Torn ACL confirmed...

Maybe consider moving Brad Rogers back to running back? Hopefully the Hawks can keep a few running backs healthy through the non-conference portion of their schedule.
OK, I'll say it....again. KFz didn't learn anything from the debacle of 2005. We still don't recruit depth at RB. And we continue to pay the price
OK, I'll say it....again. KFz didn't learn anything from the debacle of 2005. We still don't recruit depth at RB. And we continue to pay the price

Exactly how many RB's do you want on the roster? Load up on RB's and kill the depth at a few other positions? That doesnt sound like a great plan. RB is probably one of the easier positions to replace. Your hate for KF gets pretty old to read.

I can see it now: " HERE COME THE IOWA HAWKEYES!!! The deepest team in the nation at Running Back with 25 of their 85 scholarship players listed at Running Back!!"
Even without Canzeri we have Bullock and Johnson currently on scholly then Garmon and Hill are incoming scholly players. Dawson would have been on scholly had he come here instead of UNI, and Malloy would have been on scholly had he not made some dumb choices in high school. So we are going to be 6 deep when the season starts.
I continue to be at a loss for the continual state of flux at the RB position dating back to 2004. That said, RB has proven to be a spot that Iowa always has someone who will produce, even when all appears bleak. Who would have thought that Robinson/Wegher would have produced so well? I look at the roster and I certainly see possibilities. Garmon, Dawson, Hill, Johnson & Bullock all have talent. I have a good feeling about Dawson though. Can see him and Garmon being very formidable. Of course, no one is ever safe from AIRBHG.
OK, I'll say it....again. KFz didn't learn anything from the debacle of 2005. We still don't recruit depth at RB. And we continue to pay the price

There are something like 8 RB on the roster. How many do you want to see? How many do other B10 teams have?

Please supply some data before clueless ********.
Even without Canzeri we have Bullock and Johnson currently on scholly then Garmon and Hill are incoming scholly players. Dawson would have been on scholly had he come here instead of UNI, and Malloy would have been on scholly had he not made some dumb choices in high school. So we are going to be 6 deep when the season starts.

Six deep....Hell, we could go through that in a couple of weeks!
OK, I'll say it....again. KFz didn't learn anything from the debacle of 2005. We still don't recruit depth at RB. And we continue to pay the price


They recruit 2 a class. You can't get many more than taht if you want good ones to come.

They have recruited plenty(just need 'em to stick). Got 3 last year.
This has already been brought up numerous times in the other related threads, but I might as well repeat.

Iowa had a terrible rash of ACL injuries in 2004. Was there a systematic training problem? It is possible. But if there was, it seems to have been fixed.

From the end of 2004 until the end of 2011 there was 1 RB that was going to see the field who tore his ACL (Jewell Hampton). He tore it twice, once in a non-contact, players-only conditioning session, and again in a game when his knee was forcibly hyper-extended by a tackler (no amount of training was going to save that knee from that hit).

I am pretty sure that is it. Brinson missed most of a year with a foot injury. He then transferred to UCF, and he tore an ACL there after transferring. Johnson tore an ACL in high school.

I think people are remembering all of the RBs that have been lost to various reasons and thinking there have been a rash of injuries. There really have not. There are many on this thread who seem to be trying to come up with explanations for a phenomenon that does not exist.
There are something like 8 RB on the roster. How many do you want to see? How many do other B10 teams have?

Please supply some data before clueless ********.

8? name em. My guess is beyond the first 2 or's walk ons and after thoughts. (no offense to the young men). Perhaps I should have added that PLAYING more than on RB would enhance recruiting and retention of our RBs.

RB depth has been a problem since 2004 in one form or another. There has to be a reason besides just "bad luck". You tell me what it is.

EDIT: I just checked, it's 6 on the roster. So you only exaggerated by 1/3. Close enough. And the names are hardly block buster D-1 studs. Canzeri would be the highest rated recruit and many said from day 1 that he was undersized to be a Big Ten RB. (I like the kid, but he is smallish for a primary ball carrier).

So tell me why we seem to have chronic problems back there.
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Why are we taling as is there's a rash of ACL tears for our RB's if, since the end of the 2004 season Canzeri is only the second RB we've had tear an ACL?

Nothing is wrong with the S&C program.

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