Tonight's attendance


Well-Known Member
The announced attendance tonight was 12,000+. I thought it looked more like around 10k or so, but that's still not bad considering the opponent. If we can make it out of the non-conference slate with 1-2 losses, Carver might actually get packed for the start of Big Ten season (what I wouldn't give to see what THAT looks/sounds like), which would be extremely helpful for the team, considering the tough front half.
The announced attendance tonight was 12,000+. I thought it looked more like around 10k or so, but that's still not bad considering the opponent. If we can make it out of the non-conference slate with 1-2 losses, Carver might actually get packed for the start of Big Ten season (what I wouldn't give to see what THAT looks/sounds like), which would be extremely helpful for the team, considering the tough front half.

Growing up with my first hawkeye memories in the Early 80's with Stokes and Payne and company it seems wrong to see empty seats when my Hawkeyes are playing basketball.

But considering what Alford and Licklighter did to this program it was a good turnout and if they can keep improving we'll have Carver rocking again very soon. :)

I'm excited about Iowa basketball and I don't think I'm the only one.
A question and observation...

Who and what were the green clad fans (students) representing?

How, in the hell, did anyone approve the 4 to 5 wide aisles down to court side? on either side of the court.

In other words.... it's this wasted space that only allows lazy and fat people get to their seat and get away later. Is there any BB court in America that has such a seating arrangement that close to the court?

Sorry I can't provide a pic. It's way different than the old Field House or Cameron Indoor.
A question and observation...

Who and what were the green clad fans (students) representing?

How, in the hell, did anyone approve the 4 to 5 wide aisles down to court side? on either side of the court.

In other words.... it's this wasted space that only allows lazy and fat people get to their seat and get away later. Is there any BB court in America that has such a seating arrangement that close to the court?

Sorry I can't provide a pic. It's way different than the old Field House or Cameron Indoor.

Greenway maybe?
The kids in green were part of the dance marathon club that raises money for the Children's Hospital I believe.
The kids in green were part of the dance marathon club that raises money for the Children's Hospital I believe.

thanks and thanks for the students to raise money for sick kids!

Now let's ring the bottom ring with students and eliminate the fat *** aisles.

Where can I send some bucks to get this done?
thanks and thanks for the students to raise money for sick kids!

Now let's ring the bottom ring with students and eliminate the fat *** aisles.

Where can I send some bucks to get this done?

Agreed. I remember seeing a poll once upon a time where B1G players were asked what venue is the one they like playing at on the road, and Iowa was the big winner. Something about it being like playing in a church or something like that. Get those kids around the floor dammit! At least half of the ring. The people that are down there are not rowdy enough.
...How, in the hell, did anyone approve the 4 to 5 wide aisles down to court side? on either side of the court.

In other words.... it's this wasted space that only allows lazy and fat people get to their seat and get away later. Is there any BB court in America that has such a seating arrangement that close to the court?

IIRC the wide aisles were for quick exits in emergencies. Was a talking point when Carver was built.

BTW, the new posh seating in the lower rows is to make up for lack of luxury suites. Those folks also have access to a new club room somewhere. Gotta entice the big money crowd somehow.

That CHA is less than optimal for MBB is kind of a running topic on all the Iowa boards I visit. "Multi-purpose" was the theme when it was designed.

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