Torn ACL confirmed...

Herby in the words of Tom Jackson and Mike Ditka "Come on, man!"

How could you be a legit Hawk fan and not know that Canzeri, Iowa's starting RB in last year's bowl game, was a true freshman? Not to mention the playing time he got before that. Clearly that means he didn't redshirt... If you read Rob's article Canzeri's Dad said there is no reason to rush things and he'll most likely redshirt this year and focus on getting bigger.

Man herby I'm just trying to give ya some advice. Think before you post. You make an easy target out of yourself and posts like this are why.
Something is going on causing all these Knee injuries.

I'm 40, overweight, out of shape, but have 4 years of eligibility remaining AND I've already torn an ACL and had it replaced. I volunteer to carry the rock, or to be AIRBHG's next victim.
Maybe instead of virgins we need to rethink what we sacrifice? I think go to other side of spectrum and sacrifice hookers and midgets.
I'm 40, overweight, out of shape, but have 4 years of eligibility remaining AND I've already torn an ACL and had it replaced. I volunteer to carry the rock, or to be AIRBHG's next victim.

My knees already hurt. A torn ACL may be what I need. If we need a 2nd volunteer sacrifice I have 4 yearss of eligibility remaining as well.

Good news is he gets another year of premium education at the U of I.
He wasn't going to start. I guarantee it and he for sure needs another year for an additional 15lbs. May be a blessing in disguise!
To be honest with everyone here - the running back that impressed me the most last year was McCall. After that De'Andre. Didn't he already tear everything available? I thought he looked really good in the few carries he got.
did Canzeri RS as a freshman? if not he can rs and get healthy and bigger. as for walk-on Dawson and Malloy are looking better all the time, both were 3* talents coming out of HS, Malloy 6'0, 190, 4.4 40 is pretty good, and he does have a chance to earn scholly by his sophamore year so they are not scrubbs in any stretch of the term.

really...did canzeri rs his frosh yr?

you tee that ball up so nicely everytime, then you get your panties bunched up when someone takes a bat and swings for the fences.

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