To the guys that bash Frans recruiting


Well-Known Member
both guys he brought in last year got metioned all conference. not a bad start in my book. we lost alot cause he's aggressive and goes after alot! I like the Myer kid too alot of potential i think he'll rival Myers Leonard at ILL. and we were drooling over him.
I haven't read a post where anyone is "bashing" McCaffrey's recruiting. The biggest challenge any coach has taking a job like Iowa is to lure talent to a state void of east / west coast enticements. To make matters worse, we have sucked for a long time and are significantly less appealing than Butler, Creighton, Wichita State and many other mid majors that not too long ago had to sneak a kid in the back door to get him past the big boys.

I went to 8 games this year and am contemplating buying partial season tickets next season based on the outcome of the recruiting class. Does that make me fan of the year? Of course not, but my point is that I am 100% behind McCaffrey and went to more games this year than the last three combined. My wife was even converted to an Iowa hoops fan because of Basabe and Cartwright. With that being said, even she recognized those guys are about it as far as big ten talent goes.

McCaffrey has a big budget, nice salary, veteran staff, new practice facility, rennovated CHA, and had 11,500 fans show up to watch a 10th place team in the big ten. So yes, I think fans expect a bit more than they did when Lickliter was the coach. In lieu of a winning record, these expectations shift to recruiting and I think it is safe to say we have 3 nice project players on the way, but no difference maker.
?? i have blind faith, that he'll have us back. from what i saw last year I'm sold!! no bashing here.

Well....., I still have to ask, why are you bashing? Until your post calling out those guys bashing his recruiting I hadnt read one instance of such. I find with recruiting people like to post doom and gloom, whatever the form, so somebody will come along and assuage their fears. Usually it's football that draws this type of response, but BB isn't immune either.
both guys he brought in last year got metioned all conference. not a bad start in my book. we lost alot cause he's aggressive and goes after alot! I like the Myer kid too alot of potential i think he'll rival Myers Leonard at ILL. and we were drooling over him.

Do you have bird legs, cannon arms and wear a headband?
I haven't read a post where anyone is "bashing" McCaffrey's recruiting. The biggest challenge any coach has taking a job like Iowa is to lure talent to a state void of east / west coast enticements. To make matters worse, we have sucked for a long time and are significantly less appealing than Butler, Creighton, Wichita State and many other mid majors that not too long ago had to sneak a kid in the back door to get him past the big boys.

I went to 8 games this year and am contemplating buying partial season tickets next season based on the outcome of the recruiting class. Does that make me fan of the year? Of course not, but my point is that I am 100% behind McCaffrey and went to more games this year than the last three combined. My wife was even converted to an Iowa hoops fan because of Basabe and Cartwright. With that being said, even she recognized those guys are about it as far as big ten talent goes.

McCaffrey has a big budget, nice salary, veteran staff, new practice facility, rennovated CHA, and had 11,500 fans show up to watch a 10th place team in the big ten. So yes, I think fans expect a bit more than they did when Lickliter was the coach. In lieu of a winning record, these expectations shift to recruiting and I think it is safe to say we have 3 nice project players on the way, but no difference maker.

Are you saying that Ogelsby,White and ? are projects?
I do not consider a top 110 recruit like Oglesby to be considered a he will be a frosh,which means the might not be an immediate ''difference-maker'',but a project is someone like Brommer or Archie...guys that take years to contribute.

The facility is not opening until August,and renovations will not be done til fall...and you are saying he already has that stuff? C' fair. Why not hold off til you know who he has coming in before condemning the class to ''project,non difference-maker status''? Again,seems unfair to label it before you know who is signed...but again, your call.
HawkIhoops you cannot be serious in another thread you said...

"I am huge McCaffrey fan, but if this is the best his staff can do after flying all over the country for a year to look at kids, then he might want to rethink who he has on staff."

How is that not bashing his recruiting?

How are we significantly less appealing than Wichita State or Creighton? Have we been losing recruits to them? The only recruiting battle I know of is Gessell with Creighton who grew up in Nebraska (which in another thread you said we shouldn't recruit him because he's from Sioux City -- despite him being a Top 150 recruit).
Iowa hasn't lost a head to head vs. Creighton yet but they have lost out on kids that they were interested in. Pierre Jackson will not go to Iowa, despite the interest. His two officials are to Creighton and Baylor. He might take one to Oklahoma or NC State.

Creighton has 4 kids signed for next year. 3 of them, Iowa looked at it but never got anywhere with. CU beat out Colorado, Northwestern, and other BCS schools for those players...and passed on Aaron White (who I still think is going to struggle in the Big 10).

I like Fran a lot - but I hate his staff and his "recruiter" is getting schooled consistently. Just cause he worked at a Nike camp doesn't mean he has any ties to kids and it has shown. Fran needs to get a TJ Otzelburger or a Steve Lutz type ASAP or he is going to be in trouble.
HawkIhoops you cannot be serious in another thread you said...

"I am huge McCaffrey fan, but if this is the best his staff can do after flying all over the country for a year to look at kids, then he might want to rethink who he has on staff."

How is that not bashing his recruiting?

