Top Coaching Jobs

I agree with some of it. But I think TX should be ranked better than they are in my opinion. Putting Bama first on the list I just don't understand. The only reason their number one on the list, is because their winning.
The author loses some credibility with me after the description for Georgia, the second team on the list.

Georgia is one of the nation’s best recruiting states. UGA is the only relevant in-state recruiting power."

It's true that GA has a lot of HS talent. However, due to the transient nature of the Atlanta area, and the large number of SEC and ACC schools close to GA, there is a high percentage of kids that do not have a strong allegiance to the Bulldogs.
Texas should be very high on the list just because of their budget and income, fanbase, and the ton of talent just in Texas let alone what else they can recruit. I remember last year reading they have the largest income to athletics of D1 teams (I still call them D1, easier).

Maybe Charlie Strong turns it around now playing his players. Hard to say if he gets the chance.

When they find the right coach they are hard to beat. Darrell Royal, Fred Akers succeeded Royal and was a bowl game win from winning a Natty Champ. Mack Brown was really good.
and I'd suggest Iowa State is not simply "Iowa without the positives"...unless by "the positives" you mean virtually everything.
No comparison between ISU and Iowa over the last 15 years, 30-35 years, 50-60 years or 110 years.

Not trying to bash ISU because I used to root for them when I was young but thats all I could do is root because they dont have any positive history to hang your Fan/fanatic hat on. No championships, geez, a couple of minor bowls wins and a few upsets.

If you are like me and first started watching Iowa football with your family in the late 1950's then you know how you can be a really big Iowa hawk fan.