Wouldn't becoming buddy buddy with Russia and China be best case scenario? As far as severing ties with current allies goes. Imagine having a friend who was always borrowing money off you and never paid you back. Also he's always asking you for help but MIA every time you need help. Other than that, he's a great friend you don't want to lose. I don't think there's anything wrong with confronting your friend and saying "I'm still your friend but you're done taking advantage of me". Then if they bail on your friendship, they weren't ever really your friend anyway. Whether Trump is right or wrong in his assessment of how our allies are treating us, it seems like that's what's going on here. If he's wrong in his assessment, it's going to come off really bad and we're going to lose allies for no reason. But if he's right, this has to be done. There are 30 year old videos of Trump complaining about how the US is treated with trade. He's had this axe to grind for a long time.