. A few weren't even recent (the 60s I think?). A few were areas of Ukraine that all were kinda linked into one (I think?) And Georgia which was identical to what's happened with Ukraine as far as they attacked right after the possibility of Georgia joining NATO. So based on the list he gave as an example of Russia trying to expand their country, it seems all of the recent ones also fall into the category of Nato getting involved.