Tony Moeaki gets headline from KC Star

it's pretty clear that Iowa has had other TEs who played through more pain.

"pretty clear", "played through more pain"? Who, when, what injury, and why was it more painful? I'm interested in who is/are this/these TE(s). Iowa has had some good ones, no doubt, but none stand out against Moeaki on this criteria.

I agree he lacked the health to play at a consistent level, if by that you mean, continuous level. Toughness is such a subjective term, it's difficult to get agreement on what it means in context of a football player, but to me, I don't think there was a lack of toughness.
The only thing we know for sure after 5 years of Tony Moeaki is that when he wasn't hurt he was inconsistent.

We also know something else for sure - you didn't actually watch any Iowa football for the last five years. Either that or you are just a total idiot?
To say that other TE's played through more pain is absurd. Its easy for us to sit behind out computers and TV's and make statements like that. INFACT, Im betting that alot on here never even played FB through high school. I did. I also sucked. But loved playing the game. Moeaki was a great player and is/was also someone who represented Iowa very well. Lets give him the respect of saying he was a great hawkeye that was a very good TE that had alot of bad luck injury wise. Saying he was inconsistant also isnt fair. Alot of times when he was playing is was double covered because he was such a threat. Which opened up someone else to make the play. You most likely will say AC was over rated this year too after he gets double teamed all year and might not make QUITE as many plays.

CoolRunnin66... what did T Mo ever do to you to p.. you off?

Always a class act... on and off the field.

Made contributions in both his first two years and then had the horrific injury the third year at Whisky.

Thw last two years have included s break, a sprain and some other nagging things.

And at some times brilliant performances.

So why hate on Tony?

CoolRunnin66... what did T Mo ever do to you to p.. you off?

Always a class act... on and off the field.

Made contributions in both his first two years and then had the horrific injury the third year at Whisky.

Thw last two years have included s break, a sprain and some other nagging things.

And at some times brilliant performances.

So why hate on Tony?

Tony never did anything to me, nor do I 'hate him' or 'hate on him'. I'm simply pointing out the facts or facts to support my opinion.

Opinion: I just don't feel like Tony belongs in discussions of "Great TE". I know Jon and others think Tony should go down as an all time great when in comes to Iowa TE's.

Why? This is where facts come in to play. Because he was hurt and hurt often and I'm not just talking the last two or three years. When he did play those 'brilliiant performances' were few and far between.
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But that's the problem, Jon, you are NOT taking every aspect into consideration.

Football is a physical game, and Tony lacked the health and toughness to play at a consistent level. Moeaki never had serious injuries, it was always the nagging kind.

We'll never be able to prove who was tougher between the TEs and even factoring bad luck into the mix, it's pretty clear that Iowa has had other TEs who played through more pain.

This criticism is every bit as legit as criticizing Tavian Banks for not being tough enough to run between the tackles. It's not a character attack, it's a weakness in his game. Tavian wasn't the best RB we've had (even though he was the fastest, best acceleration, best moves, best hands, etc) because he could perform what was required when it was required. No different with Moeaki. He was good for 1 to 2 games a year, EACH AND EVERY YEAR.

You don't have the slightest freaking clue what you are talking fact, I'd go so far as to say you've never played the game in your life.

On one play, Tony received a broken wrist and a dislocated elbow. So tell me, tough guy, is he just supposed to rub some dirt on it and go in on the next play?

Another injury was a broken foot. Once again, how does that relate to Tony's toughness?

Again, another injury was a helmet to helmet hit causing a concussion. I wasn't aware that getting or not getting a concussion had to do with someone's toughness.

You've got to be some kind of moron to sit behind an anonymous screen name in your mom's basement and throw barbs and question the toughness of a guy who never once got in trouble and is probably in Kirk Ferentz's personal top 5 of favorite players he has coached.

But hey, you're the tough guy, right?

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