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I just don't think we can level this great foundation Lick has in place and expect to have a castle built in a year. I agree that we need to keep recruiting above our current talent and not worry so much about transfers.
Tucker, Brommer and Fuller won't be missed. Coach Lickliter doesn't need players that are weak, slow and unwilling to play the system. That's not what being a Hawkeye is all about. I trust that Coach Lickliter will find the right guys, it's just going to take a few more years. At least by 2013 or 2014.
Tucker, Brommer and Fuller won't be missed. Coach Lickliter doesn't need players that are weak, slow and unwilling to play the system. That's not what being a Hawkeye is all about. I trust that Coach Lickliter will find the right guys, it's just going to take a few more years. At least by 2013 or 2014.
But he's the one that found Tucker, Brommer, and Fuller. So now he knows who the right guys are?
Matt Gatens isn't going anywhere! Coach may lose a few more and who cares if we do??? They don't deserve to be a Hawkeye! We'll be better off without them! I'm standing by Coach Lickliter and whoever wants to be a Hawk! It's not easy to win at Iowa, we don't have the facilities like Coach Lickliter had at Butler. Just need to be patient and by 2013 Iowa will be back in the NCAA's. Go Hawks!

Wow, I hope this was a joke. First, player transfers was one reason some people dissliked Alford. If you complain about it with Alford then the same standard must apply to Lick. Secondly, it's very hard to consistently win with all of those transfers all the time. Thirdly, it says that your players don't like you when guys transfer all the time. Fourthly, it says you are a poor recruiter if you can't do any better at getting guys to fit your program. Finally, there is a newer rule that you must have a certain percentage of your players graduate over a span of a few years or you will start to lose schoolarships. I don't remember what the % was or what the period of time is. It was put in a few years ago and it isn't my job to know it so I've forgotten the specifics. I do remember that guys transfering counts against you! I don't know how close we are to loosing schoolarships because of all our transfers. We have to be getting close and would surely be on pace to get in trouble if three players transfer again this year.
Tucker, Brommer and Fuller won't be missed. Coach Lickliter doesn't need players that are weak, slow and unwilling to play the system. That's not what being a Hawkeye is all about. I trust that Coach Lickliter will find the right guys, it's just going to take a few more years. At least by 2013 or 2014.

If the system was not such a joke maybe players would like to play for it. Those 3 players will be missed, however Lick will not be missed if he is fired, cause that was one of the biggest coaching mistakes Iowa has ever made.
I have been an avid defender of Lickliter. I like him as a person and think he is a good coach, but if this does come true and there are a large number of defections, I have to start asking a lot more questions. Once is an accident (Smith, Freeman), twice is a trend (Kelly, Peterson, Palmer), but three times is a problem.
TurnipTruck, were you posting as theman last week. You sound an awful lot like him. Yes, let's stay behind the current coach not matter who transfers or the record. Sounds like a plan.
I just don't think we can level this great foundation Lick has in place and expect to have a castle built in a year. I agree that we need to keep recruiting above our current talent and not worry so much about transfers.

Speaking of foundations and castles, our program has the foundation of a sand castle. I just hope these rumors of players leaving is not true. The one exception would be Brommer as that would be addition by subtraction. He would be better off at a D II school in Minnesota as he would have to show an amazing level of improvement in order to help us by the time he is a senior.
Speaking of foundations and castles, our program has the foundation of a sand castle. I just hope these rumors of players leaving is not true. The one exception would be Brommer as that would be addition by subtraction. He would be better off at a D II school in Minnesota as he would have to show an amazing level of improvement in order to help us by the time he is a senior.

You are correct,


Brad Lohaus and Les Jepsen
Who do you think recruited Brommer? Hint,it was not Steve Alford. Turnip,you are in left field! Wake up and smell the roses. If the hawks lose any more players this year,our coach will and should be gone. They are his recruits. If players keep transfering,we will start to lose scholarships by NCAA rules. That is not what we need.
It's not Coach Lickliter's fault that Brommer has failed to get better. All Brommer needs to do is follow the system. Coach Lickliter has given Andrew the teaching. It's that simple. Go Hawks!
We actually need to have a benchwarmer transfer to open up a scholly for a desperately needed quick point guard. If this staff wants to continue their run at Iowa they better be beating the bushes for just such a player who can immediately contribute. They need to coach and work as if they need to make the NCAA next year or be fired....cus they probably will. Whatever it takes.
Transfer to where? Their that good? Maybe they should transfer to Subway U. The players that are considering transferring must really think they have some hidden talent some other coach can bring out of them. Its not like we have a Wesley Johnson that we'd lose. Maybe just maybe they need to concentrate on fundamentals: passing, rebounding,defense and shooting. Man I'm getting myself worked up, or how about gritting your teeth and getting to work on how to become a better basketball player? When things get tough you'd think the players would bond and get an attitude of us against the world instead it sounds like they are saying this is too much, i'm gonna take my ball and go somewhere else. Sounds whiny and cry babyish to me.
TurnipTruck you really are theman posting under a new handle. Just follow the system. Apparently more than just Brommer isn't following this hallowed system.
If they start leaving again it is time to find another coach - end of story. Athletic director is not stupid enough to leave it be if this happens. Nice guy but if it isn't working, time to move on.
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