Total headscratcher, Iowa and Nebby vs common opponents.


Well-Known Member
Iowa and Nebraska have had 5 common opponents so far this year. The results couldn't be more different.

Penn State:
This is the only game that had a similar result. Both Iowa and Nebraska lost in a low scoring affair though they did put up a much better effort than we did.
Iowa lost 13-3. Nebraska won 17-14.

Iowa won 41-31, Nebraska lost 28-25.

We got hammered out of the gate and never recovered, they gave them a beat down.
Iowa lost 37-21, Nebraska won 24-3.

This could be Iowa worst loss under KF. They did what you were supposed to do.
Iowa lost 22-21, Nebraska won 41-14.

Iowa totally takes away scUM's big play offense and grinds them down, they get dominated on both sides of the ball.
Iowa won 24-16, Nebraska lost 45-17.

This game is a complete head scratcher. Both teams have been so wildly inconsistent this year.
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Yeah fixed. That game was just weird. I don't think anyone actually remembers the score.

Fact is: We did. It is bad enough having to remind those buttknock scUM posters that we did, but I am proud that the guys got up for that one and beat them down for the third year in a row.

We have been giving Nebraska crap for a while about living in the past and dwelling on the accomplishments of prior generations...and scUM is taking that to a new level. When they were good, I thought they along with Nebraska had the most obnoxious fans anywhere. It has been great to hear them shut up the past few years as there has been nothing to talk about.

I like what Hoke has done there and I do think they are going to be a relevant team again--the team does enough to make one appreciate what they are about. Just wish their fans would keep some perspective and remember that they have not been relevant for quite some time.
There's no way in F*** that we should have beat Michigan or lost to Minnesota. It makes no sense whatsoever. Yet it happened.
There's no way in F*** that we should have beat Michigan or lost to Minnesota. It makes no sense whatsoever. Yet it happened.

In my opinion the likelyhood of us beating Michgain was greater than the likelyhood we lose to Minnesota.
Hope that makes sense.. what I mean to say is I was not surprised when we beat Michigan and was flipping mad, outta my mind when Minnesota beat us!
I think the win against scUM makes sense. The best way to beat Iowa is to be able to consistently execute 5-10 yard plays in the passing game. Iowa's scheme is designed to make you put long drives together and not give up big plays.

scUM's strenghts are big plays, and their biggest weakness is putting long plays together with the QB making good decisions and accurate passes.
I think the win against scUM makes sense. The best way to beat Iowa is to be able to consistently execute 5-10 yard plays in the passing game. Iowa's scheme is designed to make you put long drives together and not give up big plays.

scUM's strenghts are big plays, and their biggest weakness is putting long plays together with the QB making good decisions and accurate passes.

He had trouble stringing 2 straight completions that day. Shoelace was bad....
I think the win against scUM makes sense. The best way to beat Iowa is to be able to consistently execute 5-10 yard plays in the passing game. Iowa's scheme is designed to make you put long drives together and not give up big plays.

scUM's strenghts are big plays, and their biggest weakness is putting long plays together with the QB making good decisions and accurate passes.

Holy sh!t you really ARE the de facto voice of JD Miller!!!
Penn State lost to Nebraska on the week that they lost their coach and their mojo. Nebraska beat a flat MSU @ home.
Iowa lost badly to MSU @ home.
Iowa won against Michigan @ home
Nebraska lost to Michigan on the road.
Iowa beat NW @ home. Nebraska lost to NW @ home.
This whole conference this year has been a head scratcher.

Yes, it certainly has. I hope, for your "sanity" sake, you don't find out what it's like to lose to NW when you have no business losing to them...'cause it SUX.

What surprises me is that, although score-wise and "media-wise", the NU-Wiscy game was a "blow-out", I really thought you all were just a few terrible mistakes from keeping it very competitive. NU coming back to beat OSU seemed "sane", then having Wiscy lose two in a rocked the crap out of the B1G "stasis". I don't think many people expected PSU to be playing Wiscy for the Leaders "title", either.
Iowa is very undisciplined this year on both sides of the ball. Iowa has made a lot of mistakes on both sides of the ball. Add that to a defense that has NO pass rush whatsoever and that the defense is not changed one iota (although we have blitzed a few more times this year than past years). The offense completely depends on Vandenberg and he Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, mostly Jeckyl on the road...add that to an offense that makes many silly and costly mistakes and you have Iowa this year.

A staff that prides itself on discipline and outworking its opponents is/was not capable of it this year.

NE likes good oldfashioned head knocking football in most phases of their game. Iowa simply does not have the personnel this year to play like that...but that does not mean that Iowa will change anything.

Because of the styles of play, NE could put a ringer on Iowa just like MSU did. Iowa is not a physical team whatsoever, especially on defense. Iowa's defense is likely to take a very physical beating this weekend. And with NE's running game, the bend and break defense is going to be on the field a lot Friday....A LOT>

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