Tressel's Comments in the Register

For instance, it was KOK that called that DISASTEROUS TO against Bucky at the end of that game. Now true enough it was Stanzi that threw the stupid pass to ARob with no time left.
This is how I would rank Stanzi's deep ball

Terrible: 10%
Below average: 30%
Average: 40%
Good: 15%
Fantastic: 5%

He's hit a lot of good ones this year and last. But he's had some bad ones.
It interesting, I think most people have to admit that Ricky Stanzi was better in 2010. Better completion percentage, yardage, td to int ratio, all the key stats.

The problem is, he didn't make the key plays when his team needed him to. Dan Persa and Pryor made plays with our defense bearing down on them time and time again. Our offense folded in the two minute drill four times and could score to win the games at the end of the games.

The reality is our offense blew it time and time again prior to their last opportunity of the game. In every one of those four losses we had great chances to put the games away and we couldn't score points. Call it poor play selection, poor execution, poor game planning, whatever, we didn't score points. That gave each of those teams the chance to beat us in their last drive.

Our defense gave up 13 points Arizona, 21 to NW, and 20 to Ohio State...if you would have told me that prior to the year starting, I'd have said we win 2 of 3 in that case 99% of the time.
My hope is that the offense, Stanzi in particular, just says FU to KOK if they get in that situation again and they just go shot-gun, no huddle, hurry up. Don't even look at the sidelines and let KOK's indecision and bad playing calling screw things up.
This is how I would rank Stanzi's deep ball

Terrible: 10%
Below average: 30%
Average: 40%
Good: 15%
Fantastic: 5%

He's hit a lot of good ones this year and last. But he's had some bad ones.

You do realize that a quarterback who completes 60% of his passes is thought to be a fairly accurate quarterback right.

That being the case wouldn't you call someone, who by your own admission, throws the deep ball accurately around 60% of the time pretty damn good at it?

I mean if it were possible to complete the deep pass more than 30% of the time at best it would be virtually the only play teams would run.
I don't know, I thought before this year that Stanzi was a great leader, but watching them run the two minute drill so unsuccessfully over and over again has given me some doubts. The whole offense looks lost and in a panic during these drives. The QB has to set the tone and not one time have we looked confident having to make a drive to win the game. Not to mention the bad decisions he's made from throwing two yard passes when we need to save time to not throwing it away when he had a chance. We just look so terrible in our two minute offense that I have a hard time believing we have such great leadership.

Yes, some of this falls on Ricky. But who is his positional coach? I believe Ricky is a longshot for making it onto an NFL roster. If so, that would mean KOK's streak of coaching Zero Iowa quarterbacks onto an NFL roster is alive. The only position in the KF era to not have an NFL player? Correct? Isn't that kind of strange since we supposedly run an NFL style offense? Regardless, I wish Ricky luck.

I will say it again. If KOK is around next year I hope we would at least have a new dedicated QB coach and KOK would try and coach from the "pressbox". It has become too chaotic for him on the sidelines especially during the two-minute drill. Do we need anymore proof than this year's games? Pathetic.
We like to use 5 receivers so that we have more options and it makes it easier for their quarterback to run. No one is asking Iowa to run a spread offense but they need to mix it up. If you look at the Iowa offensive stats you have one of the most efficient quarterbacks in the country, a running back that usually get 100 yards a game at 5 yard per carry and have the least amount of turnovers in a season. I think are execution is phenomenol for the limited amount of formations that we have. KOK offensive scheme has consistently over the years produced one of the worst 3rd down conversions in the big ten. KOK I want you to succeed, could you please join the modern era of football and be more diversified.

Good post! Please KOK! Please!!!!!!!!!!!! 4-5 receivers on 2nd down! Flee-flickers! Stand-up tight ends in the hurry-up offense!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything!!!!!
Stanzi has thrown some really really bad deep balls. Balls to McNutt and DJK where he overthrew them when they were wide open. Missed a lot of points on the long ball this year. That's a fact.
Thank GOD there are more that recognize his misses this year because they've been critical and potentially game changing. Hope the D is good enough to keep them under 17 points otherwise we'll lose.
Stanzi has thrown some really really bad deep balls. Balls to McNutt and DJK where he overthrew them when they were wide open. Missed a lot of points on the long ball this year. That's a fact.

Agreed. On the ones he has missed it seems like he has been too technical. Sometimes I think he just needs to sit back and throw a laser.
would it be out of line to presume that stanzi has maybe been trying to build a good statistical rep so that he becomes more draftable?

He put more passes out on the line last year, throwing for 15+ yards very often. His only deep passes seemed to come on first down when the opponents would expect a run play. This year he's more apt to check down to Adam or Reisner if his wr's aren't blatantly open ...or he'd even eat the sack so he could keep from throwing intercepions. It just seems to me like more often than not he was playing to pad his stats and not necessarily to take risks in order to win the game.

My hope is that the offense, Stanzi in particular, just says FU to KOK if they get in that situation again and they just go shot-gun, no huddle, hurry up. Don't even look at the sidelines and let KOK's indecision and bad playing calling screw things up.

Yeah, that'll work.
LOL. I know, only chance would be if there were no time outs left so KOK couldn't stop the clock. Would be awesome though, wouldn't it?

It's as if you don't understand that KOK runs the plays that Kirk wants him to to run, and that Rick Stanzi isn't exactly Peyton Manning.

Supposing Kirk did let Rick do that, you'd be the first person to complain if something went wrong.
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You are right about one thing Shadas and that is that KF has his hands all over the play calling particularly in close situations and we can see the result of that 4 close losses. Hell we can't even make PATs this year maybe KF should devote more time to that aspect of the game.
That isn't what I said at all. I said that KOK runs the offense that Kirk wants him to run. The play-calling is entirely up to O'Keefe, but Kirk has final veto. I'm guessing that Kirk's involvement with play-calling during the game is limited at best.

If you interpreted what I said as "Kirk tells O'Keefe what plays to call during the game," that isn't at all what I meant.

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