To the guys that bash Frans recruiting

Iowa hasn't lost a head to head vs. Creighton yet but they have lost out on kids that they were interested in. Pierre Jackson will not go to Iowa, despite the interest. His two officials are to Creighton and Baylor. He might take one to Oklahoma or NC State.

I like Fran a lot - but I hate his staff and his "recruiter" is getting schooled consistently. Just cause he worked at a Nike camp doesn't mean he has any ties to kids and it has shown. Fran needs to get a TJ Otzelburger or a Steve Lutz type ASAP or he is going to be in trouble.

First, it doesn't matter what Creighton does...they have zero impact on the Iowa program and later you said CU did beat out a kid from you have boldly stated here they didn't.

Fran's "recruiter" is not Sherm Dillard if you haven't noticed, the main recruiter is Francis and he was the one locked on Basabe, so I don't see him "getting schooled" as you say. Iowa hasn't been good, it will take time for the staff to get its foot in the door, especially in the Midwest.
Also, if Iowa gets a "Lutz-type" then I will think very little of Iowa basketball. Lutz was a good mid-major coach that fell on his face when he moved up. Could that happen to Fran, sure, but with the graduations in the Big Ten, look for Iowa to surprise some people with what they have back. Recruiting is a crap shoot anyway and you never know what you are going to get until they play their first full year of college basketball.
I don't know about you guys, but theres absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind that Fran will turn Aaron White into a respectable B10 player.
I don't know about you guys, but theres absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind that Fran will turn Aaron White into a respectable B10 player.

We need more than "respectable Big 10 players". That's the point many posters are trying to make. A roster full or respectable Big 10 players wins you 5-7 games in conference.
******** about a recruiting class that isn't finished is just stupid. It's 'sports radio' stupid.

The two recruits Iowa signed already are both good players with offers from Arizona State, Boston College, Butler, Illinois, Minnesota, Northwestern, Providence and Temple. They also have offers from numerous mid-majors, like Creighton.

The first half of the class has been impressive, if Fran can find two more kids as good as the first two, we will be fine.
Told you - you were never an option for Pierre Jackson. Iowa fans need to wake up - you have a great head coach but his staff is awful at recruiting. He needs to change guys out quickly. Hoiberg brought in a guy who was supposed to bring in JUCO talent - he didn't, so he fired him after 1 year.

Iowa needs to find a recruiter on the staff ASAP. They are getting killed in recruiting. Wes Washpun?! He went to UT over a home town team. That's how bad it has gotten.
Told you - you were never an option for Pierre Jackson. Iowa fans need to wake up - you have a great head coach but his staff is awful at recruiting. He needs to change guys out quickly. Hoiberg brought in a guy who was supposed to bring in JUCO talent - he didn't, so he fired him after 1 year.

Iowa needs to find a recruiter on the staff ASAP. They are getting killed in recruiting. Wes Washpun?! He went to UT over a home town team. That's how bad it has gotten.

Now if Hoiberg can hire one that coach. ISU might have a shot next year.
Told you - you were never an option for Pierre Jackson. Iowa fans need to wake up - you have a great head coach but his staff is awful at recruiting. He needs to change guys out quickly. Hoiberg brought in a guy who was supposed to bring in JUCO talent - he didn't, so he fired him after 1 year.

Iowa needs to find a recruiter on the staff ASAP. They are getting killed in recruiting. Wes Washpun?! He went to UT over a home town team. That's how bad it has gotten.

Yea,you bragged about CU gettting that visit from Jackson...boy,that really worked out great,right? Told you that CU sucks and will get their arse kicked by Iowa next season.

I thought you were bragging on ISU's wait, the guy that left did not leave for a better job..he got fired...LOL...that is some spin on a guy bailing a sinking ship.:D
And you sure told us about how weak Aaron White he is named MVP of the Ohio-Kentucky All Star game that features at least 10 high Division 1!!
You should just get out of the bb ''analysis'' game,buddy,you're embarrassing yourself.
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Yea,you bragged about CU gettting that visit from Jackson...boy,that really worked out great,right? Told you that CU sucks and will get their arse kicked by Iowa next season.

I thought you were bragging on ISU's wait, the guy that left did not leave for a better job..he got fired...LOL...that is some spin on a guy bailing a sinking ship.:D
And you sure told us about how weak Aaron White he is named MVP of the Ohio-Kentucky All Star game that features at least 10 high Division 1!!
You should just get out of the bb ''analysis'' game,buddy,you're embarrassing yourself.

It will be an F up of major proportions if Iowa does not land a point guard of some type. Cartwright is a senior next year, and as of right now you have nobody in who would take over for him. Marble is not a point guard.

Lots of people give Hoiberg crap, but the guy realizes that basketball is a business. If you have assistance's brought in for a purpose and they do not start producing some dividends you give them the boot. McRoy and ISU had a mutual parting of ways, that usually means coach you need to find yourself a new job.

Why is it again Dillard is on the staff? I am pretty sure the goal was to get
immediate dividends on the recruiting trail.
Well, the recruiting period extends until next fall,really,so maybe fans could wait til they start panicking? Cartwright came in June last year,as did Cully the year before,so all is not lost,right?
As for singling out a single assistant and blaming the recruiting issues on him...does anyone really know who is responsible for what on the staff? For some reason,Dillard seems to be the designated scapegoat,while Speraw,Francis and Fran himself are in the clear? I am not saying I know how it is structured on this staff,but others seem to have more inside info...or not.