How are we significantly less appealing than Wichita State or Creighton? Have we been losing recruits to them? The only recruiting battle I know of is Gessell with Creighton who grew up in Nebraska (which in another thread you said we shouldn't recruit him because he's from Sioux City -- despite him being a Top 150 recruit).

I believe the theme of the other thread was that a coach should be fired based on what the OP deemed poor results in the recruiting department. My point was that if we whiff with everyone who has offers and go the fallback route for the other two spots, I think some scrutiny of the recruiting strategy / personnel is warranted. Let's be honest, if we are still a 10th place in 3 years, we will be back to 5,000 fans at CHA, apathy for b-ball and talk about a coaching change.

With respect to being less appealing than the high mid majors, I am not talking head-to-head recruiting battles, I am talking talent. Wichita State, Butler, Creighton, have more talent than we do. That is not McCaffrey's fault, but we need athletes that can compete in the big ten and we don't currently have them. My intent was not to bash recruiting, but to voice my concerns over our PG solution being (apparently) Washpun.
Bashing might have been a little strong ..... question might be a better term . lol Anyway we all wanna see a couple good players end up here!!! thats the bottom line.
Iowa hasn't lost a head to head vs. Creighton yet but they have lost out on kids that they were interested in. Pierre Jackson will not go to Iowa, despite the interest. His two officials are to Creighton and Baylor. He might take one to Oklahoma or NC State.

Creighton has 4 kids signed for next year. 3 of them, Iowa looked at it but never got anywhere with. CU beat out Colorado, Northwestern, and other BCS schools for those players...and passed on Aaron White (who I still think is going to struggle in the Big 10).

I like Fran a lot - but I hate his staff and his "recruiter" is getting schooled consistently. Just cause he worked at a Nike camp doesn't mean he has any ties to kids and it has shown. Fran needs to get a TJ Otzelburger or a Steve Lutz type ASAP or he is going to be in trouble.

Now,there is a load of crap from BlueBoy....
I went and looked at CU's recruits on Rivals....they have beaten out BCS schools on two recruits....the big kid had offers from NW,Col,and Iowa...congrats.
Another kid had an offer from Colorado...thats it for BCS schools..nice try.
None of them are in the top 150.
The pg that you are crowing about? On comparable pgs,they list who? Wes Washpun....LOL.
As for Iowa...Oglesby was offered by 7 BCS schools...and is ranked #118 in the country....
White was offered by NW,Boston College,Temple...and Creighton passes? No indication that they were involved. Could be true,but if so,their loss,as White's stock as risen considerably over the past 6 months.

Creighton was in competition with other MVC schools for their other two got that going for you.
Don't come on an Iowa bb board and spin away about CU that for those who are ''true Blue believers''.
Have you seen White play? I have several times. He's awkward. Sure, he beat up high school competition but I watched him play strong AAU teams in Vegas and struggled.

Creighton beat Iowa for Groselle ... that doesn't bother you?

Pierre Jackson isn't going to be an option for you ... know why? You guys aren't recruiting well enough. It's Creighton, Baylor or NC State. Now, I don't know if CU will be able to pull it off with him but you guys are desperate for talent and aren't in the running for him.

The Jays have 4 3-star players signed. Oglesby was a miss by Creighton but they would rather have Avery Dingman now anyways. Ethan Wragge shoots better than Josh and he redshirted this year and has 3 years left.

You guys will figure this out next November in Des Moines.
Unfortunately Matt the D Bag is right. Our recruiting stinks right now. In fact it is awful.
i am disappointed in our recruiting but Matt is seriously overhyping creighton's always.

perhaps matt should address how UNI owned creighton in recruiting because they are actually in the same conference.

i also cannot take seriously a guy who rips aaron white but his team signed Will Artino
Have you seen White play? I have several times. He's awkward. Sure, he beat up high school competition but I watched him play strong AAU teams in Vegas and struggled.

Creighton beat Iowa for Groselle ... that doesn't bother you?

Pierre Jackson isn't going to be an option for you ... know why? You guys aren't recruiting well enough. It's Creighton, Baylor or NC State. Now, I don't know if CU will be able to pull it off with him but you guys are desperate for talent and aren't in the running for him.

The Jays have 4 3-star players signed. Oglesby was a miss by Creighton but they would rather have Avery Dingman now anyways. Ethan Wragge shoots better than Josh and he redshirted this year and has 3 years left.

You guys will figure this out next November in Des Moines.

Iowa will end up with five 3 star recruits...just watch.
Jackson has said that CU was in on him early,so he is visiting them...not that he does not like Iowa.
As for White, he has grown 2 inches and put on 25lbs since last summer,so,he is a different player than last summer....teenagers are not mature people,ya know? He outplayed recruits committed to West Va and other division 1 schools in his own conference this year.

Clearly,TJ Oltzwhatever,and Mac were world beater recruiters and ISU and led them to multiple Big 12 titles....oh,they stunk at ISU. So, now they fall-back to a mid-major,so we will see if they can improve at a lower level.
If it was not for stealing the coach's son from his commit at UNI,their recruiting would have stunk last year also.

And yes, it will be fun to kick CU's arse again like in the NCAA tourny,next december.
I find it hard to listen to a guy who tough talks a high school sophmore. Thank GOD he is no longer on 1460!

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