Public schools are failing
There are too many distractions especially with smart phones
It might be difficult for preteens/teens to concentrate on whatever lessons are attempted
Teachers have their hands full
The Divide has no barriers
Less money is directed to public schools and seems to be concentrated on private schools
Good post. I agree with what you said, so I'm not trying to go against what you are saying, but since you brought up education so I thought I'd use this as a way to share my views as a teacher (and do some venting after the last week and a half I've had).
I don't see much difference in students today as I did when I started teaching 27 years ago. The biggest difference isn't the students but the parents. When I started, you didn't have to worry about the parents unless you let their kid slack off or get away with something. Now, I'd say less than half of the parents of the kids are like that.
It's all schools, not just public schools. The difference between private and public schools is the SES. If you remove the low SES kids (those that qualify for free or reduced lunch), the NAEP scores (national standardized test) are identical. In talking with teachers and coaches from private schools, they have the same issues and successes as public school teachers/coaches have.
Cell phones are a distraction, not because they have them on them and want to check them but because they can't bear to be separated with them. My students put their phone in the back of my classroom. I have 6 chargers if they'd like to charge them. You always hear people joking that their teacher told them that they needed to learn to do their math on paper because they wouldn't have calculator with them and now they do. On certain things I teach, I require them to use their phone calculators. They hate it because they don't know how to use them.
One thing you are absolutely correct in saying is that teachers have their hands full. For me it's never been about the kids but the initiatives that are handed down to us that we have to work through and show progress annually. These people sit in their offices, most of them because they couldn't make it as a teacher, and come up with ideas that would make us better teachers and will make little Johnny into an Ivy Leaguer. You know Johnny. He's the kid who hasn't eaten anything since school lunch the day before and hasn't changed his clothes if a few days. Yeah, his biggest worry is trying to find x. Get rid of that damn US DOE. I don't know if that statement pisses off the left or right, because I'm sure one side wants it and the other doesn't. I don't give a shit, just get rid of the damn thing. Schools don't need more legislation. That's the biggest problem with schools. It's like me saying that the University of New Hampshire football team needs to blitz more often. I'm right because I've coached FB for 27 years. I don't know anything about their program, but they need to do it because blitzing works for some so it must work for all.
Also, in no way am I saying my job is tougher or worse than anyone else's. I really do love my job and can't see myself doing anything else. There are just a lot of "imperfections".
The best way to get past tough weeks is to catch some fall walleyes and northerns like the ones I caught last weekend. Made me anxious to get back to school and compare pictures with my students. Nothing like spending time swapping fish stories with my students on a Monday.