Trump supporters, how do you square this?

What is wrong with what he is saying

Difficult to believe that a Christian would support his policies
Absolutely nothing, his/her opinion. In my opinion, you call yourself a Christian and in the next breath you are calling people bastards and scumbags. Doesn't seem very Christian-like to me.
How many maga terrified republicans are in the House and Senate

his Cabinet picks are completely off the charts, perhaps the absolute worst possible for
the majority of his heinous choices

If you are not concerned by his picks, perhaps you should take a Cold Bath and reevaluate
the situation
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably have never met, never talked to, never looked at their backgrounds, don't know them other than what the media tells you. I haven't either by the way. Trump has to appoint someone, so I say give them a chance if confirmed and in 4 years we might be able to tell if they were a good pick. As far as off the charts, I will leave you with Ms. Rachel Levine. A dude who thinks he's a woman running the Health Dept. I can't afford the water bill for that choice.
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Wow!!! It sure looks like they had time during that "crazy battle" to relax and check their phones.
My point wasn't that they didn't have time. I've seen enough video to know how chill it was inside most of the building. My point was if a group of mostly unarmed people were in a battle to overthrow the government, they wouldn't have time to stand around looking at their phones like they are doing in the pictures you showed.
@PCHawk won't read it because it wasn't presented to him via twitter. I'm not joking.

Just like he won't read the link I posted to the USC law on treason and sedition, and just like he won't look at the link I posted about media bias.

He's literally said here multiple times that if it doesn't come through on his twitter feed, he doesn't read it. Twitter is it with him.
Such a weak thing to say from a mentally weak man. There's a difference in saying I go to twitter in my free time and that's how I get my info and saying I refuse to look at anything unless it's found on Twitter. You clearly know and understand that difference so typing that post is really douchey.
I think my comments regarding Trump and his appointees have been pretty clear. I find, as many do, Trump and his close associates to be without empathy and maybe even job skills. I also (like many) see many of his unqualified nominees in confirmation hearings this week and shake my head.

It's about the president, but also the people leading massive organizations under him (like HHS). Some of these people have ideologies or financial interests that run counter to the missions of the organizations they'll be leading. That's corrupt, and it's wrong.

It appears you're trying to continue the "my team vs your team" dialogue, and for me, it's not like that. I personally find Trump and his minions to be highly problematic from both a skill level, and also on a values/morality level. For example, RFK is frankly anti-science, not to mention his current lawsuit against a vaccine maker in which he has a financial stake, and the EPA nominee is very clear he's not about protecting the environment. He's on record saying his goal is to increase oil extraction and remove regulations for oil companies.

So, the basic answer to your question is the my options are to not vote, or vote for the candidate opposing him. Since I will never, ever vote for this criminal that has strong authoritarian leanings, my choices are limited.

The Democrats have failed in presenting a great candidate. I chose the candidate who would keep our relationships in the world strong, and respect our own citizens. It's not Trump. I hope that answers your question. If you want to go into a "Kamala is bad" conversation, I won't have much to say because she lost the election and I have stated in many posts why I believe Trump is a malignant narcissist that we'll be lucky to survive.

I do agree with some stances on crime and immigration, but their application of immigration reform is rather brutal. I wish we, as a country, could do better.
Wait a second. Trump is an authoritarian? I thought he gave his presidency to Musk?
Valid. I said Biden vs. Trump, because I saw Harris as a replacement. Honestly I have nothing against her, but felt she definitely drew the short end of the stick having to put together a campaign a matter of months before the election. To be fair to her I honestly don't know that anyone could have stepped in at the last minute and actually won an election.
They installed her last minute because they knew the longer she campaigned the worse she would do. It's not like people who were around Biden figured out he was mentally gone during the debate. They knew the whole time because they spent time with him. They chose to stop hiding it and throw him to the wolves during the debate so they could install Harris in the 11th hour, limiting her exposure on the campaign trail. Whoever is controlling the democratic party right now cared more about installing someone they could control than they cared about putting someone in who could win.
King Trump is in rare form today. He's flapping his yap about the tragedy (plane crash). He's blathering on about DEI efforts, somehow insinuating that that may have been related to the plane crash.

Just let the professionals investigate the crash, you horrible turd of a human.

Yes, it was a fail on the Dems part. I think Biden owns part of that blame, because he could've chosen to bow out of the race very early in the game, which would've allowed for more time and a better vetting process for the nomination of the candidate.

I'm amazed that we can't do better as a country, although I totally get why a principled, smart person would steer very clear of politics.

I think Fry mentioned earlier that politicians should have strict term limits, limits on salary, and limits on how they can profit from their position. That sure would help a lot, too. But, it's clearly gone the opposite direction as the richest men in the world stand next to Trump. The new EPA head clearly is working for the oil companies. As our dear leader would say "these are very nasty people. very unfair. SAD!"
Once you come to the realization that unelected officials run the country so they need to install a president they can control, these shitty nominations make a lot more sense.
I work with several people that are brilliant. They are organized, well-spoken, and know how to lead large numbers of people. Unfortunately these folks will never be politicians.

