Trump supporters, how do you square this?

As the Repubs stress the popular “spending cuts” hymn, singing in great harmony while the ignorant applaud, donny boy and his minions decrease our revenue stream with tax breaks. Not for you, MAGA’s. No mention, of course, on revenue. Moral cowardice has infected our political system. Looking for a vaccine…

BTW: In keeping with attacks on the most helpless, the unable to respond, the Repubs are gearing up massive reductions in Medicaid. (Insert swastika here)
There are tax breaks, but they are only going to the top bracket (mostly) and the next to the top bracket (some).
As the Repubs stress the popular “spending cuts” hymn, singing in great harmony while the ignorant applaud, donny boy and his minions decrease our revenue stream with tax breaks. Not for you, MAGA’s. No mention, of course, on revenue. Moral cowardice has infected our political system. Looking for a vaccine…

BTW: In keeping with attacks on the most helpless, the unable to respond, the Repubs are gearing up massive reductions in Medicaid. (Insert swastik
There are tax breaks, but they are only going to the top bracket (mostly) and the next to the top bracket (some).

Have you read "Your Inner Fish" by Neil Shubin? Incredibly interesting book on the mechanics and processes of human evolution starting with the transition from "fish" to the first land-dwelling animals. Absolutely right up your alley I'm guessing.

I will look into it!
Ok next question from nerd to nerd...

Are you an e-reader guy or a physical copy guy? I have a decent sized library of hard copies but no real good space to keep them all, and I like physical books for some nostalgic reason. But I also have a Kindle with about 75-ish titles paid for. I do like that because I can take it anywhere and read without a light, but I can never settle myself into one medium. What I need to do is build a big ass full wall bookshelf and then make it a goal to fill it, but I don't have a good spot for that in my house.

Either, I use both. Most new titles I read are via a Kindle Fire (I steal one from the kids). But I still like to pull books off the shelf I have read many times, and in that case I read hard-copy.

Growing up, I probably read nearly every Louis L'Amour book in existence. My Dad was big into Westerns, and those books played a big role in shaping how I look at the world. Just recently, I was thinking that my 11 year old boy might enjoy some of those books. So, I borrowed about a dozen from my Dad, and I am trying to get my kid into them. He is most of the way through his first one, but I have read about 6 or 7, already (or re-read, I should say).

They are super quick (usually 170 pages of paperback), and they are very black and white: the good guy is completely virtuous, the bad guy is bad to the core, and the hero always wins and gets the girl. They can be a fun read, and I have enjoyed re-visiting them. But, they are essentially reading junk food, so I should probably consume them lightly.
No ability? My God you hard core liberals in this thread haven't given a single inch to anyone the entire time. Do you see other guys who just lean left like kicker and CP87 who can have back and forths and at least give an inch? Have you not noticed me give an inch? Guys like you are just non stop name callers and won't hear a single thing that isn't 100% anti Trump. There is only one guy here I'll name call and it has nothing to do with his political opinion. And I'm about to do that now.
I'm not a "liberal" or "conservative" but I'm definitely anti-Trump, for a lot of good reasons. Cheers.
Either, I use both. Most new titles I read are via a Kindle Fire (I steal one from the kids). But I still like to pull books off the shelf I have read many times, and in that case I read hard-copy.

Growing up, I probably read nearly every Louis L'Amour book in existence. My Dad was big into Westerns, and those books played a big role in shaping how I look at the world. Just recently, I was thinking that my 11 year old boy might enjoy some of those books. So, I borrowed about a dozen from my Dad, and I am trying to get my kid into them. He is most of the way through his first one, but I have read about 6 or 7, already (or re-read, I should say).