If Fran was some kind of newbie in high division one bb,like Lick and SA, then I might be more willing to panic,but he has done this at ND,and at 3 other programs,and so I am going to stick with his expertise over some fans on this site,and especially a pot-stirrer like Mattsportstalk....whose whole deal is getting fans excited,negatively,and stir controversy....I aint biting on his bullcrap. Go ahead and jump in..
Well, the recruiting period extends until next fall,really,so maybe fans could wait til they start panicking? Cartwright came in June last year,as did Cully the year before,so all is not lost,right?
As for singling out a single assistant and blaming the recruiting issues on him...does anyone really know who is responsible for what on the staff? For some reason,Dillard seems to be the designated scapegoat,while Speraw,Francis and Fran himself are in the clear? I am not saying I know how it is structured on this staff,but others seem to have more inside info...or not.

If Fran was some kind of newbie in high division one bb,like Lick and SA, then I might be more willing to panic,but he has done this at ND,and at 3 other programs,and so I am going to stick with his expertise over some fans on this site,and especially a pot-stirrer like Mattsportstalk....whose whole deal is getting fans excited,negatively,and stir controversy....I aint biting on his bullcrap. Go ahead and jump in..

Look the guy had like a .437 winning percentage as a head coach, there are head coaches looking for jobs that have a better winning percentage than that.

Below is the guys resume the past 6 years prior to coming to Iowa. I really don't think Fran brought this guy in for his x's & o's knowledge. I think he is supposed to be the "connections" guy. But maybe I am wrong..

2004-2009 Title: Nike Global Camp Director. Planned, organized, and implemented administrative and operational facets of Nike-sponsored developmental and exposure-type instructional academies and combines. These camps/academies, while being leveraged with select NBA superstars, featured the top amateur athletes in the world.

Camps and Academies:

Nike All-American camp
LeBron James Skills Academy
Steve Nash Skills Academy
Paul Pierce Skills Academy
Amare Stoudemire Skills Academy
Kobe Bryant Skills Academy
Vince Carter Skills Academy
Nike Hoop Jamboree

Successfully managed a $1.25 Million operational budget
Responsible for hiring acclaimed administrative, operational, and instructional staff
Identified, evaluated and secured top, nationally ranked players for each academy
My buddy was saying he saw a Fran show this season where he explained how Sherm had done some advance scouting and put together the game plan,scouting report,and my buddy,a big Hawk fan,was impressed with what Sherm had done.

As we all know, a win/loss record as a head coach does not really indicate much about a guy in the role as an assistant coach. Resources are different at every situation,and can end up impacting success at the head coaching level.

Do you think that Sherman Dillard knows any AAU coaches based on his resume?
I do. Maybe that will not translate into instant recruiting success,but could pay dividends down the road....I am not on the inside,so I am not going to make definitive statements on Sherman like others on here...who evidently have wiretapped the nation so they know the ''real story''.
My buddy was saying he saw a Fran show this season where he explained how Sherm had done some advance scouting and put together the game plan,scouting report,and my buddy,a big Hawk fan,was impressed with what Sherm had done.

As we all know, a win/loss record as a head coach does not really indicate much about a guy in the role as an assistant coach. Resources are different at every situation,and can end up impacting success at the head coaching level.

Do you think that Sherman Dillard knows any AAU coaches based on his resume?
I do. Maybe that will not translate into instant recruiting success,but could pay dividends down the road....I am not on the inside,so I am not going to make definitive statements on Sherman like others on here...who evidently have wiretapped the nation so they know the ''real story''.

A successful staff has people playing different roles that -- one would expect -- utilize their individual strengths. Sherman Dillard may or may not have been a great college coach. But if he has connections, if he is an organizer, if he is a strong evaluator of talent and can make the pitch to college athletes, maybe those are his strengths and go to the assignment he has in this program.
Iowa hasn't lost a head to head vs. Creighton yet but they have lost out on kids that they were interested in. Pierre Jackson will not go to Iowa, despite the interest. His two officials are to Creighton and Baylor. He might take one to Oklahoma or NC State.

Creighton has 4 kids signed for next year. 3 of them, Iowa looked at it but never got anywhere with. CU beat out Colorado, Northwestern, and other BCS schools for those players...and passed on Aaron White (who I still think is going to struggle in the Big 10).

I like Fran a lot - but I hate his staff and his "recruiter" is getting schooled consistently. Just cause he worked at a Nike camp doesn't mean he has any ties to kids and it has shown. Fran needs to get a TJ Otzelburger or a Steve Lutz type ASAP or he is going to be in trouble.

And the 09 Iowa Defense only got 2 players into the NFL.......
Iowa hasn't lost a head to head vs. Creighton yet but they have lost out on kids that they were interested in. Pierre Jackson will not go to Iowa, despite the interest. His two officials are to Creighton and Baylor. He might take one to Oklahoma or NC State.

Creighton has 4 kids signed for next year. 3 of them, Iowa looked at it but never got anywhere with. CU beat out Colorado, Northwestern, and other BCS schools for those players...and passed on Aaron White (who I still think is going to struggle in the Big 10).

I like Fran a lot - but I hate his staff and his "recruiter" is getting schooled consistently. Just cause he worked at a Nike camp doesn't mean he has any ties to kids and it has shown. Fran needs to get a TJ Otzelburger or a Steve Lutz type ASAP or he is going to be in trouble.

What do you think of Fran's recruiting now? I think 2 4-star recruits looks a bit better than Creighton's...
I agree with Hoops...I haven't read any posts about people bashing Fran's recruiting.

Try again...

And complaining about recruiting before a coach is even finished for the year is just stupid.

Evidence is the fact that since the losers started whining, Iowa has signed two 4-star recruits. Not bad for flunky huh...
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