I had the opportunity to be a part of a state's "Governor's fellowship" that introduced a cohort to government service, with the idea that we'd all become people who would contribute to boards, commissions, and even elected office. Two of my classmates are mayors of cities now. At this level, I found these people to be awesome, so maybe there is hope.

At the federal level, it is straight up manure show.
That's because in order to get to the top, you have to play ball. The good ones get weeded out before they get to the top. They get railroaded like Tulsi Gabbert. I assume you hate her because you're told to. But she was a very smart, very well spoken minority woman (a democrats wet dream) and she was booted from the party for not playing ball. You want to find out what's wrong with your party right now? Look no further than her.
Absolutely nothing, his/her opinion. In my opinion, you call yourself a Christian and in the next breath you are calling people bastards and scumbags. Doesn't seem very Christian-like to me.

Taxi Driver by Paul Schrader | Goodreads

I never mentioned that I was a Christian, although I was raised Catholic and went thru 12 years
of Catholic school

Refresh my memory: When did I call people Bastards or Scumbags

Such a weak thing to say from a mentally weak man. There's a difference in saying I go to twitter in my free time and that's how I get my info and saying I refuse to look at anything unless it's found on Twitter. You clearly know and understand that difference so typing that post is really douchey.
Now you’re starting to sound like your buddies trump and Elonovich. I’m hurt.

You’ve literally said on this board more than once that Twitter is the only source you use for news because it’s easy and you don’t feel like spending the energy looking other places.

Were you lying then, or are you lying now? There can only be one answer but my guess is I’m going to just get more deflection…
They installed her last minute because they knew the longer she campaigned the worse she would do. It's not like people who were around Biden figured out he was mentally gone during the debate. They knew the whole time because they spent time with him. They chose to stop hiding it and throw him to the wolves during the debate so they could install Harris in the 11th hour, limiting her exposure on the campaign trail. Whoever is controlling the democratic party right now cared more about installing someone they could control than they cared about putting someone in who could win.
I actually agree with this whole statement. Biden and the Democrats fucked themselves this last election. Terribly run all around.
The cabinet issue absolutely blows my mind. If, and a big if, he wants to try to convince his doubters that he's as smart as he thinks he is then that all went out the window with his cabinet. Intelligence isn't about being "the smartest person" in the room, but rather surrounding yourself with enough knowledge and diversity to appear that way. There's no shame in surrounding yourself with people that are smarter or more knowledgeable, but when you put together the cabinet that he did in which most selected cabinet members contradict, or lack any experience, in the position they are being put into then there is a serious problem. He's chosen followers and loyalists over credentials and qualifications and that's a recipe for disaster.
It's no secret that I think the government is corrupt. So keeping that in mind, this is how I see hos picks. A lot of who he picked is people who have been railroaded by their party, or haven't been around long enough to be corrupted. I get how someone can see those people as unqualified or bad picks because their own party doesn't like them. But as a guy who thinks the established government is corrupt, these people look like people who actually have a chance and the desire to clean things up. From my prospective, if the established government likes a pick, it's a red flag to me. How can you trust a friend of corrupt people to clean up the corruption? Now if you don't start out with my perspective on how corrupt it all is, then these picks seem bat shit crazy. If you're someone who trusts that the government has their best interest in heart, then of course you are going to be weary of anyone they tell you to be weary of.
Now you’re starting to sound like your buddies trump and Elonovich. I’m hurt.

You’ve literally said on this board more than once that Twitter is the only source you use for news because it’s easy and you don’t feel like spending the energy looking other places.

Were you lying then, or are you lying now? There can only be one answer but my guess is I’m going to just get more deflection…
I already answered your question in the post you quoted. There is a difference between saying where you get your news and saying you refuse any news that doesn't come from there. Again, you know and understand that difference (maybe I am giving you too much credit here) so your post was douchey, like I said.

If you mentioned that in your free time you watch basketball, then I told someone else that you repeatedly say you refuse to even glance at the TV if any other sport was on, what would you think? I'm guessing you would think I was being a complete douche. And you would be right. So please, stop being a douche.
King Trump is in rare form today. He's flapping his yap about the tragedy (plane crash). He's blathering on about DEI efforts, somehow insinuating that that may have been related to the plane crash.

Just let the professionals investigate the crash, you horrible turd of a human.
That's a stupid thing for a president to say. Not surprising tho because he says lots of stupid things.

I hate to beat a dead horse, but King Trump? How can you insinuate he gave all of his powers to someone else one day, then call him King Trump the next?
Taxi Driver by Paul Schrader | Goodreads

I never mentioned that I was a Christian, although I was raised Catholic and went thru 12 years
of Catholic school

Refresh my memory: When did I call people Bastards or Scumbags

Let me rephrase that, "when one calls himself a Christian and then follows it up in the next sentence with the President is a bastard and Republicans are scumbags. I was responding to BigD I believe. Sorry for the confusion.
Wait a second. Trump is an authoritarian? I thought he gave his presidency to Musk?
Wow you are easy to trigger. Yes, I do see Trump and his entire team as authoritarian.

Some of us just said President Musk sarcastically because it triggers the fanboys.

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