They are super quick (usually 170 pages of paperback), and they are very black and white: the good guy is completely virtuous, the bad guy is bad to the core, and the hero always wins and gets the girl. They can be a fun read, and I have enjoyed re-visiting them. But, they are essentially reading junk food, so I should probably consume them lightly.
My son is 18 and hates reading, hates school. He does ok but doesn’t like it, he’s chomping at the bit to get out of HS and learn a trade with his hands. It used to really bother me but the older I get the more I’m realizing all people are wired different and he didn’t get my wiring. Which is ok. We have other stuff we can bond over.
I think I read every Louis L'Amour book there is

Read them as a teenager all the time and read them in bed until my Dad come in
and shut the light off

I pulled the covers over my head and used a flashlight to read myself to sleep

I haven't got into the Kindle and have at least a thousand books and get books from the Library
all the time, I usually have 3/4 library books out

I read book reviews on the internet and put the ones I am interested in on hold

Have read all the Jack Reacher books and like the Thriller/Mystery books

The Reacher books are addictive

Really like Charles Frazier, he wrote Cold Mountain, Nightwoods and many others
his latest the Trackers is really good and highly recommended, like reading a film noir book

Like to read in bed and drink warm milk while reading myself to sleep
My son is 18 and hates reading, hates school. He does ok but doesn’t like it, he’s chomping at the bit to get out of HS and learn a trade with his hands. It used to really bother me but the older I get the more I’m realizing all people are wired different and he didn’t get my wiring. Which is ok. We have other stuff we can bond over.

Reading is difficult for the children raised on Smart Phones

They are entirely too boring and don't splash you in the face quickly and constantly

It is becoming a lost art, my son is addicted to reading and finishes a book sometimes in a few hours
Have finally got my daughter into reading and she is starting to love it

Smartphones are very addictive, people are always looking at them and missing out on life as a result

In restaurants people seat across from each other looking at smart phones while waiting for the food
to be served and usually lay the phone beside the plate and look at it while eating

So the White House kicked the AP out of the briefing room because they won’t call the Gulf of Mexico by the stupid name the Orange Turd wants??? It was named the Gulf of Mexico a couple hundred years before America was founded. What a whiney little bitch he is. Such a tough guy shitting his pants all the time. When is New Mexico going to be renamed after something or someone else he loves….himself. The world is both laughing at us and scared to death of what that deranged lunatic will do next.
Google maps has it golf of America now. I kinda like the sound of it. Makes more sense too because the continent is America.
My son is 18 and hates reading, hates school. He does ok but doesn’t like it, he’s chomping at the bit to get out of HS and learn a trade with his hands. It used to really bother me but the older I get the more I’m realizing all people are wired different and he didn’t get my wiring. Which is ok. We have other stuff we can bond over.

He will probably find something he loves learning about (history, tech, what have you) in about 10 years, and then really dive into it. It sucks to be forced to learn stuff...but everyone is wired to want to learn and grow. We just need to find the stuff that most interests us, and we need to do it on our time.

The USA has more guns in civilian hands than other countries have in their armed forces and police. The more guns a country has, the more mass shootings are going to happen.

Almost every other country has violent video games, violent movies, violent tv shows, has access to drugs - both recreational and prescribed.

The 2nd Amendment was instituted when it took a few minutes to reload your musket. Weapons aren't the same anymore and should be harder for people to get their hands on weapons used by armed forces and police.

Why are drugs being treated harsher than the guns??? Both have the ability to harm and kill, but we can't talk about gun restrictions???

Why shouldn't guns be registered or you have to be licensed to have one? We do it with vehicles...
Utilizing vehicles seems to be a new way for sick people to cause mass murder. Since "IT'S THE GUNS" as you state i'm curious what the proposed solution will be from the "it's the guns" crowd to eliminate this growing problem?
Utilizing vehicles seems to be a new way for sick people to cause mass murder. Since "IT'S THE GUNS" as you state i'm curious what the proposed solution will be from the "it's the guns" crowd to eliminate this growing problem?
How long did it take to go back and find that post?
Utilizing vehicles seems to be a new way for sick people to cause mass murder. Since "IT'S THE GUNS" as you state i'm curious what the proposed solution will be from the "it's the guns" crowd to eliminate this growing problem?
Can you bring a vehicle into church or schools or theaters or Walmarts or etc, etc, etc???? Stricter gun laws, needing a license to have guns (you know, like vehicles), no more gun sale meets where anyone can get one.... I'm not going to go round and round with a moron thank thinks guns aren't an issue.

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